Brother Kent has an official Youtube channel now and he’s uploaded a lot of videos dealing with a wide variety of subjects including creation and evolution, current events, Bible prophecy and more. You can check it out by clicking here.
On July 8th at 9:00 AM Pastor Kent Hovind walked out of Yazoo City Correctional Facility in Yazoo City, Mississippi, a free man!! After more than 8.5 years of incarceration, Pastor Kent finally returned home Wednesday evening. It was his first taste of freedom since before Obama became President. Can you imagine how much the world has changed since he was first locked up? Can you imagine the joy he must feel sleeping in his own bed and going to the refrigerator and having a snack whenever he feels like it? Can you imagine the joy of holding his grandchildren
Satanic, Illuminati: Doctrine That Damned America Dr. Kent Hovind 2004
Kent has been placed back into solitary! Don’t know why. Little information given as to his situation. Check for updates on and on youtube channel lonestar1776
“Good news, Kent is out of solitary and back at the Yazoo prison camp with a release to home date of Jul. 8! Here’s his latest email.” Admin Well, I’m back at the camp! 10 days in the SHU (solitary) and they never told me why! I’ll try to catch up after 4pm count on all my email and give more details. Thanks for all the letter and prayers! I have a Home Confinement date of July 8. They will give me a bus ticket to be home that night I believe. More details as I get them. What an
Just a few days after arriving at Yazoo City Federal Prison Camp, Kent has been moved to maximum security solitary confinement for “disciplinary actions”. The prison officials will not say anything more than that. So Kent has no access to email and gets one phone call a month. How long he will be in solitary nobody has been told. Whether this move has any legitimacy or is just the governments way of making life miserable for him for as long as they can is anyone’s guess at this point. Please pray for Kent and his safety until he is released
“Latest email update from Kent” Admin 6-3-2015 Well…. I’m in Yazoo City, Mississippi! Address here is: Kent Hovind #06452-017 FPC Box 5000 Yazoo City, MS 39194 but I MAY not be here long enough to get mail I HOPE! It will be 2 months MAX or LOTS less if they release me to home confinement that I was APPROVED for in Oct 2013 to start Feb 2015! We’ll see. I keep Rudy updated and he posts stuff on utube lonestar1776 as well as and They DID wake us at 3 am and load a PACKED bus to drive
“latest email from Kent” Admin Hey all. I will lose email for a few days again or at least a day when I move. Thanks for all the prayers and support! God will get the glory in all this! I met a man a few minutes ago who is in here and going to be transferred to CA soon. He’s from Cuba and was just at the private prison in GA where Daniel is going. He heard my name and told me a long story about how my videos are in that prison and they changed his life for the
“Latest email from Kent” Admin Looks like a for sure to be driven to Jax in the am and then Conair to OK for who knows how long. Then a 10 hr bus ride in chains again to Yazoo. Maybe someone needs to suggest to them that I get one of the 4 FURLOUGHS they OWE me and I’ll walk from here to Yazoo to sign the paper or whatever it is they want from me? This reminds me of the time Jesus cast the demon out of the boy and it “tear him” and threw him on the ground
“Here’s a second email sent out by Kent today.” Admin Hey gang! I’m back on corlinks and getting lots of messages already! Phone still does not work.

I will be moved soon- maybe Thursday to OK then to Yazoo. Maybe they are getting enough calls, letters etc that they are, like Pharaoh EVENTUALLY got, sick of me and ready to PAY me to leave Egypt!

Here are a few more “first time in a year” items to add to the last list: 19. Salt for the food! 20. A shower with hot and cold where I get to
“Received the following email from Kent. He is now in the final stages for his eventual release.” Admin Well, I’m in Tallahassee transfer center (again). My 4th time. It looks like I may be moved in a few days (in chains again

) to Jacksonville, Fl to catch conair to OK transfer center then after x days to Yazoo City, MS. Just as I predicted. :(( Oh well, Rom. 8:28!

On the positive side… in the last 24 hrs I had quite a few 1st time in over a year. I spent a year and a week
The prosecutors have decided to ask for dismissal of the charges against Kent so there will be no new trial! The judge is expected to make a final ruling later today. You can get the latest info on and this Youtube channel LoneStar1776.
Kent Hovind is interviewed by Joyce Riley of the PowerHour about his situation and upcoming trial. The interview starts at the 8:20 mark. Use the slider on the audio player to skip ahead. Listen to the interview
To keep up with the latest on Kent and to hear interviews with him from prison on a wide variety of subjects go to this Youtube channel. You can also visit his site as well. Kents second trial ended a few weeks ago with a conviction on a contempt of court charge and a hung jury on the other 3 charges, the prosecutors have decided to retry him on those 3 charges. The retrial will occur in a little less than 2 months from now. Please keep him in your prayers.
To get daily live trial updates visit this Youtube channel
Joyce Riley of The Power Hour radio show interviewed Kent live on 02/25/15, you can listen to it here. Kent gives a brief overview of his background then goes into detail on the events that lead up to his arrest 8 yrs ago and his upcoming trial starting next week. The interview starts at the 4:00 minute mark. Great interview.
Below you can listen to an interview with Paul Hansen a co-defendant with Kent Hovind in his upcoming trial starting on 03/02/15. If you don’t want to listen to the whole interview then skip up to the 29:00 mark and listen as Mr. Hansen describes how the deck has been stacked against them in this upcoming trial. This is a travesty.
Kent Hovind is a creation-science evangelist and Baptist minister who has already served eight years of a ten-year prison sentence for alleged tax evasion. Kent has a master’s degree in education. He founded and operated Creation Science Evangelism and has traveled extensively presenting creation-science lectures. He has debated evolutionists in over one hundred debates across the country. Kent also operated Dinosaur Adventure Land in Pensacola, Florida. This was a very popular creation-science museum/theme park. Kent also produced scores of videos on the subject of creation-science that have circled the globe and been translated in over thirty languages. Many people affectionately
Below are some new Youtube videos that have been put up with the latest info on Kent and efforts to get him out of prison. Here is a Youtube channel with many recent videos on Kent including lots of interviews with him. The public defender he has been assigned admitted to Kent that he has won maybe 5 or 10 cases over the last 30 yrs. and his defenders have refused any outside legal help. So things are not looking good for his new trial which starts Feb 9 but pray that God will intervene on his behalf. Please watch
“The article notes his new trial is schedules to start Feb. 9 and the same judge who presided over his first trial and who some say has exhibited an anti-Christian bias will preside over this new one as well.” Admin An imprisoned creation science evangelist and Baptist minister who refuted evolutionary theory and who has served eight years of a ten-year prison sentence is now fighting a new charge that would put him behind bars for life. Kent Hovind, the founder of Creation Science Evangelism out of Pensacola, Florida, has been incarcerated since 2007 over 58 federal counts that largely
“There are 2 interviews with Kent on this video. About the first interview, I couldn’t find an exact date for this interview but from what I heard it seems around early Dec. 2014. Kent goes into great detail about his case so people will know the truth and what a travesty it is. Kent’s interview lasts about 45 min. then Josh talks to John Haller, a lawyer, about Kent’s case and our out of control legal system for about 50 min. Then comes the second interview of Kent at the 1:35 mark with a continuation of the discussion about his
“Kent is still in the Santa Rosa county jail. You can write to him at this address: Kent Hovind, Box 7129 Milton, FL 32572″ Admin It Never Gets Old- 1-1-15 Today, Jan 1, 2015, I awoke to my 9th New Year’s Day in prison.

THAT never gets old, I can assure you! But that’s not what this blog is about.

Details of my case and upcoming Feb 9th trial are on; and several youtube interveiws for those who care to follow and pray Acts 12:5 style.

The thing that NEVER gets old happened at 5:15
December 2014 Update Dear friends and supporters of the creation ministry (as well as a few atheists, enemies, evolutionists and morons who are on the list for a variety of reasons J ), What a year 2014 has been! We are closer to the coming of our Lord and savior! That’s good J I wish it was true that He could come “any moment,” but alas, in spite of what I had been taught and had taught myself for 40 years… it is not true. After many years of research I was forced by the evidence to go back to
Only months away from being released to a halfway house after nearly eight years in prison, the popular creation-science lecturer and theme-park creator known as Dr. Dino is facing new charges in his tax-related case. A federal court Monday in Pensacola, Florida, scheduled a trial to begin Dec. 1 for Kent Hovind, founder of Creation Science Evangelism and Dinosaur Adventure Land, on mail-fraud charges in connection with court filings on land seized by the federal government in his case. As WND reported, Hovind was sentenced to 10 years in prison in January 2007 after he was convicted of 12 tax
Q: “What is Your Jail Like?” Dear “David”, Thanks for your letter. It is such a blessing to get mail here! (Prov. 25:25) I’m glad you enjoyed my DVD’s on creation. Please spread them around while I can’t. Thanks also for your questions about my stay in jail. I think my answers will help many so I’ll change your name and answer publicly on a blog site. Please share freely. 1. Did I break a law? No. As many people in the Bible and history can testify – going to captivity or jail does not prove guilt. Joseph
“Kent is still at the Santa Rosa Country jail” Admin Blog/Facebook/Newsletter for Kent Hovind 1. Well, I’m closer to home!! ? ? My new address is: Kent Hovind, PO Box 7129, Milton, FL 32572. It looks like I’ll be here for several months since the new trial was postponed ‘til Nov. 3. I have filed an appeal and a win there stops all this. Details are on 2. Under the 2nd Chance Act passed by Congress in 2007 I qualified for release to a half-way house in Pensacola last February! But….I Tim.6:10 governs
Are there contradictions in the Bible? Kent Hovind explains.