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By Sierra Bright Many of us are hypersensitive to cleanliness. We’ve been trained to wash our hands numerous times a day and to avoid contact with germs at all costs. As a means to this end, soap is an important facet of our daily lives. For many years, the market consisted of only bar soap and everyone seemed completely satisfied. Then liquid soap arrived on the scene and the debate opened. Which is better to use – bar soap or liquid soap? For most of us the answer comes down to the things we personally consider most important. Let’s examine [More]
By Sierra Bright Insects are an integral part of a successful garden. Some beneficial insects can actually help control and reduce the populations of detrimental insects, and many are responsible for the pollination of flowers, both ornamental and for food crops. By providing these insects with inviting homes, you can help promote their wellbeing and contribute to increasing their numbers. When spring arrives, you’ll have all the pollinators on hand that you need and many of your guests will devour the unwanted pests in your garden, getting the season off to a good start. 5 Reasons To Build A Bug [More]
By Karen Berrios When I was first diagnosed I thought of why? why me? I went through an emotional roller coaster for sure but after a while of processing what was happening to me I knew I needed to go on a quest for answers. I didn’t know much about cancer then, I just knew that cancer was a deadly disease and I did not want it in my body. I’m a strong believer of God, a higher power, a source of light that dwells in all of us and I believe this inner light led me to a path [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Heather Callaghan, Editor Probiotics could improve survival rates in honey bees exposed to pesticide, study finds In yet another study, Canadian researchers were able to demonstrate the power of… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Industrial agriculture, characterized by concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and vast swatches of genetically engineered (GE) monocrops, are touted as necessary to feed the world. At one time not long ago, it was up to small family farms to provide the food for nearby communities and ensure food security for the U.S. In an essay adapted from John Ikerd’s presentation at the 10th Annual Farm and Food Leadership Conference — Farm Policy at a Crossroads: A Time to Choose — it’s explained:1 “U.S. farm policies from the 1930s through the 1960s were premised on [More]
By Amy Goodrich (Natural News) Plants play a vital role …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Admin – Orissa Dr. Anthony Phan Health Impact News The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Dr. Anthony Phan in California. Dr. Phan escaped from Vietnam in the 1970s when he was 8 years old. He was separated from his parents and escaped on a fishing boat along with his 2 year old brother. Making it to the U.S. as a child refugee, Dr. Phan testifies that God led him through college and medical school, and he went on to become a medical doctor at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Phan talks about how his mentor at Johns Hopkins taught him about [More]
By Sierra Bright While just about everyone has a bar of soap at home, and probably many of them, especially if you’re a germaphobe, few people realize that its uses go far beyond washing your hands. You might really want to stock up when you learn just how versatile they really are. 1. Make soap sachets to keep deer and other wildlife out of your garden If you live in an area where a lot of deer roam, we don’t have to tell you how quickly they can make a meal out of your garden. Of course, rabbits and other [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola The first large-scale animal farm factories appeared in the early 1970s,1 designed for egg-laying hens. However, it wasn’t long before beef and pork producers followed suit with the aim to reduce overhead and increase profits, which also reduced the quality of the meat produced. Today, most meat sold in the U.S. is raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). In a corporate-controlled environment characterized by large-scale, centralized production, companies — not farmers — have identified means of production, processing and distribution that produce more meat for less money. The repercussions associated with these farms [More]
By Dena Schmidt, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Researchers from the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that the primary component of the spice turmeric, curcumin, effectively suppresses cell signaling and growth in head and neck cancer. The data was published in the peer-reviewed journal of the American Association of Cancer Research. The benefits of curcumin have been linked with a number of health effects, including its wonderful ability to reduce the risk of chronic inflammation – the cornerstone of chronic disease. This recent study shows how curcumin works directly in the mouths of persons with …read more Read more here: [More]
By Admin by GMWatch Excerpts: As a new study reveals that hundreds of unintended mutations were induced in mice by a genome editing technique, GMWatch asks what the implications are for the safety of genome-edited food products A new study published in Nature Methods has found that the genome editing technology CRISPR introduced hundreds of unintended mutations into the genome of mice. In the study, the researchers sequenced the entire genome of mice that had undergone CRISPR gene editing to correct a genetic defect. They looked for all mutations, including those that only altered a …read more Read more here: [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola When it comes to mental health, most assume the brain is in charge. In reality, your gut may be calling the shots. Interestingly enough, in the 1800s and early 1900s, it was thought that waste in your colon could produce infections that lead to depression. As it turns out, they weren’t too far off the mark. Scientific advances now suggest your state of mind is influenced, if not largely directed, by the microflora in your gut, and probiotics (beneficial bacteria) are being thought of as “the new antidepressants.” However, while it may be tempting [More]
By Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola In May 2016, I urged you to pressure poultry giant Sanderson Farms to come to its senses and join other major poultry producers in taking proactive steps to reduce its antibiotic use. Remarkably, the company not only decided not to reduce its usage but also took the step of going public with its decision to continue using antibiotics, saying the antibiotic-free chicken trend is nothing but a marketing ploy devised to justify higher prices. According to Lampkin Butts, president and chief operating officer of Sanderson Farms, “There is not any credible science that leads [More]
By Sierra Bright If you aren’t familiar with the term, gut flora, you really should be. Gut flora is the community of microorganisms that call your digestive tract home. In humans, the gut microbiota has the most bacteria and the most varied number of species of bacteria compared to any other part of the body. In fact, there are about three pounds of bacteria living in the human intestinal tract. Not all of this bacteria is good either. Depending on some factors including lifestyle, we can have an imbalance in our gut bacteria. This is known as dysbacteriosis. We need [More]
By Frances Bloomfield (Natural News) The more fried potatoes you …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM …read more Read more here: nutritionfacts.org     
By Admin – Orissa by Marco Cáceres The Vaccine Reaction Several years ago I wrote about the theory of “herd immunity” and explained why it is a myth when applied to a vaccinated population. The herd immunity theory was formulated based on observations during the early 20th century of how an infectious disease appeared to lose its capacity to infect and spread after more than half of the people in a community had been infected with the disease and developed natural, …read more Read more here: Health Impact News     
By Brian Keeping fit and healthy through exercise need not be expensive. You do not have to enroll in costly gym memberships, buy expensive gym equipment and exercise gear to build your muscles and stamina…. …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Bridgette Wilcox (Natural News) Radiation therapy (RT) may be …read more Read more here: Natural News     
Researchers presented new data demonstrating that blood sugar (glucose) and/or fasting insulin should be used to select the right diet, particularly for people with prediabetes and diabetes. …read more Read more here: Prevent Disease     
By Julie Fidler Scientists have for years theorized that the immune system and the brain are more interconnected than previously thought, with findings of recent studies backing this hypothesis. For example, researchers recently discovered there is a physical connection between the immune system and the brain’s blood supply. Now, researchers have recently begun to find out that there may be a more psychological connection. According to researchers at the University of Virginia (UVA) and the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Medical School, the immune system may directly affect social behavior in certain animals, such as mice. The finding could have enormous [More]
By Dr Lauren Deville, NMD A huge percentage of people who seem perfectly healthy on the outside go through life feeling quietly bloated and uncomfortable. It seems like everyone around them can eat anything they like with no obvious consequences, while they seem to react to anything and everything. It’s nothing so extreme they can’t deal with it, of course; if they found themselves doubled over in pain from a particular food or restaurant, they’d quickly learn to avoid the trigger. But they’ve never been able to pinpoint the problem. Their bowels alternate between constipation and diarrhea, with no apparent [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Brandon Turbeville A new study has confirmed yet another positive use for cannabis. A new study has revealed that cannabinoids can successfully kill leukemia cells. Cannabis has long been known as… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze     
By Rhonda Johansson (Natural News) It is a misconception to …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Tracey Watson (Natural News) The word “hepatitis” refers to …read more Read more here: Natural News     
By Julie Fidler If you’re planning to spend summer days by the pool or beach-side, you’ll likely reach for a bottle of sunscreen to prevent you from becoming red and crispy. These products are not all created equal, however, and it can be difficult to know what to purchase when you’re staring at the multitude of options available at the supermarket. Thankfully, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has put out a list of the best and worst sunscreens every year since 2007 to help you decide. This year, nearly ¾ of the products EWG examined offered inferior sun protection, or [More]
By Heather Callaghan By Gary G. Kohls, MD, guest to Natural Blaze An Honest Look at the Historical Evidence That Debunks the Popular Myth That Says That Vaccines Eliminated Childhood Infectious Diseases Over the 40 plus… …read more Read more here: Natural Blaze