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“Just more reasons to go organic”  Admin According to the new book Rich Food, Poor Food, ingredients commonly found in up to 80 percent of all pre-packaged foods on grocers shelves in the U.S. have been banned in other countries. As alarming as such information is, our food safety outlook becomes even bleaker when we consider other banned and toxic food items. The toxic banned ingredients in our food In the book, authors Mira and Jason Calton provide a list of banned ingredients which they term “Banned Bad Boys” as well as the countries which have banned them. Among the [More]
“Drink RO purified water, you can buy it cheaply from vending machines at most supermarkets.”  Admin New evidence has linked fluoride and other chemicals to brain disorders. What other unknown effects might this industrial by-product added to our water supply have? An examination of water fluoridation’s shadowy history reveals potentially disturbing ramifications for human consciousness. Recent research has brought the controversial practice of water fluoridation back into the spotlight, revealing links between water fluoridation and brain disorders, particularly in regard to its effect on children. Troublingly, the report found that side-effects do not only come from direct ingestion by children, [More]
No matter what season you find yourself in or headed towards, a jumpstart in growing time is always useful to keep your organic vegetable garden producing (that’s one reason transplants are so commonly utilized). Melissa Melton and Aaron Dykes demonstrate how easy it can be to regrow food scraps from their leftover organic produce.” Read More Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: Jumpstart Your Garden: Regrow Vegetable Food Scraps.
Tomatoes are often referred to as a vegetable, although in fact they are classified as a fruit. It’s understandable that this confuses many people, since tomatoes are normally stored in the supermarket in the vegetable section! Tomatoes are high in multiple different vitamins and this makes them an all-round great food to include in your daily diet. You can expect to treat your body to good doses of Vitamin A, B6, C and K. Magnesium, copper, niacin, thiamine, phosphorus, potassium and folate are all well represented in the unassuming tomato. The best tomatoes are bright red in color, have a [More]
For whatever reason, sleep tends to get a bad rap. For one reason or another, people don’t think they need it, consider it a waste of time, or feel that it really isn’t a top priority when they’re still younger. After all, you’ll have all kinds of time to sleep when you’re old. However, the truth is that sleep is very important and putting it off for a few hours one night to make up your lost shuteye another time doesn’t actually work. Getting sufficient sleep is essential to human health, function, development, and performance. It is part of the [More]
Many people are finally becoming acquainted with how plants such as cannabis are effective medicinally. Others are very familiar with the healing abilities of garlic, spinach, ginger and of course echinacea. However, there are so many others whose medicinal potential are rarely if ever mentioned and yet rival and even exceed those mentioned above in many areas. Medicinal plants contain a wide array of chemical compounds. They have a distinct order to their perfection. Natural selection pressures push these plants to “try out” variations on molecules to enhance the plant’s odds of surviving stressful environments. So, often, one molecule is [More]
Harm and death caused by medical errors are a huge problem, and a major reason why the current, fatally flawed medical paradigm is in such desperate need of transformation. Preventable medical mistakes are actually the third leading cause of death in the US, right after heart disease and cancer, claiming the lives of 210,000 Americans each year. When you add in diagnostic errors, errors of omission, and failure to follow guidelines, the number skyrockets to an estimated 440,000 preventable hospital deaths each year. According to the most recent estimates published last year,1 preventable medical mistakes account for about one-sixth of [More]
“This is only going to make a bad situation much worse. One must call into question the sanity of the people approving this madness.” Admin One of the “benefits” of genetically modified (GM) crops is supposed to be a significant reduction in the use of chemicals, such as highly toxic herbicides and pesticides. The idea, theoretically anyhow, was that herbicide-tolerant and insect-resistant plants, which make up the majority of GM crops, would make it easier to kill weeds and diminish crop loss to harmful pests. They would require farmers to use far less chemicals to control weeds and pests, so [More]
Internet dieting has exploded in the last few years, attracting many different types of eaters who generally lack the time to attend face-to-face meetings or those too embarrassed to get on a scale in front of strangers and admit their problem. However, being anonymous helps many of these people keep faithful records of their weight without the pressure of weigh-in meetings. Here are the 6 most common eaters attracting to self-help dieting forums and the suggestions to resolve their problem: Read More  The 6 Types of Eaters – Which One Are You?.
A new study of 9- and 10-year-olds finds that those who are more aerobically fit have more fibrous and compact white-matter tracts in the brain than their peers who are less fit. “White matter” describes the bundles of axons that carry nerve signals from one brain region to another. More compact white matter is associated with faster and more efficient nerve activity. The team reports its findings in the open-access journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: Physically fit kids have stronger brain performance: Study.
For the third time in the history of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the agency has raised its level of emergency alertness to “Level 1″—this time in response to the Ebola virus, following outbreaks in West Africa. CDC Level 1 emergency response, reserved for the most dire health emergencies, was declared for the first time in 2005 following Hurricane Katrina, and again in 2009 for the H1N1 influenza outbreak.1 On August 8, the World Health Organization (WHO) also declared the Ebola outbreak an international public health emergency.2 The outbreak began late last year. Affected areas include [More]
What if the very GM agricultural system that Monsanto claims will help to solve the problem of world hunger depends on a chemical that kills the very pollinator upon which approximately 70% of world’s food supply now depends? A new study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology titled, “Effects of field-realistic doses of glyphosate on honeybee appetitive behavior,” establishes a link between the world’s most popular herbicide – aka Roundup – and the dramatic decline in honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations in North American and Europe that lead to the coining of the term ‘colony collapse disorder‘ (CCD) in late [More]
“Great article on glyphosate (Roundup) and how it strips vital nutrients from crops thus making our food calorie dense and nutrient deficient, a sure prescription for health disaster.”  Admin It is high time to change the debate from the safety of engineering food to the pesticides that are inside the food. The technology is essentially about spraying a weed killer on the crops and the herbicide RoundUp is an integral part of the technology –the engineered crops are called RoundUp Ready. Farmers everywhere have been assured complete safety, higher yields and savings of herbicide. When these promises don’t quite pan [More]
Cholesterol in the bloodstream is carried within protein-rich packages known as ‘lipoproteins’. These come in two main types, so-called ‘low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol’ (LDL-C) and ‘high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol’ (HDL-C). Conventional wisdom has it that LDL-C is responsible for dumping cholesterol on the inside of arteries, and is dubbed ‘bad cholesterol’ as a result. On the other hand, HDL-cholesterol is said to be a sign of cholesterol being cleared from the inside of arteries, as is generally thought of as ‘good cholesterol’. I was interested to read a recent study in which the associations between LDL- and HDL-C levels and degree of arterial disease [More]
Capsaicin found in chili peppers is known to promotes fat burning and increase metabolism, but researchers are now showing evidence that they kill cancer cells and may even extend lifespan. Past research suggested that spicing food with chilies can lower blood pressure in people with that condition, reduce blood cholesterol and ease the tendency for dangerous blood clots to form. Researchers in Korea recently published evidence that suggests the mechanisms behind why capsaicin may aid weight loss. Spicing up your daily diet with some red pepper can also curb appetite, especially for those who don’t normally eat the popular spice, [More]
Investigations assessing the prevalence of scientific fraud and/or its impact show that the problem is widespread and serious—to the point of making most of “science-based” medicine a genuine joke. Conflict of interest is another pervasive problem that threatens the integrity and believability of most studies. We’ve been repeatedly faced with study findings that are clearly tainted with industry bias. The soda industry’s study1, 2 finding that drinking diet soda makes you lose more weight than drinking no soda at all is just one of the most recent examples. It blatantly contradicts a massive body of research demonstrating that artificial sweeteners [More]
Just a few ounces of nuts is all it takes to improve glycemic control and exert beneficial effects on cardiovascular and other markers of health. The protective effects on metabolism could be explained by the ability of nuts to regulate inflammation and oxidation. The last two decades have seen a proliferation of evidence linking tree nut consumption with a range of health outcomes. Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts are all examples of tree nuts. Read More  Going Nuts Over Nuts: They Lower All-Cause Mortality Rates And Dramatically Improve Glycemic Control.
It seems to be a common assumption that Ebola isn’t Aerosol and cant be transmitted via inhalation (a lot of news stories I read seem to make this assumption when talking about a story surrounding an infected person). While this is true for SOME strains of Ebola (4 out of 5), there is a strain that is Aerosol and transmittable via inhalation; the Zaire strain, which this current virus is a genetic variant of. Because of this I find that a lot of the precautions being taken, especially at airports, and in planes involving visibly sick people, really aren’t going [More]
“Sadly, since the government and big pharma are practically joined at the hip the chance that any serious consideration will be given to natural remedies is virtually nill.”  Admin Coffee, fermented soy, homeopathic spider venom and vitamin C, may all hold promise as anti-Ebola virus therapies, despite the common belief that nothing can stop this lethal virus from spreading uncontrollably worldwide. Fear of infection with the Ebola virus is becoming as contagious as the virus itself, with mainstream media outlets like CNN reporting, ‘Ebola outbreak could have ‘catastrophic’ consequences.’ Given the prevailing mortality statistics, perhaps the fear is, at least [More]
“Great to know a company of such dubious conduct is cranking out a vaccine, with who knows what being put in it, that may well be made mandatory to take if this crisis worsens.”  Admin While the world of conventional medicine lines up to profit from the Ebola panic, there is no mention anywhere in the mainstream media of the criminal corporation behind the Ebola vaccine. GlaxoSmithKline, now being celebrated by the pro-pharma press, is the same company that also has a proven criminal record of bribing physicians and knowingly distributing misleading information about the safety of their drug products. [More]
First Monsanto took over our Congress, then our Supreme Court, and now they are trying to take over journalism. Without freedom of speech and fair reporting, none of us would ever know just what hideous deeds these monopolizing corporations were up to. In Monsanto’s latest inexcusable move, the company is trying to have a veteran reporter fired for reporting on genetically modified organisms fairly. Reuters’ journalist Carey Gillam has covered issues pertinent to GMOs for the past 16 years. This is no easy task with the growing GMO controversy and its polarized pro- and anti-GMO perspectives. She has tried to [More]
The chemical triclosan has been linked to cancer-cell growth and disrupted development in animals. Regulators are reviewing whether it’s safe to put in soap, cutting boards and toys. Consumer companies are phasing it out. Minnesota voted in May to ban it in many products. At the same time, millions of Americans are putting it in their mouths every day, by way of a top-selling toothpaste that uses the antibacterial chemical to head off gum disease — Colgate-Palmolive Co.’s Total. Total is safe, Colgate says, citing the rigorous Food and Drug Administration process that led to the toothpaste’s 1997 approval as [More]
According to a senior health fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, the world has no strategic plan to contain the worst Ebola outbreak in history while scientists are saying an outbreak on U.S. soil would require sweeping measures. Total quarantine of cities or sections of infected cities and restrictions on air travel could be expected. “We’re now in a perfect storm,” Laurie Garrett said in a CFR conference call Thursday in which she described the United Nations World Health Organization as “bankrupt” and drowning in debt. “There is no strategic plan for how this epidemic will be brought under [More]
“I posted this because it’s interesting reading, however there is no way of knowing if his information from “inside sources” is accurate or not. All we can do is watch and see how this Ebola drama unfolds. The world in general seems to be getting more and more chaotic, so get right with God folks if you’re not, hard times are coming.” Admin Monsanto, or Monsatan as many call them, has partnered with the Department of Defense to use a proxy third party company to develop a vaccine against Ebola. The seed money began at $1.5 million. The value of [More]
Magnesium is an essential mineral for staying healthy and is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Multiple health benefits of magnesium include transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production, and the formation of healthy bones and teeth. Findings published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicated that for every 50 mg per day increase in intake of the mineral, the risk of cancer was modestly reduced by 7%. A notable study of more than 4,600 Americans, begun in 1985, found the risk of developing metabolic syndrome over the next 15 years was [More]
“If this outbreak gets worse this is something that very likely will happen. Who knows what they will put in these vaccines and the option of refusing will not be available. Something to think about.”  Admin As the Ebola death toll rises and as images of bodiesbeing abandoned in the streets of Liberia are broadcast around the globe, there has been a growing outcry for the scientific community to “do something” about this deadly virus.  And as luck would have it, there is an “experimental Ebola vaccine” that is ready to be tested on humans next month.  If Ebola starts to spread [More]
“Eisenhower warned when he left office about the influence of the military-industrial complex and this is a perfect example of what he meant. This insane GMO policy is still being pushed today.”  Admin Studies that link Genetically Modified (GM) food to multiple human health ailments are not the only thing that has millions of people questioning the production of GM food. The fact that previously classified secret government documents show how the Bush administration developed ways to retaliate against countries that were refusing to use GM seeds is another. If documents regarding our food are required to be concealed from [More]