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In school we are taught that ‘Mutations + Natural Selection = Evolution’, but do genetic mutations really help evolution? Changes in DNA are supposed to provide the new functions that natural selection ‘chooses’ leading to the evolution of simply organisms into more complex ones. However, leading geneticists agree that mutations lead to extinction, not evolution into something better. This episode features portions of an interview with former evolutionary geneticist Dr John Sanford. Related content • Part 2 (http://creation.com/gu-sanford2) • Part 3 (http://creation.com/gu-sanford3) • Creation magazine interview with Dr John Sanford (http://creation.com/geneticist-evolution-impossible) • Mutations Q&A page (http://creation.com/mutations-questions-and-answers)
For more details visit: http://creation.com/cml71 Many people think radioisotope dating methods are an exact science that can determine the age of things conclusively. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss an article by Geologist Tas Walker from Creation magazine that shows how dating methods really work. Main article: From Creation magazine 30(3) How dating methods work (http://creation.com/how-dating-methods-work) Related articles • The way it really is: little-known facts about radiometric dating (http://creation.com/dating_reality) • Dating doubt (http://creation.com/focus-222#dating) • The Failure of U-Th-Pb ‘Dating’ at Koongarra (http://creation.com/koongarra) • Flaws in dating the earth as ancient (http://creation.com/flaws-in-dating-the-earth-as-ancient) • National Geographic magazine plays the dating game [More]
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-10 The account of Noah and the Ark is one of the most attacked and ridiculed sections of the Bible. This program summarises and refutes some of the arguments against the feasibility of Noah’s Ark as described in Genesis 6:14–16. Related articles – Noah’s Ark Q&A page (http://creation.com/noahs-ark-questions-and-answers) Was the Flood global? (Chapter 10 from the Creation Answers Book) (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabook/chapter10.pdf) Feedback – Noah’s Ark never happened? (http://creation.com/noahs-ark-never-happened) – Helpful in dispelling doubt! (http://creation.com/helpful-in-dispelling-doubt) Also see – Noah’sFlood Q&A page (http://creation.com/noahs-flood-questions-and-answers)
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-51 Why does Noah’s Ark need to be explained at the end of a message about sexual purity? What on earth does Cain’s wife have to do with a lesson on drug addiction? How does the extinction of the dinosaurs relate to a discussion about family relationships? People need to know that the Bible is accurate before they will base their lives on it. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss a prison minister’s experience in evangelizing troubled youth. Main article: From Creation magazine 28(3) Prison power (http://creation.com/prison-power) Related articles • Creation: Timely tool for today’s evangelist [More]
‘Information’ is a word we hear constantly, and terms like ‘biological information’ are commonly used when discussing living things. In the origins debate the question is “Where did information come from?” Richard and Calvin explain how this is an extremely difficult question to answer for evolution theory but fits perfectly with the idea of intelligent design and the God of the Bible. Related content • Scientific laws of information and their implications—part 1 (http://creation.com/laws-of-information-1) • Implications of the scientific laws of information—part 2 (http://creation.com/laws-of-information-2) • Information, Science and Biology (http://creation.com/information-science-and-biology) • The Marvellous ‘Message Molecule’ http://creation.com/the-marvellous-message-molecule) • Do pretty crystals [More]
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-32 Each new discovery about the complexity of plants amazes researchers. This episode discusses plant root growth that occurs in pulses in a “complicated ballet” with other processes. Such a complex dance needs a master choreographer—the Creator God. Main article: From Creation magazine 32(2) Pulsating plants http://creation.com/pulsating-plants Related articles • Green power (photosynthesis) – God’s solar power plants amaze chemists http://creation.com/green-power-photosynthesis • Kingdom of the plants: defying evolution http://creation.com/kingdom-of-the-plants-defying-evolution • Plant geneticist: ‘Darwinian evolution is impossible’ http://creation.com/geneticist-evolution-impossible • ‘Carnivorous’ dinosaurs had plant diet http://creation.com/vegetarian-theropod-dinosaurs • What! …no potatoes? http://creation.com/what-no-potatoes For more information on the creation/evolution issue [More]
Dinosaur fossils are often found in an unusual posture, characterized by their head thrown back, hind-limbs bent and tails extended. Over the years scientists have proposed different theories to explain this puzzling phenomenon. However, according to paleontologist Cynthia Marshal Foe, there is only one legitimate explanation, which is that the dinosaurs died of asphyxiation. It is well know that animals, starved of oxygen when the die, can go into this characteristic posture due to muscle spasms. This new understanding of dinosaur fossilization fits well with the Bible’s history, where many dinosaurs were rapidly buried in sediment during the global flood. [More]
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-39 Creationist often use quotes by evolutionists which discredit their own belief system. This raises the ire of many in the evolutionary establishment, and often they will accuse creationists of ‘taking their remarks out of context’. Richard and Calvin discuss a particularly damning quote by a famous evolutionist and show how it is often evolutionists that are muddying the waters surrounding this issue and not creationists. Main article: From Creation magazine 29(1) That quote: about the missing transitional fossils http://creation.com/that-quoteabout-the-missing-transitional-fossils Related articles • Did you know ‘Lucy’ isn’t the missing link? http://creation.com/lucy-isnt-the-missing-link • Are there any [More]
God’s Word says that the whole globe was covered in water at the time of Noah’s Flood. All land dwelling, air-breathing creatures not on the Ark perished and the world was repopulated by those surviving on the Ark. That means that all of the animals and their worldwide distribution has taken place within a timescale of just over 4,000 years since the Flood. How can this be? Related content – How did animals get from the Ark to isolated places, such as Australia? (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabook/chapter17.pdf) – The grey blanket (http://creation.com/the-grey-blanket) – Cuddly cold-cures counter critics (http://creation.com/cuddly-cold-cures-counter-critics – Hitchhiking Lemurs (http://creation.com/hitch-hiking-lemurs
Dr Lawrence Krauss calls teaching creationism to children ‘child abuse’. He wants to censor any science that contradicts his beliefs about atheism and evolution over millions of years. However, he doesn’t seem to grasp foundational aspects of the origins debate. Teaching lies to children is wrong. They need to be taught the truth about the world around us and what life is all about. To learn more about the science supporting creation see the following articles. Related Articles: Yes, living things change, but not in a way that supports evolution (http://creation.com/train) More articles on natural selection (http://creation.com/selection) Yes, speciation happens, [More]
Question 2 in CMI’s ’15 Questions for Evolutionists’ flyer focuses on evolutionist’s inability to explain the origin of the DNA code. In this episode Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss the question and the attempts to answer it. Related content • List of the 15 questions with supporting information (http://creation.com/15-questions) • Responses to evolutionist’s objections (http://creation.com/15-questions-responses-1) • Think you’ve got the answer? You could claim a $1,000,000 prize! (http://creation.com/millionaire
Most people have experienced the frustration of failing to find a location because they’ve been given confusing directions. But even though humans can often be hopeless at giving directions, the humble honeybee manages to give excellent directions, even though it does so in a very unusual way. Scientists have long known that when honeybees discover a new food source, they return to the hive and perform a special dance that, remarkably, informs the other bees where to find the food. But this dancing mode of communication is so complicated that it took Austrian naturalist Karl von Frisch 20 years to [More]
If you were able to choose the planet you lived on, which one would it be? Well, I would definitely choose earth, because it is so well suited for life. Whether you’re considering the Earth’s distance from the sun, or its gravity, axial tilt or magnetic field, one conclusion is inescapable. Earth is finely tuned for life. Many see this as evidence for a designer but others don’t. If earth wasn’t finely tuned, they say, we wouldn’t even exist so it doesn’t indicate a designer. But is that a satisfactory answer? Imagined you were dragged before a trained firing squad [More]
Many biologists have long touted that much of our DNA is useless junk. Richard Dawkins put it this way. “Can we measure the information capacity of that portion of the genome which is actually used? We can at least estimate it. In the case of the human genome it is about 2%” Thus, to Dawkins, the other 98% of the genome was useless junk. But these statements are based on ignorance. Just because we aren’t aware of the function of much of our DNA, does not mean it has no function. A recent paper in the prestigious journal of Nature [More]
Dr Lawrence Krauss compares teaching creationism to children as child abuse. He also compares teaching creation to teaching that Santa Claus or Hell is real. He suggests that evidence against his beliefs about atheism and evolution should be censored. Meanwhile creationists believe that scientific evidence should be taught to children, even if it contradicts evolution. People should be taught truth. To learn more about the science supporting creation see the following articles. Related Articles: Yes, living things change, but not in a way that supports evolution (http://creation.com/train) More articles on natural selection (http://creation.com/selection) Yes, speciation happens, but this doesn’t support [More]
Question 9 in CMI’s ’15 Questions for Evolutionists’ flyer has plagued evolutionists since the time of Darwin. Where are the transitional fossils? Evolutionary paleontologists have stated that the “missing links” are still missing and some, such as the late Stephen J. Gould, have suggested new ways of interpreting the fossil record due to the lack of transitional fossils. Related content • Dr Colin Patterson’s famous statement about missing links (http://creation.com/pattquote) • Famous Living Fossil ‘Link’ Idea Fizzles Further (http://creation.com/fizzles) • Question 10 — Living Fossils (http://creation.com/gu-qe10) • Who really opposed Darwin? (http://creation.com/holy-war) • The links are missing (http://creation.com/refutingch3) • Fossilized [More]
Question 7 in CMI’s ’15 Questions for Evolutionists’ flyer reveals yet another problem area for the story of evolution: How did cells adapted to individual survival ‘learn’ to cooperate and specialize (including undergoing programmed cell death) to create complex plants and animals? Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith summarize some of the data. See the links below for details. Related content • List of the 15 questions with supporting information (http://creation.com/15-questions) • Evolution of muticellularity: what is required? (http://creation.com/multicellularity) • Apoptosis — more evidence for creation (http://creation.com/apoptosis)
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-40 Since God describes His completed creation as “very good” (Gen 1:31) how did things like venomous snakes develop? Richard and Calvin discuss the origin of “bad things” after Adam sinned. Main article: From Creation magazine 31(4) Snakes: Designed to kill? http://creation.com/snake-carnivory-origin Related articles • Did a snake really speak to Eve? http://creation.com/who-was-the-serpent • What about the Snake in the Garden of Eden? http://creation.com/what-about-the-snake-in-the-garden-of-eden • How did bad things come about? http://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabook/chapter6.pdf • The problem of evil: pre-Fall animal death? http://creation.com/pre-fall-animal-death • Understanding poisons from a creationist perspective http://creation.com/understanding-poisons-from-a-creationist-perspective For more information on the creation/evolution issue [More]
Question 11 in CMI’s ’15 Questions for Evolutionists’ flyer focuses on the origin of meaning and morality. Without a moral law giver how do we get our moral laws? Evolutionists are at a loss to explain how good and evil originated via an evolutionary process. Related content • G. K Chesterton: Darwinism is ‘An attack upon thought itself (http://creation.com/chesterton) • Evolutionist: it’s OK to deceive students to believe evolution (http://creation.com/deceive) • Abortion ‘after birth’? Medical ‘ethicists’ promote infanticide (http://creation.com/abortion-after-birth) • The Biblical foundation for morality (http://creation.com/ethics) • List of the 15 questions with supporting information (http://creation.com/15-questions)
When the BBC produced the series “Walking with the Dinosaurs” a few years ago they had to search the globe for appropriate filming locations but whenever they discovered an otherwise suitable site the ground was inevitably covered in grass and back in the year 1999 that was an evolutionary impossibility. You see, until recently, most evolutionary scientists believed that grasses first evolved 55 million years ago long after the supposed extinction of the dinosaurs but since then studies of fossilized dinosaur dung showed that not only did dinosaurs and grass live at the same time but that dinosaurs actually ate [More]
Unless you’ve been living underground for the last few years, I’m sure you’ve heard of feathered dinosaurs. It seems we’re constantly hearing that birds evolved from dinosaurs, some have even suggested that KFC could change its name to KFD, Kentucky fried dinosaur. But not all evolutionary scientists accept the dino to bird dogma. A prominent one is renowned ornithologist Alan Feduccia of the University of North Carolina. He recently stated, “The theory that birds are the equivalent of living dinosaurs and that dinosaurs were feathered is so full of holes that the creationists have jumped all over it.” He further [More]
If Adam and Eve had Cain, Abel and Seth then where did we all come from? Are there people living today who are not descended from Adam and Eve? Related content • Who was Cain’s wife? (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabook/chapter8.pdf) • Cain’s wife and brother-sister intermarriage (http://creation.com/cains-wife-brother-sister-intermarriage) • Creation for Kids—Creation 31(1): Cain’s wife—who was she? (http://downloads.creation.com/cfk/creation31-1_crossword.pdf)