By (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation
Less than a week after controversy erupted over an announcement that a Muslim call to prayer would be broadcast at North Carolina’s Duke University, it has come to light that students at UCLA in California have been doing so for some time. On Friday, a video was published on YouTube of students broadcasting the call to prayer on the north side of the UCLA campus near the athletic field off Sunset Boulevard. While the audio is faint, Arabic-style chanting can be heard in the footage as students gathered on the lawn. The university does have an Islamic Student Association on
“How bizarre the world has become. Express a viewpoint that any rational person would consider sensible yet you are chastised for it. Political correctness is causing society to go downhill at warp speed.” Admin A Christian magistrate has been disciplined by a Tory Cabinet Minister for expressing the belief that children should be raised by both a mother and a father. Richard Page told colleagues behind closed doors during an adoption case that he thought it would be better for a child to be brought up in a traditional family rather than by a gay couple. He was shocked a
Many others are more than willing to try to reinterpret Christ’s plain meaning in Mark 10 because of their absolute adherence to millions and billions of years. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Slightly different versions of water’s constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, are relatively common in the universe. But how did Earth’s version of water get here? European Space Agency astronomers have been looking for clues using their Rosetta spacecraft to inspect Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. More… …read more Read more here: | Dr. Terry Mortenson of Answers in Genesis (http://AnswersInGenesis.Org) explains why the young age of the earth matters. He shows where the old earth belief comes from and the consequences of accepting it. Download the Episode Guide here:…
Michael Oard gives his views on the man made global warming controversy.
By Creation Moments Scientists have long known that honeybees communicate the location of nectar sources to their nest mates. The language that many species use has even been deciphered. At the same time, it was long accepted that bumblebees did not communicate the location of food resources to their nest mates. After all, it is astonishing enough that a supposedly simple creature like the honeybee had mastered the advanced skill of communication, but can even simpler bees communicate? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Since the Creation Museum opened in 2007, we have received hundreds of encouraging emails, letters, and posts on social media thanking us for proclaiming the truth of God’s Word in such a high-quality format. I thought I would share a few of these notes from Facebook to encourage you with the impact that this first-class museum is having: Great updates to the Creation Museum guys. Loved . . . the new fossils, glowing rocks and scorpions and HD graphics in the planetarium! Will definitely be back when the Ark Encounter opens for certain! (LORD willing) The food
Old earth creationists attempt to avoid the issue of ‘no death before the Fall’ by postulating animal death in the ‘very good’ creation. But is cancer and death ‘very good’? …read more Read more here:
“It’s hard to believe some of the PC lunacy that’s going on in Europe. If such attitudes continue Europe will eventually be taken without a shot being fired.” Admin Most of you are familiar with the children’s book Charlotte’s Web but E. B. White. It tells the story of the friendship between a spider named Charlotte and a pig named Wilbur. Charlotte starts writing messages in her webs to help save Wilbur from being butchered. The story is a classic and has been made into a cartoon as well. Charlotte’s Web was a 1953 Newbury Honor book and 1970 winner
This is a wonderful herb with a tradition of use spanning back to ancient times. It has innumerable uses in both the kitchen and in herbal medicine. Did you know that rosemary has been associated with memory enhancement since long ago? The truth is that it has even been referred to from the latter part of the Elizabethan Era to the Early Romantic period as the “herb of remembrance”. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance.” It has also long been used as a symbol for remembrance during weddings, war commemorations and funerals in Europe and Australia.
“Canada has some draconian “hate speech” laws which makes saying anything someone else may find distressing a crime as we see in this story. I doubt though that anything would have been done to this man if he had been saying this about Christianity.We will see such attacks on free speech coming here to the US eventually.” Admin I guess it’s not just the Islamic terrorists who hate free speech. Apparently, it’s also the governments of free Western nations. Eric Brazau has long been an opponent of Islam – but he has never committed any physical act of violence against
By Tessa Rath On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin discusses the origin of birds on The Universe Next Door with Tom Woodward. A recent series of papers published in the journal Science presents evidence of the abrupt appearance of major bird groups. Listen in as Luskin explains how these findings support the theory of intelligent design. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Creation Moments Many plant species undoubtedly became extinct during the Great Flood at the time of Noah. It has been speculated that many of the plants lost forever during the Flood offered better nutrition or medications than many of the plants we know today. This could be why, after the Flood, God allowed the eating of meat for the first time. Meat could make up for the nutrition no longer available in the now-extinct plants. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Most kids love and are fascinated with science. But, sadly, various science fields are largely used today to indoctrinate children into the belief that there is no Creator God. But observational science actually confirms God’s Word and is an incredible tool that illuminates the hand of our Creator! At AiG we love science and we want the next generation to consider being like Sir Isaac Newton or Johannes Kepler, who made huge contributions to science and also recognized that creation glorifies God. This means that we can use observational science starting from God’s Word …read more Read
By Ken Ham Every year AiG speakers present at dozens of conferences and churches all around the globe on biblical authority and the true history of the world as recorded in Genesis. These conferences encourage Christians to take a bold stand on the authority of God’s Word and help to equip them to answer the skeptical questions of this age to defend the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here are some responses we’ve received through Facebook and email on recent conferences: Thank you for coming to teach us at, Brainerd Baptist, in Chattanooga, TN I learned so much and how to
By Creation Moments How did life get started? We all know that the Bible tells us that life got started when God created it. But we have also learned, perhaps in school, or reading the news, that evolutionists believe that life could have started in the distant past all by itself if the conditions were right. Perhaps you have read that scientists can form amino acids in the laboratory. Besides the fact that amino acids are a long way from life, the amino acids made in the laboratory are the wrong kind for life. read more …read more Read more
A ‘sanctuary’ from a hostile outside world? …read more Read more here:
This third paper documents the radioisotope dating data for more meteorites, so as to continue the discussion of the significance of these data. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Even though secular geologists acknowledge catastrophic events in earth’s history, because they deny a global flood they have a different concept of the records in the rocks. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham The Galápagos Islands of South America have been used for so long to promote Darwin’s ideas about evolution that, to many people, these Galápagos Islands are now synonymous with evolution. But these beautiful and unique islands are actually evidence of a creator and a testament to the truth of His Word. Darwin understood the Galápagos wrongly because he began with the wrong starting point—man’s word. When you start with God’s Word, you can properly understand the unique features of these islands. AiG’s Dr. Georgia Purdom takes you on a journey through the incredible Galápagos from the biblical
“Is this the “canary in the coal mine” indicator telling us things are going downhill economically, we’ll see.” Admin For what appears to be the first time on record, Powerball Lottery Sales declined year-over-year. As the following slides show, lottery sales declined 19% in FY14 vs FY13 and even more stunningly reflective of a nation whose disposable income (and hope) is in such short supply, sales in the first half of FY15 are down 40% from the first of FY14. As LaFleurs concludes, this will make it very challenging for most Lotteries to manage their budgets… Lottery Sales are plunging…
By Creation Moments If stress is an everyday part of your life, or if some past trauma has continued to haunt your thoughts every day, you may be losing part of your brain. Several studies have linked such constant or obsessive stress with a shrinking of the part of your brain called the hippocampus. Studies show that under such conditions this part of the brain can become 25 percent smaller than normal. These findings should get our attention since we use the hippocampus for long term memory and conscious memory. This is the same part of the brain attacked by
While there is a straightforward answer, the issue of animal “kinds” is crucial to grasp when answering common objections concerning Noah and the Ark. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
News to Know covered many topics in 2014, but, really, there’s nothing new under the sun when it comes to countering evolutionist claims. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
This travertine rock formation in Nevada didn’t need millions (or even thousands) of years to form …read more Read more here: