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By By Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) Let’s be blunt: Western medicine will never really cure Lyme disease because the focus (like everything they do) is on symptoms, not the underlying cause. In fact, sadly, if you’ve been suffering with Lyme disease for some time, you’ve probably been labeled with a mental… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Paul Fassa Source: A Most Unusual Healer Who Was Acquitted of the “Crime” of Healing For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by PAUL FASSA Most of us know that healing outside of the medical monopoly is a crime, even as that monopoly rarely does heal. And just about any indigenous herbal approach to healing is considered quackery, fraudulent, or worse by by modern mainstream medical professionals. It’s amazing that one such character was once accused of [&hellip Source: A Most Unusual Healer Who Was Acquitted of the “Crime” of Healing Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – …read more Read [More]
People always fall back to the same old sources of high quality proteins including meat, fish and eggs. Regardless if you are vegetarian or not, there are plenty of other excellent sources which can be incorporated into your diet. More people are modifying their choices for protein out of concern for their health, environment, and economy and the following are very worthy alternatives over the norm. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Pulford People say that alkalised water can boost your metabolism, reduce acid in your bloodstream, and help your body absorb nutrients more quickly, among other benefits. What is “Alkaline Water”? The pH, or potential hydrogen, scale runs from zero to fourteen, with 7 as the neutral middle. An acid is a substance with a pH of less than 7. A basic or alkaline substance has a pH of greater than 7. Your Tap water is generally a mixture of chlorine, anti-biotics, hormones and other metals that will go straight into your system. Impure water can cause a weakened immune [More]
By REALdeal Source: The Same Question- What The Youngest Generation Answers Is Troubling For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by MARK DeNICOLA As part of a campaign hoping to inspire the rediscovery of nature (#RediscoverNature), Nature Valley asked three different generations the same question: What did/do you like to do for fun as a kid? All three generations took the time to answer the question, with the two older generations offering relatively similar answers to [&hellip Source: The Same Question- What The Youngest Generation Answers Is Troubling Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and …read more Read more [More]
By Jesse Herman Source: Anarchy… The Green Way For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN Food Is Free is a volunteer movement that is challenging our conceptions about food and the multi-billion dollar industry surrounding it. What drives Food Is Free is the notion that food is something which can be traded freely among like-minded individuals. How the project operates is this: People stop by their headquarters, [&hellip Source: Anarchy… The Green Way Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Christina Sarich Activists who try to film animal abuse on Big Ag farms often face a fine of up to $5000 for whistleblowing on the industry. But just a few short weeks ago, a federal judge ruled that Idaho’s controversial ‘ag gag’ law was unconstitutional, and said that criminalizing undercover documentation violates both free speech and the equal protection clauses of the constitution. U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill made his decision crystal clear in a 28-page ruling: “The facts show the state’s purpose in enacting the statute was to protect industrial animal agriculture by silencing its critics.” He [More]
By Activist By Josh Mur The medicinal benefits of cannabis used to inspire heated debate—used to. With ongoing discoveries and successful treatments, denying the efficacy of cannabis treatment is no longer… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Veronica Davis Finding ways to improve health and look your best naturally is more popular today than ever before. You probably have a lot of things tucked away into your pantry that can be used for everything from acne to skin care to hair care. It’s pointless to spend a bunch of money on expensive beauty products when you can create your own concoction that works just as well, without all the potential side effects. No harsh or unknown chemicals hiding, as you know exactly what you put in it. If your hair needs a healthy boost to strengthen, [More]
By jeery park After many modern researchers scientists make a conclusion that, cinnamon oils contains powerful chemical substances that have potential to killing bacteria and fungus, it can be used as a alternative treatment for certain diseases. It is also used to improve our health, immune system, kidney health and brain function. Home-made cinnamon oil recipe Required: Pure virgin olive oil ½ cup ground cinnamon Cooking pan and gas stove or similar appliance. Direction: -Heat virgin olive oil/safflower oil in medium heat stove -Now add cinnamon and stir to mix with the olive oil/safflower oil. -Boil for 3 minutes. -Keep [More]
By Pete Many of us don’t as much as eye pomegranates in the produce department. If we do, our quick blink at the odd-looking fruit is often accompanied by the same questions one might put to a pile of chicory: Huh?! What do I do with that? Possibly among the most underrated and misunderstood fruits, the pomegranate, Punica granatum, has actually been cultivated for thousands of years. Its earlier name, pomum (Latin for apple) granatum (meaning seeded), eventually became Punica granatum, which refers to the Phoenicians who expanded its cultivation. Pomegranates have been called “divine fruit” and are posited to [More]
By REALdeal Source: New Lab Tests on Kashi Reveal Something Disturbing For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by CHRISTINA SARICH An independent lab has found that Kashi’s ‘healthy’ GoLean Original breakfast cereal (owned by Kellogg’s) is loaded with the herbicide chemical glyphosate. What’s more, it actually contains 6x the amount of glyphosate previously found in Kellogg’s’ Froot Loops cereal. The Kashi brand has been in trouble before. The company has faced multiple class [&hellip Source: New Lab Tests on Kashi Reveal Something Disturbing Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Julie Fidler Whole Foods is in a world of hurt after the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs revealed in late June that the company was overcharging customers for some of its pre-weighed packages in New York City. [1] The company’s stock fell more than 30% this year and trading is around $34.50 – the lowest level in nearly four years. Whole Foods’ stock fell another 5% after executives apologized for the pricing snag and promised that it would never happen again. A Whole Foods shareholder filed a class action lawsuit against the company last week in a [More]
By REALdeal Source: EPA Releases Report on Impacts of CSG Mining. You Should Be Fracking Concerned For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by LEE “GENERAL” MADDOX The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just released their assessment of coal-seam gas mining — or “Fracking” — and its impact on water resources. And it’s not pretty. Massive controversy still surrounds the unconventional gas mining industry. The procedure for extracting natural gas (methane) from the Earth is called hydraulic fracturing [&hellip Source: EPA Releases Report on Impacts of CSG Mining. You Should Be Fracking Concerned Learn more at <a class="colorbox" …read [More]
This documentary ‘On The Back Of A Tiger’, can, among other things, forever destroy the scientific basis of all vaccinations. The documentary being made, which I am supporting, is the most important project of my professional life of more than 60 years and my over 40 years of struggle to end the horrors of vaccinations. If it receives sufficient distribution through grass root’s efforts, it will destroy entirely the scientific basis for vaccinations and change the paradigms in biology, medicine, and education forever, and for the betterment of our progeny. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Jesse Herman Source: The True Cause Of Addiction Might Surprise You For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com. by J HERMAN In the century or so that drugs have been strictly banned and criminalized, we have been fed many stories regarding addiction by everyone from our government, the media, parents and teachers. But what’s the real truth behind people who find themselves plagued by crippling addictions to various substances? The answer might shock [&hellip Source: The True Cause Of Addiction Might Surprise You Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information. …read more Read more here: realfarmacy.com     
By Michael Greger M.D. …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Rene Epps Antioxidants And Free Radicals! A free radical is a highly reactive molecule that can bind to and destroy body components. This oxidative damage is what makes us age. Free radicals have been known for initiating the disease process and are known to initiate heart disease and other cancer related problems. Now antioxidants on the other hand are compounds that help protect against free-radical damage. Also thought to slow the aging process, a combination of antioxidants will provide greater antioxidant protection than any single nutritional antioxidant. Mixtures of antioxidant nutrients appear to work together harmoniously to produce …read [More]
By Activist After an unfortunate incident in Los Angeles, this activist became inspired to raise awareness about ocean pollution. By Amanda Froelich If you can’t get enough blue crush, you best become an… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By By L.J. Devon, Staff Writer (NaturalNews) A new study from Harokopio University in Athens, Greece is giving regular coffee drinkers something to cheer about. After studying the coffee drinking habits of more than 1,300 people, the researchers concluded that regular coffee drinkers are 54 percent less likely… …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Christina Sarich Male fertility is declining, and for years researchers have been trying to figure out why. The numbers may seem shocking, but between 60-80 million couples around the world are having a difficult time conceiving, and there is a likely culprit, especially considering evidence arising from the latest study published at Science Direct. Titled, “Potential pathways of pesticide action on erectile function – A contributory factor in male infertility,” the study shows that along with heavy metals, radioactivity, and poisonous fumes of organic chemicals, pesticides are largely contributing to erectile dysfunction and the downfall of male fertility. Of [More]
By naturalcare A casual drink of alcohol even if someone has a drink every night does not mean that they are addicted or dependent of alcohol. There is no reason to push them to get alcohol rehab help unless you actually learn more about the symptoms associated with alcohol and substance abuse in general. Alcoholics and those that abuse alcohol are not the same. Individuals that abuse alcohol or other substances can limit their intake in most cases, especially when it comes to the use of alcohol. However, this does not necessarily mean they are not having problems with alcohol [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola As of 2013, 5.2 million Americans had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, a severe form of dementia,1 and Alzheimer’s diagnoses are projected to triple by 2050.2,3 Over half a million Americans die from the disease each year, making it the third leading cause of death in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer.4,5 Considering there’s no known cure and few if any effective treatments, it’s really important to pay attention to prevention if you want to avoid becoming an Alzheimer’s statistic. …read more Read more here: mercola     
By Activist By Alex Pietrowski For over the last decade, beekeepers and scientists have been documenting the decline of important pollinators such as honeybees. This decline poses a huge threat to the food… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Alex Jordon Black cumin seed oil is an important medicinal oil that been used for centuries in Arabian, African and Asian countries. Modern research is validating its many traditional uses for diseases: It has been used for cleansing the liver, treating diarrhea, reducing blood pressure, supporting healthy digestion, treating skin disorders, reducing fluid retention and stimulating the appetite, reducing pain and inflammation, regulating the immune system. Black cumin seed oil is popularly used in cooking as well as in herbal remedies, continue reading to find out what this super oil can do for you: 1- Black cumin seed oil [More]
By Christina Sarich In a recent press release, Campbell’s made several major announcements about improving the sustainability of its foods, including an aim to offer more non-GMO and organic foods. The company claims: “Campbell’s will be launching several lines of organic kid’s soups, and removing MSG from all their kid’s soups. In August 2015, the company will introduce Campbell’s Organic soup for kids in three chicken noodle varieties. The soups will be non-GMO and certified Organic. Pepperidge Farm will be launching several organic wheat versions of their popular Goldfish Crackers. Look for organic wheat versions of regular, cheddar, and parmesan [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In 1942, 59 percent of Americans were getting eight hours of sleep – or more – each night. Fast-forward to 2013 and that percentage had dropped to 34 percent. Further, the number sleeping a dangerously low numbers of hours each night – five or less – increased from just 3 percent in 1942 to 14 percent in 2013.1 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has even warned that insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic linked to increases in motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters and medical and other occupational errors. …read [More]