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By Michael By Elias Marat A breakthrough in medical science could soon change the lives of millions of people who rely on life-saving implantable devices like pacemakers, while also paving the way for tiny,… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola It should come as no surprise that nutrition is a foundational consideration to optimize and maintain cognitive function. It’s well-established that healthy fats such as animal-based omega-3s — especially DHA — are vitally important for brain health, but certain vitamins are also important, and a number of vitamin deficiencies have been linked to impaired cognition, neurological diseases and mental disorders. Among the most important vitamins for brain health are vitamins B3 (niacin), B6 and B12. For example, two clinical manifestations of pellagra1 — a condition caused by niacin deficiency — are delirium and dementia. Schizophrenia also shares [More]
By Mike Barrett The 2 most important keys to a healthy lifestyle are diet and exercise. But Coca-Cola desperately wants people to believe that diet isn’t as important as exercise, which isn’t much of a surprise, considering the products the company makes. But what you may not know is that Coca-Cola is willing to sink to low levels in order to deceive the public in order to sell more products. A report published January 29 in the health policy journal Milbank Quarterly reveals that e-mails between Coca-Cola and top officials from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [More]
By Michael By Sofia Adamson Fracking is a popular industrial technique used to harvest oil or gas from deep within the Earth. On paper, fracking looks fantastic—it stimulates the economy and provides jobs. It… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Dr. Mercola Root canal treated teeth may harbor harmful microbes, the toxic metabolic waste products of which can have systemic health impacts and contribute to a variety of chronic diseases. The Netflix documentary “Root Cause” investigates these issues, interviewing doctors and dentists around the world, including yours truly (although briefly), who believe many health problems can be traced back to these infected teeth. Interviewed medical professionals include: Dr. David Minkoff Dawn Ewing, Ph.D., author of “Let the Tooth Be Known” Dr. Greg Emerson Cardiologist Thomas E. Levy, co-author of “The Toxic Tooth: How a Root Canal Could Be Making [More]
By Dr. Mercola Any time you undergo a medical procedure, including vaccination, there is a risk of side effects, ranging from mild to severe. This is particularly important to remember if you’re receiving the procedure outside of a medical space, such as is the case with an increasing number of vaccinations. Influenza vaccines, commonly referred to as flu shots, are available in the U.S. at drug stores, grocery stores and workplaces. Should you choose to receive a flu shot at your office, for instance, and an adverse reaction occurs, there will be no medical staff on …read more Source: mercola [More]
By AdminM Natural Compound Doubles Cancer Survival Rates by Alliance for Natural Health New evidence on a key nutrient offers hope to cancer patients; will the FDA snuff it out? A new study on annatto-sourced delta-tocotrienol (one of the compounds contained in vitamin E) has shown incredible results for extending the life of ovarian cancer patients. It is a stunning finding that should be hailed as a …read more Source: Health Impact News     
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) If you want to stay …read more Source: Natural News     
By AdminM Brandon and Cynthia Ross with their two children shortly after the birth of their baby, Ryder. Health Impact News Staff A nightmare that no family would ever want to endure began back in 2014 when Brandon and Cynthia Ross brought their baby to the doctor because his leg was swollen. We published their story on MedicalKidnap.com: Brandon and Cynthia Ross became concerned after noticing their baby’s leg was swollen. Even though Ryder was not crying excessively, had no bruises, red marks, or any outward signs of injury other than the swelling, the couple took him to the …read [More]
By Michael By Rosanne Lindsay, ND No one speaks of morality anymore. It’s not sexy. Morality – the extent to which an action is right or wrong. Syn. ethics If we lose our morals, do we lose our minds in the… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Vicki Batts (Natural News) There are a wide variety …read more Source: Natural News     
By Michael By Daisy Luther I know it isn’t just me. Every prepper I know loves a good disaster movie. Heck, it doesn’t even have to be that good for some of us to watch them. We just enjoy sitting back and… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Ellaine Castillo (Natural News) For many women, going to …read more Source: Natural News     
By AdminM by Paul FassaHealth Impact News Questions and suspicions have been raised in recent years about apparent collusion by the CDC and the Coca-Cola corporation, which would allow the marketing of their soft drinks while suppressing information linking those soft drinks to health problems such as diabetes and obesity. These questions and suspicions were pursued by a study published in the Milbank Quarterly January 2019. Its title is Public Meets Private: Conversations Between Coca-Cola and the CDC. Public health agency collusion that potentially benefits a producer of harmful foods or beverages is no small issue. …read more Source: Health [More]
By Susan Patterson If you have ever planted a flower, a vegetable, or any grass seed in your yard, you have most likely had an unfavorable encounter with crabgrass. This vociferous weed, though seemingly harmless at first, can rapidly take over your garden or yard, creating an untended, unruly looking space. The problems associated with crabgrass are not just aesthetic, however. This weed sucks massive amounts of nutrients and water from the soil, stealing life-giving necessities from your more delicate plants to continue its unprecedented take-over. It appears in late spring, sprouting up in any area of bare soil. Since [More]
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) According to estimates, a third of all women receive a hysterectomy (the surgical removal of the uterus) by the time they’re sixty years old. Amazingly, researchers estimate that as many as 20% of these surgeries aren’t even medically necessary. Let’s put aside for a moment how disturbing it is that so many doctors are willing to put patients under the knife when it’s not warranted. Instead, let’s consider some startling new research out of Arizona State University: the 600,000+ hysterectomies performed every year in this country could be contributing to the high prevalence of [More]
By Michelle Simmons (Natural News) A study suggests that electroacupuncture …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Veronique Desaulniers It may seem unlikely that those slices of commercial cheddar on your sandwich every day may be contributing to your risk of certain kinds of cancer. Sadly, however, if you live in the United States, it may be true. This is because of the many toxins found in American commercial animal products, especially in dairy. The Link Between Breast Cancer and Dioxins Dioxins are chemicals used in agriculture and in the bleaching process. There are over 30 different types of dioxins. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 90% of human exposure to them comes [More]
By Dr. Mercola The size, shape and color of your stool give valuable clues as to the state of your health. It’s so important, in fact, that in 1997 Stephen Lewis and Ken Heaton with the U.K.’s Bristol Royal Infirmary teaching hospital developed what’s now known as the Bristol stool chart. The chart, formally known as the Bristol stool form scale, was developed after the team conducted a study showing the chart’s usefulness for monitoring changes in intestinal function.1 If you’re in the habit of fast flushing, i.e., you poop and flush without looking at the contents, you should make [More]
By Christine M. Dionese, L.Ac, MSTOM (NaturalHealth365) If you’re gluten intolerant or know someone who is, you understand how difficult it can be to avoid gluten 100 percent. What lurks beneath, or should I say, in the gut, is however often what many patients are surprised to learn is the culprit for sensitivities and symptoms of celiac disease. Intestinal permeability and gut dysbiosis that aggravate or contribute to gluten intolerance are often the result of varying degrees of vitamin C deficiency and probiotic imbalance. It is simple math, when nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin C deficiency and gut immunology are [More]
By Julie Fidler You, dear readers, are intelligent people. It’s unlikely anyone has to tell you that fried food is unhealthy. Nobody bites into a deep-fried Oreo thinking it’s going to nourish their body. But if you’re like me, and deep-fried anything is hard to resist, there is something you should know. Eating too many of these fried foods … well, it may shorten your life. That’s according to a recent study published in the BMJ. It lays out the worst of the worst when it comes to fried foods and goes into detail about how fried foods affect your [More]
By Zoey Sky (Natural News) Pecans (Carya illinoinensis) are delicious …read more Source: Natural News     
By AdminM Click to enlarge. Source. America’s Fraudulent Organics Industry by Alliance for Natural Health We thought the problem was limited to fraudulent overseas suppliers; but fake organics are also grown in the US, and the USDA is clueless. Action Alert! A Missouri farmer has been charged with ripping off food companies and consumers by falsely marketing more than $140 million worth of corn, soybeans, and wheat as organic. Observers have called the scale of this fraud “jaw dropping” and likely the largest case of its kind involving US farmers. The level of deception in …read more Source: Health Impact [More]
By Michael By Tracy Kolenchuk Modern medicine, conventional medicine, allopathic medicine has many names, but little science. What should it be called? Bureaucratic Medicine. Conventional medicine is best… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Darnel Fernandez (Natural News) Growing herbs indoors is a …read more Source: Natural News     
By Dr. Mercola 1 The following nutrient deficiency is a powerful predictor of heart disease; recent research shows even subclinical deficiency of this nutrient can compromise your cardiovascular health. Magnesium Low magnesium is a powerful predictor of heart disease, and recent research shows even subclinical magnesium deficiency can compromise your cardiovascular health. Learn more. Vitamin D B vitamins Vitamin C 2 Based on the number of people killed each year, the third leading cause of death in the U.S. is: Heart disease Medical errors Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., killing an estimated 250,000 [More]
By Michelle Simmons (Natural News) Many people who suffer from …read more Source: Natural News