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At a forum on depression a young man said, “I think some people may have an inability to cope and maybe, this might sound a bit extreme, that might be Darwinian theory, the Darwin theory of survival of the fittest. Maybe some of us aren’t meant to survive, maybe some of us are meant to kill ourselves.” Now why did this young man think human life has such little value? Perhaps he’d heard people like Oxford Professor Dr Peter Atkins who said, “We are just a bit of slime on the planet.” Likewise, psychologist Susan Blackmore said, “If you really [More]
Most people don’t like to be told they have a big head, but some scientists might actually consider that a compliment. Humans have much large skulls than apes and since humans are much more intelligent there’s been a long-standing belief that skull size indicates level of intelligence. That’s why evolutionists tend to interpret larger ape skulls as advanced apes and smaller human skulls as sub human. But this evolutionary story has multiple problems. Neandertals were supposedly primitive, often portrayed as sub-human, but their skulls are actually bigger than ours. Also the winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize for literature had [More]
A meteorite supposedly hit Mexico, 65 million years ago, causing the extinction of dinosaurs but someone forgot to tell the duck-billed Hadrosaur. According to research published by the Geological society of America was discovered near the impact site in strata some evolutionists claim are 64 million years old. That’s one million years after the meteorite hit. The idea that dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago has lots of problems but entrenched ideas are hard to dislodge. Dinosaur researcher Dr Mary Schweitzer recently found soft looking blood vessels and red blood cells in bones of T-Rex. She said, “This is [More]
Were the events in Genesis actually historical? Where can we look for clues on how to interpret Genesis? The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Genesis Verse-by-Verse Bible Study Tool (http://creation.com/vbv) Creation compromises Q+A page (http://creation.com/creation-compromises) Related Products: Refuting Compromise (http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=10-2-575) Genesis and the Gospel Connection DVD (http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=30-9-556) Should Christians Embrace Evolution? (http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=10-2-563) Creation magazine (http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=90-3-001)
Calling someone a “flat-earthier” defiantly isn’t a compliment but many people believe that, in the past, the church taught that the earth is flat. Historian Jeffrey Burton Russell put this myth to rest in his definitive book “Inventing the Flat Earth.” He could only find five obscure writers in the first fifteen hundred years of the Christian era, who denied the earth was a globe. What’s more, science historian John Heilbron documented in his book, “The Sun in the Church,” that the church actually supported astronomers by letting them use cathedrals as solar observatories. The Bible itself makes some intriguing [More]
In recent years, NASA probes have sent back images of our nearest planet Mars. These images have prompted some scientists to suggest that a global flood once carved the Martian landscape, even though no liquid water has yet been found. The Bible records and event that certainly sounds like a global flood on Earth. Genesis records that, “All the mountains under the heavens were covered.” Jesus himself, referring to those not on Noah’s Ark, said, “The flood came and took them all away.” Unlike the illusive water on Mars, water covers 70% of the earth’s surface and water deposited sedimentary [More]
How did the peacock get such a spectacular tail? Bothered by this question, Charles Darwin wrote: ‘The sight of a feather in a peacock’s tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick!’ Some time later, though, Darwin proposed his ‘theory of sexual selection’ which basically says that the peacock evolved its exotic tail to attract a mate, thus helping it produce more offspring and thus increasing the numbers with attractive tails. But a recent critical review, published in the prestigious journal Science, has pointed out that the theory has ‘fatal problems’ and ‘needs to be replaced’. However, other evolutionary [More]
Why do evolutionary hoaxes and fakery continue to be taught? Some of the worst examples of this are explored on this week’s episode. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Embryo similarity (http://creation.com/fraud-rediscovered) Countering revisionism—part 1: Ernst Haeckel, fraud is proven (http://creation.com/haeckel-fraud-proven) Goodbye, peppered moths — A classic evolutionary story comes unstuck (http://creation.com/goodbye-peppered-moths) More about moths — A recent attempt to restore [More]
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-53 What happens when the physical evidence doesn’t match evolutionary theory? Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss the sorts of mental gymnastics evolutionists are willing to go through to preserve their theory, which highlights the fact that there is actually no tension between the Bible and scientific facts—only between certain interpretations of the facts in relation to the past. Main article: From Creation magazine 27(4) Kamikaze Ichthyosaur (http://creation.com/kamikaze-ichthyosaur) Related articles • Whale explodes fossil theory (http://creation.com/whale-explodes-fossil-theory) • Toy car rocks million-year belief (http://creation.com/toy-car-rocks-million-year-belief) • Keys to rapid rock formation (http://creation.com/keys-to-rapid-rock-formation) • The clock in the rock [More]
Question 13 in CMI’s ’15 Questions for Evolutionists’ flyer asks for the advances in science that come from evolution. Not only does evolution theory not produce scientific breakthroughs, it is actually a hindrance to science and irrelevant to scientific progress. Related content • Is evolution relevant or helpful to real science? (http://creation.com/helpful) • Genetic algorithms—do they show that evolution works? (http://creation.com/algorithm) • Understanding the difference between micro and macro evolution (http://creation.com/gu-qe4) • What! …no potatoes? (http://creation.com/potatoes) • “A Parade of Mutants”—Pedigree Dogs and Artificial Selection (http://creation.com/pedigree) • List of the 15 questions with supporting information (http://creation.com/15-questions)
What is the nature of the relationship between faith and science? Can the apparent separation between science and faith ever be eliminated? Many scientists are convinced that evolution happened, does that mean it did? Join the discussion. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: It’s not science (http://creation.com/its-not-science) Argument: Evolution is true science, not ‘just a theory’ (http://creation.com/refuting-evolution-2-chapter-3-argument-evolution-is-true-science-not-just-a-theory) Does science need evolution? [More]
For more information visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-6 Evolution says the earth is billions of years old. The Bible says it is about 6000 years old. What does science say? Discover the answer as Richard and Calvin discuss several scientific dating methods that refute the evolutionary timescale. Related articles – 101 evidences for a young age of the earth and the universe (http://creation.com/age-of-the-earth) – The earth: how old does it look? (http://creation.com/the-earth-how-old-does-it-look) – How old is the earth? (from Refuting Evolution) (http://creation.com/how-old-is-the-earth) Feedback – Immeasurable Age (http://creation.com/immeasurable-age) Also see – ‘Young’ age of the Earth & Universe Q&A page (http://creation.com/young-age-of-the-earth-universe-qa)
For details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-15 If the rock layers found all over the earth are a result of a global flood then they cannot also be evidence for slow deposition over millions of years. An understanding of what the Flood was like and what it could accomplish (geologically) is a key to understanding the age of the Earth. The Catastrophic Plate Tectonics (CPT) model is discussed as a mechanism operating during the Flood to explain many large scale geologic features observed today. This discussion continues in part 2, Episode #16. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDTsfMvuXdM) Related articles – Was the Flood global? (Chapter 10 from [More]
Many Christians today have a diminished view of the Bible because they can’t answer questions like, “Is there really a God?”, “What about evolution”? Are there facts to back up the Bible or is it all just faith? Creation Ministries expert speakers visit churches all over the world to help pastors and leaders equip their congregations to understand that the whole Bible, even Genesis, is accurate. We help to ‘demolish arguments’ that the world uses to try to convince people that the Bible isn’t true. For more information on getting a CMI speaker to visit your church, contact the CMI [More]
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-44 Grasses supposedly evolved after the dinosaurs died out but scientists examining fossilized dino dung (coprolite) recently revealed that dinosaurs ate grass. Richard and Calvin discuss this ‘time travel’ problem for evolution. Main article: From Creation magazine 29(2) Grass-eating dinos (http://creation.com/grass-eating-dinos) Related articles • Dinosaur Q&A page (http://creation.com/dinosaur-questions-and-answers) • Dinosaurs, humans and the fossil record (http://creation.com/dinosaurs-humans-and-the-fossil-record) • Did dinosaurs really rule the earth? http://creation.com/did-dinosaurs-really-rule-the-earth For more information on the creation/evolution issue visit http://creation.com
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-64 Even renowned (evolutionary) ornithologist Dr Alan Feduccia agrees that dinosaur to bird evolution is ‘full of holes’. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss some of the details on this topic from the article in Creation magazine. Main article: From Creation magazine 29(2) Dinosaur feather folly (http://creation.com/dinosaur-feather-folly) Related articles – What happened to the dinosaurs? (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabook/chapter19.pdf) – Sensational dinosaur blood report! Have T. rex blood cells been found? (http://creation.com/sensational-dinosaur-blood-report) – Archaeoraptor—Phony ‘feathered’ fossil (http://creation.com/Archaeoraptor-phony-feathered-fossil) – Chinese feathered dinosaurs, where are the skeptics? (http://creation.com/chinese-feathered-dinosaurs-where-are-the-skeptics) For more information on the creation/evolution issue visit http://creation.com
Is the big bang the only possible explanation for what we see in the heavens? How observations in astronomy fit with the Bible — this week on Creation Magazine LIVE! The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Bye-bye, big bang? (http://creation.com/bye-bye-big-bang) Secular scientists blast the big bang (http://creation.com/secular-scientists-blast-the-big-bang) Our galaxy is the centre of the universe, ‘quantized’ redshifts show (http://creation.com/our-galaxy-is-the-centre-of-the-universe-quantized-redshifts-show) High-redshift quasars [More]
Calling someone a mutant is an insult because mutations, which are copying mistakes in DNA, are almost always bad. In fact, we know many mutations by the diseases they cause and, to make matters worse, more mutations are added to the genome every year. In his recent book Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome former Cornell University professor Dr John Sanford points out the seriousness of this problem. He shows that mutations are rapidly decaying the information within the human genome. However, this is surprising because, according to evolutionary theory, mutations coupled with natural selection is the means [More]
Half a century ago, Nobel Prize winning biologist Sir Peter Medawar made a startling comment. He declared that the survival of a child in a mother’s womb contradicted immunological laws. Since the immune system normally detects foreign tissue and attacks it you’d expect the immune system to attack the genetically distinct child within her. Well, we now know that it actually does but the baby survives by putting up a very specific defense. Researchers at the medical college of Georgia discovered that mammalian embryos produce a special enzyme that suppresses the mother’s killer T-cell action. The human embryo starts to [More]
Have the continents moved apart? If so, when? Creationist Antonio Snider, the first person to publish on continental drift proposed that the continents separated during the Flood. Today his original idea is backed by cutting-edge computer modelling. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: What about continental drift? (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabook/chapter11.pdf) Catastrophic plate tectonics: the geophysical context of the Genesis Flood (http://creation.com/catastrophic-plate-tectonics-the-geophysical-context-of-the-genesis-flood) Probing the [More]
Some say that that there really isn’t a standard for interpreting the Bible and that all interpretations are simply the creation of man. But if that’s true then how can we know anything in the Bible for certain? Is there a universal way that the Bible should be read, and if so, what is it? Related content The authority of Scripture (http://creation.com/the-authority-of-scripture) Should we trust the Bible? (http://creation.com/trust-the-bible) Jesus Christ on the infallibility of Scripture (http://creation.com/jesus-christ-on-the-infallibility-of-scripture) Holy books? (http://creation.com/holy-books) Gospel dates and reliability (http://creation.com/gospel-dates-and-reliability) Is the Bible our sole final authority? (http://creation.com/sola-scriptura) The Bible and hermeneutics (http://creation.com/the-bible-and-hermeneutics) Should Genesis be [More]
How did sex originate? That is Question 8 in CMI’s ’15 Questions for Evolutionists’ flyer at the focus of this episode of Genesis Unleashed. Asexual reproduction gives up to twice as much reproductive success (‘fitness’) for the same resources as sexual reproduction, so how could the latter ever gain enough advantage to be selected? And how could mere physics and chemistry invent the complementary apparatuses needed at the same time. Related content • List of the 15 questions with supporting information (http://creation.com/15-questions) • Responses to attempted answers (http://creation.com/15-questions-responses-2) • Chapter 11 of Refuting Evolution 2 “Argument — Evolution of Sex” [More]
The final question in CMI’s ’15 Questions for Evolutionists’ flyer asks why evolution, a primarily religious idea about history is being taught as science. Science involves observing how things work in the present, not speculating about origins. So neither creation nor evolution are strictly “scientific”. Related content • The religious nature of evolution (http://creation.com/evo-religious) • ‘It’s not science’ (http://creation.com/notscience) • Common structures = common ancestry? (http://creation.com/homology) • Atheism: A religion (http://creation.com/atheism-a-religion) • Atheism (http://creation.com/atheism) • Atheism, agnosticism and humanism Q&A page (http://creation.com/religion) • Loving God with all your mind (http://creation.com/logic) • List of the 15 questions with supporting information (http://creation.com/15-questions)
What is something computers and humans have in common which constantly needs upgrading in computers but not in humans? The answer is software. You might not have realized that you have software but inside the nucleus of each of your cells a program is written in the form of three billion DNA letters. Intelligent programmers write computer software but what about living things? Evolutionists tell us that the information in the first living cell just appeared by itself, with no intelligent input required. But is that possible? The answer is a resounding no. Even one of Australia’s best known scientists, [More]
Did God create millions of years ago, or only thousands? Can we know for sure? How accurately can a date be determined? Watch this week’s episode for a discussion on these topics. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Genesis Verse-by-Verse — a free online Genesis study tool (http://creation.com/vbv) Should Genesis be taken literally? (http://creation.com/should-genesis-be-taken-literally) How does the Bible teach 6,000 years? [More]
For details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-11 Dinosaurs, those fascinating and mysterious creatures beg the question: where do they fit into the Bible? Evolution says dinosaurs fit into history millions of years ago. The Bible says that land animals (which would include dinosaurs) were created on Day 6 (the same day as people). Which view does science support? Get ready for amazing evidence showing that dinosaurs lived recently, just like the Bible says. Related articles – What about dinosaurs? (Chapter 19 from The Creation Answers Book) (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/cabook/chapter19.pdf) – How did dinosaurs grow so big? And how did Noah fit them on the Ark? [More]
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-68 Evolutionary astronomers are often baffled by new discoveries in the heavens. A recent comet was discovered orbiting ‘backwards’. This does not fit with the ‘nebular hypothesis’, a popular evolutionary explanation for how our solar system formed. Main article: From Creation magazine 31(4) ‘Backwards’ comet perplexes scientists (http://creation.com/backwards-comet-perplexes-scientists) Related articles – Astronomy and Astrophysics Q&A page (http://creation.com/astronomy-and-astrophysics-questions-and-answers#comet) – More problems for the ‘Oort comet cloud’ (http://creation.com/more-problems-for-the-oort-comet-cloud) – Halley’s comet—beacon of creation (http://creation.com/halleys-comet-beacon-of-creation) – Comets and the Age of the Solar System (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j11_3/j11_3_264-273.pdf) For more information on the creation/evolution issue visit http://creation.com