By Christina Sarich It’s unfortunate, but mothers and babies who receive federally-funded WIC assistance (Women, Infants and Children Program) are usually provided with formula comprised of GMO ingredients, including GMO corn and GMO soy. Mothers who desire organic baby formula for their developing children are denied it. Are the poor relegated to carcinogenic, developmentally-altering, genetically modified food, and nothing else? If Nestle/Gerber have their way, government subsidies will continue to pay for their toxic products – no matter that they will be negatively affecting the health of children of future generations. In California alone, more than 1.45 million participants take
By caseadams Having been shown effective as an herbal medicine for testicular conditions, prostate irritation and urination frequency problems for centuries in traditional medicine, numerous studies on Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens or Serenoa serrulata) for prostate conditions illustrated its effectiveness. But two recent reviews have seemingly stolen away Saw palmetto’s shine. This has forced us to ask: Are the reviews credible? And more importantly, is Saw palmetto useful for prostate conditions or not? In other words, was Saw palmetto’s long-lived reputation for easing urinary difficulties and prostate enlargement and its subsequent inclusion into the US Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary in
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola “America would be far, far healthier if the government had never told us what to eat.” – Joel Salatin in “Freedom From Choice” Life is about choice. Every day we make choices that determine how we want to live—what we eat, what we read, whom we elect, and so on. But what if these choices are just an illusion? In an era when regulations and red tape rule every industry, with lobby groups and big business wielding more influence than ever before, your daily choices have become increasingly limited. And when your options are
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here:
By dr. susai Eating before bedtime used to be taboo – meaning it was preached to us over and over that eating before bed would make you prone to fat gain. That conventional wisdom is still true to some extent, however, there are some exceptions to the rule. If you are an athlete, working out regularly, looking to add mass, or even burn fat there are certain foods that are fine to eat before bedtime – almonds are one of those foods. This post will discuss why you should eat almonds before bed. Why Eat Almonds Before Bed? Your body
Want to get the latest natural health news then tune into Health Talk Radio Lots of great programs you can listen to online and even download for free. There is a slide show of the available programs, click on any and see a list of previous episodes that can be downloaded
Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely thick and sticky consistency. However, if you’re looking for a cheap, natural remedy for several common skin and hair complaints, then castor oil is definitely worth your time. Castor oil for regrowing and thickening hair, eyelashes and eyebrows I first stumbled on castor oil as a remedy for regrowing thin eyebrows. I had over-plucked my brows back in the nineties when it was the hip thing to have pencil thin brows, and they never did quite recover. It became necessary for me to
Are you tired of purchasing pricey household cleaning products? Are you leery of them, as they can be toxic and therefore dangerous to children and pets (and you as well)? It’s understandable – and in addition, because 1 in 3 people suffer from ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis or allergies (1) – removing synthetic chemicals in the home can go a long way in relieving these issues. (2) Thankfully, there are many homemade, safe, non-toxic and gentle on the environment home cleansers you can make yourself, and best of all, they are cheap! Stock up on several empty spray
“Just when you think the psychiatric industry could not come up with anymore bogus disorders here they go again and this one is the craziest yet. Concerned about eating healthy then you’re a mental case at least that’s what they think. It seems like the world is getting more bizarre by the day.” Admin In an attempt to curb the mass rush for food change and reform, psychiatry has green lighted a public relations push to spread awareness about their new buzzword “orthorexia nervosa,” defined as “a pathological obsession for biologically pure and healthy nutrition.” In other words, experts are
“Is it any wonder people don’t trust vaccines, you never know what they are putting in them, especially in third world countries.” Admin According to LifeSiteNews, a Catholic publication, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association is charging UNICEF and WHO with sterilizing millions of girls and women under cover of an anti-tetanus vaccination program sponsored by the Kenyan government. The Kenyan government denies there is anything wrong with the vaccine, and says it is perfectly safe. The Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, however, saw evidence to the contrary, and had six different samples of the tetanus vaccine from various locations around Kenya
By dr. susai Antibiotics are used to kill bacteria and they don’t differentiate between good or bed bacteria. As a result every time you swallow antibiotics, you kill the beneficial bacteria within your intestines. Good bacteria in the gut help people in many ways, including helping make vitamins and boosting immunity. Some researchers think that killing them off with antibiotics may be contributing to an increase in chronic health conditions such as obesity, asthma and cancer. If you do need to take antibiotics you should also take probiotics which will help to restore the good bacteria in your gut. 12
“It’s clear from this article that the FDA is looking out for someone’s interests but it certainly isn’t the public’s. Is there any agency in our government that isn’t corrupt?” Admin Agents of the Food and Drug Administration know better than anyone else just how bad scientific misbehavior can get. Reading the FDA’s inspection files feels almost like watching a highlights reel from a Scientists Gone Wildvideo. It’s a seemingly endless stream of lurid vignettes—each of which catches a medical researcher in an unguarded moment, succumbing to the temptation to do things he knows he really shouldn’t be doing. Faked
By jeery park Lemon is a common, inexpensive, easily available and most widely used citrus fruit. Its characteristic flavour and refreshing smell make it a popular fruit for drinks. It is used in lemonade, soft drinks, cocktails and tea. It has a long list of benefits. In India, it is used as medicine for many health problems. Thus, lemon is a popular citrus fruit that can be used in various ways. It can be used with other beneficial ingredients like honey, salt, etc. to enhance its benefits. How to make lemon juice 1. Wake up. 2. Go straight to the
By Rosalina When someone goes to the grocery store and buys an item off of the shelf, then brings it home to feed their family, there is an assumption on the part of the consumer. The assumption is that since a given product has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration — the supposed guardian of food and medicine safety that it is therefore safe. There are, however, ingredients in the many common foods that the FDA should never have approved due to their dubious health effects and to the fact that they have been linked to a variety
(Video) Wendie Pett, health expert and fitness coach, reveals a few excellet isometric exercises to do in the car when you’re stuck in traffic or at a red light! (Caution: Don’t do these isometric exercises while driving!) Watch video » How to Exercise in the Car – Isometric Exercises You Can Do In the Car by Wendie Pett.
By greenmedinfo About the Atkins Diet So what is the Atkins Diet and similar diets all about? Dr. John Salerno discusses the principles of the diet. Find out what you can really eat and what you should emphasize in the diet. Contributor(s): Salerno, John Dr. Source: iHeathTube The post What You Need to Know About the Atkins Diet appeared first on GreenMedTV. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info
By Mike Barrett Typical chocolate delivered in our processed world is nothing more than a sweet treat. But indulging in this delicious food doesn’t have to result in negative health consequences; in fact, consuming dark chocolate has been shown to actually boost health through the deliverance of various disease-fighting compounds, such as antioxidants, flavanoids, and more. Dark chocolate isn’t equal to the processed junk served at any gas station today. This chocolate is at least 70% cocoa or cacao, and offers naturally health-boosting compounds. The more bitter the better. Anything less is too watered down with milk and saturated with
By (Activist) By Higher Perspectives Everyone’s seen them, they always steal my focus when they float across my vision. Most people assume they’re dust or a small fuzz in their eye, but in reality, they’re not what anyone expected them to be. I had them all the time when I was a kid. I was always outside playing and looking up at the sky. I would always try to play with the floaters and move them around trying to make them do as I commanded. However, our minds and eyes can do some amazing things and you’ll never guess
Although identical twins are born with “nearly identical” DNA, that DNA changes over their life span. It can change due to the foods they eat, environmental toxicity and the chemicals they’re exposed to in their lifetime. Identical twins are also excellent subjects for study because they allow us to observe the effects of toxicity on the human body on two different bodies with the same genetic make-up. So if only one twin has a prolonged exposure to something like cigarettes, and the other one doesn’t, we can visually assess some very interesting physical changes taking place. These pictures tell that
By (Activist) Illustrator’s source: The Rundown Live By Heather Callaghan Which came first – the loneliness and depression caused by binge-watching television, or watching television because you’re lonely and depressed? Researchers think they pinpointed the answer to the vicious cycle (below) – and I think they are only partially correct. Literal years of people’s lives have been offered up on the altar of television. The glowing, flickering idol and a self-contained evolving scripture using imagery that speaks to the subconscious. If only we had known as the years ticked by, that it was not only a time parasite but
By greenmedinfo Vaccine Causes Autism Dr. Stephanie Seneff discusses the potential connection between vaccines and autism. It’s a hotly-debated topic. Here she gets specific into what ingredient in the vaccine may be linked to autism and other conditions. Find out what her research has found. You may think differently after watching this! Contributor(s): Seneff, Stephanie Dr. Source: iHealthTube The post Vaccine Causes Autism – The Best Explanation I’ve Ever Heard! appeared first on GreenMedTV. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info
By (Activist Post) Center for Food Safety today expressed deep concern over the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) decision to approve a first-of-its-kind genetically engineered (GE) apple that doesn’t brown after bruising or slicing. The apple, developed by the company Okanagan Specialty Fruits, uses a relatively new form of genetic engineering called RNA interference or gene silencing, which has raised numerous concerns from consumer groups, environmentalists, and the apple industry. Like other GE products in the U.S., no mandatory labeling will be required. This approval allows commercial production of Granny Smith and Golden Delicious varieties of Okanagan’s non-browning “Arctic”
By Vaccines are proven safe, right? You may be surprised to find how non-evidence based this belief really is…. read more …read more Read more here: Green Med info
By Phyllis New studies show that eating raw, pulverized garlic every day reduces the risk of lung and bowel cancer (and possibly others as well, these were two that were studied thus far) quite dramatically – as much as 40% and possibly even more. It is thought that the primary reason behind the drastic reduction in cancer risk is the compound allicin. The amount of garlic consumed in patients that saw this potent anti-cancer benefit was typically the equivalent of 1-3 full cloves of garlic a day. It is unclear whether there is a particular compound that causes this potent
By Mike Barrett If the natural health world had any impact on you during 2014, it was probably the simple incorporation of health-boosting foods and spices. One of those foods everyone should have stockpiled is turmeric – a spice largely studied for its healing properties. But in case past research didn’t stick, a newly released study is here to show once again how turmeric and its active compound curcumin can inhibit what is considered a leading factor for the development of disease – inflammation. Inflammation has actually been referred to as the ‘mother of most major chronic disease.’ It is
By Debi Elison-Warsat What do you know about aids? I am guessing everything that has been told to you, it is some horrible sexually transmitted disease, which is true, but do you know where it came from?But, still worse did you know that there was a patented cure that no one is telling you about? Patent number #5676977. Dr. Boyd Graves is exposing the not so secret U.S. Special Virus Program. It is time to tell everyone you know that the aids virus has a patented cure and demand your government officials to let it begin clinical trial for widespread
Eggs are indeed the perfect snack. They’re high in bioavailable protein and contain every vitamin. What’s difficult at times is creating that perfect yellow yolk without even the slightest hint of grey ferrous sulfide and peeling the egg without it sticking to the white. Here how’s to cook and peel the perfect egg. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease