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“I always enjoy reading pastor Chuck’s commentaries, he’s one of the few pastors who is willing to talk about the true state of the nation and what we will likely be facing in the near future as he does in this article.”  Admiin Matt Drudge, owner and publisher of the “Drudge Report,” recently tweeted a cryptic warning to his readers, “Have an exit plan.” Here is how Susan Duclos reported the story in BeforeItsNews.com: “The economic indicators are bad, markets, the weakening dollar, banks preventing large withdrawals, news of China banks halting all cash transfers, in fact, economies across the [More]
“Well Mr. O is bound and determined to promote the CO2 climate change scam even if it means appearing idiotic. There is an agenda behind this and it has nothing to do with the climate, read this and find out what it is.”  Admin The night before President Barack Obama was set to address Californians stricken by a prolonged drought, White House science czar Dr. John Holdren told reporters that virtually all weather is being impacted by climate change and that droughts were getting “more frequent, they’re getting longer and they’re getting dryer.” Two prominent climate scientists disagree. Former NASA [More]
“This is insane! Now there are no limits to how high the debt can go from now til 03/15. Whenever this debt bubble bursts, as it surely will, the resulting economic crash will make the Great Depression of the 1930’s look like the good old days.”  Admin In 2011, House Speaker John Boehner established what would become known as the “Boehner Rule”: he said any debt ceiling increase would have to be offset by spending cuts. Politico reminds us about Boehner’s bold demand: “Let me be as clear as I can be,” Boehner told the Economic Club of New York [More]
“Those with dictatorial mindsets and involved in criminal activity are the least likely to be forthcoming regarding their activities. Mr. O has been described as secretive, control freak and hostile to the media. Therefore one would expect this slide in press freedom to continue unabated.”  Admin The Obama administration’s handling of whistleblower Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency leaks and the investigation of a string of leaks produced a plunge in the country’s rating on press freedoms and government openness, according to a global survey released Tuesday. The U.S. under President Obama, who once promised to run the “most transparent” [More]
“This is just another way Mr. O is bypassing congress and bringing more Islamists into the US. But since he fancies himself as being able to do anything and is a great admirer of Islam this Islamization of the US isn’t surprising.”  Admin A U.S.-born Israeli author and Middle East expert says the Obama administration’s decision to ease restrictions on those seeking asylum in the United States will open the floodgates to America’s enemies. The Obama administration announced last week it has unilaterally eased restrictions on asylum seekers, saying people considered to have provided “limited material support” to terrorists or [More]
“Excellent article with a lot of interesting information on Monsanto, it’s shareholders meeting and how our government is doing all it can to push these frankenfoods world wide. You can read articles and watch videos on this site that document the dangers of GMO crops so why is all this evidence being ignored? What’s the real agenda behind the pushing of these crops everywhere?”  Admin At a January 2014 Monsanto shareholders’ meeting, two rather disturbing trends took place (though, admittedly, neither was entirely surprising). First, it was readily apparent that the company has no intention of taking steps to label [More]
“It’s clear from this and other remarks of his he actually believes this, such arrogance.  This type of dictatorial mindset always leads to disaster.”  Admin Today, as news was breaking that his administration was committing yet another unilateral and unlawful executive overreach,  Obama was overheard telling French President Francois Hollande that as President, he can do whatever he wants. The French president,  here in the U.S. on a state visit, toured Thomas Jefferson’s plantation estate with Obama, Monday afternoon. Read More  Obama: ‘I Can Do Whatever I Want’ (Video).
“Once again we see those who support the 2nd amendment being portrayed as crazy right wing terrorists. Most likely Christians, conservatives, patriots etc. would be   lumped in that category as well. I think we can see where all this is headed.”  Admin Documents from an Ohio National Guard (ONG) training drill conducted last January reveal the details of a mock disaster where Second Amendment supporters with “anti-government” opinions were portrayed as domestic terrorists. The Ohio National Guard’s Civil Support Team practices in a May 2013 drill at Put-in-BayThe ONG 52nd Civil Support Team training scenario involved a plot from local [More]
“With the British government deeply in debt apparently they think becoming a hub of Islamic finance will help solve that problem. However, along with the money will come increasing demands for more Sharia law implementation. Britain is committing cultural suicide.”  Admin This report is from Iran’s state-controlled Ahlul Bayt News Agency, but there is no reason to doubt its authenticity. Baroness Warsi’s statement that “London is already the Western capital of Islamic finance, but we want to go further – we want Britain to become a global hub of Islamic finance” gibes with David Cameron’s statement: “I want London to [More]
Dr. Ben Carson, the brain surgeon turned popular political analyst, told WND Obama administration officials are “acting like the Gestapo” with the Justice Department indictment of Dinesh D’Souza coupled with the Internal Revenue Service’s political targeting of the administration’s critics. “I believe we are dealing with an extremely corrupt administration,” he said. Dr. Carson himself became the subject of an IRS audit after criticizing Barack Obama’s policies at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington last year.“I’ve always been someone who has been very careful about my finances and the way I take care of my business,” said Dr. Carson. [More]
“More on Common Core’s agenda of marxist indoctrination and social conditioning. Get your kids out of public school if you can or at least be prepared to counter all the godless input they’re receiving. There is a lot of good information on this site that will help you do that”  Admin While proponents of the Common Core claim that the new standards are focused on “college and career readiness,” more evidence is surfacing that a central purpose of the initiative is social justice and income redistribution indoctrination. Social justice indoctrination in Common Core is not just limited to language arts. [More]
“Just another  reason to send your kids to a good private school if you can. The public school system in this country is becoming  less about education and more about indoctrination and social conditioning.”  Admin The game is called “Cross the Line” and many outraged parents believe that it does just that. A middle school in Marinette, Wisconsin got a group of 5th-8th graders together and organized a really fun game that asked students to step forward to answer “yes” to a series of highly personal questions.  Questions like… Do your parents drink? Do you cut yourself? Has anyone in [More]
“Does he know something about the future that we don’t? A rather grim statement to be sure. If it does happen again, who will be put in these camps? Something to think about.”  Admiin Justice Antonin Scalia predicts that the Supreme Court will eventually authorize another a wartime abuse of civil rights such as the internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II. “You are kidding yourself if you think the same thing will not happen again,” Scalia told the University of Hawaii law school while discussing Korematsu v. United States, the ruling in which the court gave its imprimatur [More]
“Excellent interview about the dangers of evolutionary thinking. You can watch videos on this topic here.”  Admin Listen Now. On this episode of ID the Future, host David Boze interviews celebrated talk show host and author Dennis Prager about his response to the recent claim that man has “evolved to need coercion.” Prager observes that today, Darwinian evolutionary theory has replaced Marxism as the new non-moral standard of explanation for human behavior. The evolutionary framework already permeates social thought on phenomena such as love, religion, and altruism; now, Darwinism provides a naturalistic argument for dictatorship. Tune in to hear Prager’s [More]
“As I’ve noted before this injection of Islam into our society is not surprising since Mr. O is such an ardent admirer of Islam and has even granted the Muslim Brotherhood access to his admin. We are in big trouble folks.”  Admin Islamofascism: Caving to pressure from Muslim groups, the Pentagon has relaxed uniform rules to allow Islamic beards, turbans and hijabs. It’s a major win for political correctness and a big loss for military unit cohesion. Also, the sharia-compliant regulation threatens to expand the jihadi Fifth Column that counterintelligence already is dealing with in the wake of the Fort [More]
“It appears that law enforcement personnel seriously swearing to uphold the constitution have become an enemy of the state. Just another sign the constitution is being trashed and our freedoms along with it.”  Admin Police Chief Shane Harger of the Jemez Springs, NM Police Department was placed on administrative leave and ordered to disband his police department today. Harger returned from the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Convention on Monday, January 27, 2014 with a sense of knowing that, he as well as 38 other peace officers, shared the commitment to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United [More]
“Just another example of how they are conditioning kids to think being spied on continually is something good. Here is another example of such conditioning.”  Admin We’re sure that when adults glance over to see what their children are watching on TV or on the internet, they are not playing very close attention to the hard-core propaganda messaging baked into the productions. 21WIRE has already covered one of the NSA’s in-house child and student indoctrination programs entitled, ‘Crypto Kids’, designed to groom children by promoting skill sets for careers in domestic surveillance and spying trade craft. The level of sophistication [More]
“It appears now that Disney is totally in with the gay agenda and wants to make a fast buck from it. Something to keep in mind is that by patronizing Disney in any way you are essentially supporting their actions with you finances.”  Admin Last month, there was a major marketing push to attract same sex newlyweds to honeymoon in central Florida. Now, Disneys signing on with a major event this summer aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families. There are few family vacations as iconic as a trip to Disney World, and starting this summer, Disneys hosting the [More]
“Another story of government bureaucrats running amok, protecting us   from little girls selling cupcakes and to think this is called the land of the free … pathetic.”  Admin   America is being suffocated to death by red tape. You are about to read about an 11-year-old girl in Illinois that had her cupcake business brutally shut down by government bureaucrats. Her name is Chloe Stirling and her crime was doing something that we used to applaud young people in America for doing. Instead of sitting on her sofa and watching television all day, she actually started her own business. [More]
“Like him or not, he is sadly correct in pointing out the precipitous spiritual and moral decline in US and Europe.”  Admin At the height of the Cold War, it was common for American conservatives to label the officially atheist Soviet Union a “godless nation. ”More than two decades on, history has come full circle, as the Kremlin and its allies in the Russian Orthodox Church hurl the same allegation at the West. “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent keynote speech Read More  Who’s ‘godless’ now? [More]
Show this article to anyone that believes that the economy has actually improved under Barack Obama.  On Tuesday evening Jan. 28, Barack Obama once again attempted to convince all of us that things have gotten better while he has been in the White House.  He quoted a few figures, used some flowery language and made a whole bunch of new promises.  And even though he has failed to follow through on his promises time after time, millions upon millions of Americans continue to believe him.  In fact, you can find a list of 82 unfulfilled promises from his previous State [More]
“Yes, demon possession is real just as the Bible shows it to be.”  Admin A nine-year-old boy walked backwards up a wall and ceiling as startled medical staff looked on after his mother claimed he and his two siblings had been possessed by demons, according to official reports. The unlikely-sounding event was detailed in official documents after a child services case worker and a nurse both said they saw the boy ‘glide’ backwards on the floor, wall and ceiling. Both were shocked to see the boy apparently float after their mother had been subject to months of scepticism when she [More]
“Of course this would occur in NY which along with CA are the two states on the cutting edge of moral decay . Just another sign of the advanced moral and spiritual decline we are in.” Admin In an unprecedented court ruling, a Manhattan judge has given two unmarried ‘co-parents’ permission to adopt a child from Ethiopia ….. As previously reported, co-parenting is an increasingly-popular trend, especially in large cities like New York and Los Angeles. Co-parenting usually involves two unmarried people who agree to a parenting contract, where the responsibilities of raising the child are shared between the two [More]
A California-based legal organization is reporting a marked increase in hostility toward Christian students in public schools. “We have seen a dramatic increase of phone calls nationwide as it pertains to kids in public schools who are facing hostility because of their faith,” General Counsel Bob Tyler of Advocates for Faith and Freedom told Christian News Network. But Tyler said that the upswing in incident reports do not pertain to bullying from other students, but rather mistreatment by school officials. “[The reports all surround] hostility from teachers and school administrators who are curtailing the students’ free speech rights simply because [More]
“A moral and ethical decline actually started decades ago, one can see it in the debasement of music, movies, TV shows and culture over time. Mr. O since taking office in 2008 has greatly accelerated and extended this process to many other areas as noted in the article and much more in addition. We are in for hard times ahead, better get right with God if you’re not already.”  Admin It should be obvious to everyone that Barack Hussein Obama’s sudden rise to power had to be orchestrated by some very powerful and wealthy people.  We can speculate who some of [More]
“The backlash inspired by this proposed bill is indicative of how desperate the education establishment is to not allow any questioning of evolution, the  global warming scam or any other pet dogmas. The indoctrination program must be maintained with no opposing views allowed. This is the sad state of education we now have.”  Admin Upon first reading reports of an “anti-science” and “muzzling” bill, you could easily get the impression that “mum’s the word” for any further discussion on science/health topics like GMOs, vaccines, climate change, raw milk etc. One recent report accidentally left out a crucial word that changes [More]
“another debunking of the man made CO2 global warming scam.”  Admin I’m retired so I don’t need to keep my mouth shut anymore. Kept my mouth shut for 40 years, now I will tell you, not one single IR astronomer gives a rats arse about CO2. Just to let you know how stupid the global warming activists are, I’ve been to the south pole 3 times and even there, where the water vapor is under 0.2 mm precipitable, it’s still the H2O that is the main concern in our field and nobody even talks about CO2 because CO2 doesn’t absorb [More]