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“I’m sure she will gleefully accept this award. She is a perfect representative of the increasingly depraved state of CA.  However, she will be getting a different award from God on judgement day, I wonder how she will receive that one.”  Admin Next week, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America will present House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with the Margaret Sanger Award. The award is the group’s “highest honor” and is named for a woman who believed in breeding better humans through eugenics. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading abortion provider, having performed 327,166 of the procedures in 2012, [More]
“And who will determine what “unsavory speech” is? Just another step in transforming Britain into an total Orwellian society.”  Admin I have repeatedly written on the alarming erosion of free speech in the United Kingdom, particularly as a result of hate speech and anti-discriminatory regulations (here and here and here). Now, Security and Immigration Minister, James Brokenshire, has stated that the government is not content with censoring language viewed as terroristic but wants to remove “”unsavoury” content.” He acknowledges that such content is not illegal but express a desire to sanitize the web of such speech. Brokenshire is an example [More]
“We are a society flirting with disaster in many ways as you’ll see in this article.”  Admin Is America the greatest nation on the planet? Before you answer that question, you might want to check out the statistics that I have shared in this article first. The reality is that the United States is in a deep state of decline, and it is getting harder to deny that fact with each passing day. Mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially we are a train wreck. Many who are “patriotic” attempt to put a happy face on our growing problems, but the [More]
“Any talk of a “recovery” is specious nonsense, the grim hard economic facts say otherwise.”  Admin You can’t get blood out of a rock. Traditionally the United States has had a consumer-driven economy, but now years of declining incomes and rising debts are really starting to catch up with us. In order to have an economy that is dependent on consumer spending, you need to have a large middle class. Unfortunately, the U.S. middle class is steadily shrinking, and unless that trend is reversed we are going to see massive economic changes in this country. For example, in poor neighborhoods [More]
Britain is so far gone that it will jail Royal Barnes and Rebekah Dawson (note yet again that the mainstream media refuses to give the Muslim names of converts to Islam when they do something evil in Islam’s name), but it appeases and accommodates organizations that it has determined are “moderate,” but which are just as dedicated to bringing to Sharia to Britain, albeit by non-violent means. And so much of Sharia has already come to Britain: already simply speaking the truth about Islam and jihad gets one banned from the country by its cowardly, short-sighted authorities, who are busy [More]
“The arrogance of the power mad corrupt occupant we have in the WH is unparalleled. He thinks he can do anything and will stop at nothing in order to advance his socialist agenda as much as he can. We are in big trouble folks.”  Admin Texas Gov. Rick Perry revealed a disturbing threat coming from the White House directed at several governors — Republican and Democrat alike. “I was a bit troubled today by the tone of the president,” he began, speaking at the Republican Governors Association Feb. 24. Perry was describing a meeting at the White House earlier that [More]
“Now that “homosexual marriage” is being widely accepted the floodgates have been opened for the glamorizing of other non-traditional types of unions. We are in a moral free fall as a society.” Admin A new reality show coming to The Learning Channel (TLC) tonight will feature a Utah polygamist and his five wives, with whom he has fathered 24 children. My Five Wives will follow the life of Brady Williams, 43, and his wives Rhonda, 43, Paulie, 41, Robyn, 40, Rosemary, 40, and Nonie, 35. Williams is married to Paulie, and the others co-habitate with Williams without marriage licences. Each [More]
“What’s going on in CT may very well be a preview of things to come on a national scale in the future, this situation bears close watching and lets pray that it does not result in violence.”  Admin Last weekend, I reported on Connecticut John Cinque’s 2013 warning to lawmakers that he would not comply with their attempts to force the citizens of Connecticut to register their semi-automatic weapons and high capacity magazines. Since that time, the video, though a year old, has gone viral. However, in a recent video between Mr. Cinque and Connecticut gubernatorial candidate Joe Visconti, Cinque [More]
“Just another sign of the moral decay eating away at the foundation of our  nation.”  Admin U.S. troops performed in drag this past weekend on an American Air Force base in Japan. Six service members performed at the event held at Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa, dancing and lip syncing to popular secular tunes, such as Whitney Houston’s I Want to Dance with Somebody. The event was a fundraiser for the newly-formed chapter of OutServe, a homosexual advocacy group for the military. Read More  U.S. Troops Perform in Drag as Fundraiser for Homosexual Organization | Christian News Network.
“This reminds me of Orwell’s novel 1984 where they were constantly rewriting history at the orders of Big Brother.”  Admin Members of Parliament (MPs) in the UK want to overturn hundreds of years of legislation recognizing the biblical definition of marriage and family. MPs recently agreed on the sweeping changes to legislation that date as far back as the 13th century to avoid clashes with the Married Couples Act, that allows homosexuals to get married. Civil Servants have consolidated a list of statutes and regulations dating as early as 1285 to be changed or excluded when the Government’s Same-Sex Marriage Act comes [More]
“By doing this, it appears Disney thinks “gay” Scout leaders would be ok role models for young boys … sad.”  Admin The Boy Scouts of America will no longer receive donations from the Walt Disney Company starting next year after the company decided that it does not supports the scouts’ policy to ban gay adult leaders. Disney hasn’t commented yet, but a Disney spokeswoman told the Orlando Sentinel that the company does not give grants to organizations that “operate or support activities that are counter to the policies of The Walt Disney Company.” Read More  Disney Pulls Donations to Boy Scouts Following [More]
Only 24 hours after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case of a homeschooling family fighting deportation to Germany where it would face punishment for not enrolling in a public school, the federal bureaucracy blinked. The Romeikes will be allowed to remain in the U.S. indefinitely, the Department of Homeland Security told the Home School Legal Defense Association, which has been defending the family in court. Michael Farris, HSLDA’s chairman, wrote that a DHS supervisor called a member of his legal team to announced that the Romeike family has been granted “indefinite deferred status.” It means the Romeikes [More]
“This is not surprising since Mr. O is an ardent admirer of Islam and has given the Muslim Brotherhood access to his admin.”  Admin The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, is proudly announcing that the U.S. military is again using their chaplains for active-duty service after a 15-year lull. ISNA has a well-documented extremist history. In 1991, the Muslim Brotherhood listed ISNA as one of its main fronts. Declassified FBI memos said ISNA is a component of the Muslim Brotherhood, who sees its “work in America as a kind of grand jihad in eliminating [More]
“Wow, lots of info in this article on how far left the GS have gone and some of the deceitful statements of their CEO. Check out The American Heritage Girls for a Christian values based alternative.”  Admin The Girl Scouts require all members to recite the Girl Scout Law which includes the promise that “I will do my best to be honest and fair.” Last week, Anna Maria Chavez – CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) – released a YouTube video that claims to address the many concerns that prompted the 2014 CookieCott, as well as other [More]
“There is a Christian values based alternative, The American Heritage Girls“. Admin As millions of moms consider digging into pocketbooks for Girl Scout cookies this year, they may be interested to know about the hiring of Krista Kokjohn-Poehler in the Girl Scouts executive office in New York City. Kokjohn-Poehler is an out lesbian married to a woman named Ashley Kokjohn. And, given her sexual preference, it may strike some as odd that her job title is “Girl Experience Officer.” Her hiring five months ago was largely missed by the coterie of Girl Scout critics around the country who make the [More]
“The signs are unmistakeable with billions of rounds of ammo being purchased by the government and the giveaway of thousands of these MRAPS to local police something major is coming down INSIDE the US. Tyranny is on its way folks better get mentally, physically and spiritually prepared for it.”  Admin With the Pentagon, under President Obama’s leadership, announcing plans to drastically cut back America’s military might to below WWII levels, one way it is disposing of super-expensive battlefield vehicles is by giving them away to America’s police departments. A new Bloomberg News report reveals that the U.S. Department of Defense [More]
“UPDATE: Read latest news on this story here. I’d posted an article about this earlier and it appears this young girl is still being held captive and her health is rapidly declining under the “care” of the state. It’s amazing that something like this can take place in America. You can go to www.freejustina.com if you would like to help the family in this outrageous situation.”  Admin www.freejustina.com www.freejustina.com Glenn Beck on Tuesday implored his listeners to speak up over the case of Justina Pelletier, a 15-year-old who has been at the center of a fierce battle between her parents, [More]
“It’s astonishing that we are letting compounds like this operate with impunity, training individuals for jihad in America! This is insane. It’s safe to say with Mr. O, a great admirer of Islam, in the oval office nothing will be done about it.”  Admin The jihad terror-trainings compounds in the U.S., a news story I first broke back in 2007, are growing. And now I have obtained exclusive information showing that one of them has placed members on local police forces, ensuring that nothing is done to stop or even monitor their activities. PJ Media reported, “Federal Bureau of Investigations [More]
“What an astonishing article! It appears British academia is aiding and abetting it’s own destruction by promoting these radical Islamic speakers who, I’m sure, consider such academics useful idiots. While British authorities ban entrance to Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller they appear to have no problem letting in purveyors of hate and intolerance like this individual. It almost appears British authorities by their actions are trying to advance the cause of radical Islam and undermine their own culture while Prince Charles participates in the Sword Dance in Saudi Arabia.”  Admin What chance do Muslim and non-Muslim students — who oppose [More]
I decided to post this video  since a similar “big brother” society is rapidly being put in place both here in the US as well as the UK except with technology that big brother in the movie could only dream about. An old movie but more relevant today than when it was made.
“Update: Due I’m sure to a large public outcry the FCC has shelved the idea of putting these monitors in place, a big victory for press freedom. However don’t be surprised if this issue   resurfaces somewhere down the road because a free press is detested by would-be tyrants”  Admin The Obama administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media. Before you dismiss this assertion as utterly preposterous (we all know how that turned out when the tea party complained that [More]
“Makes you wonder if he’s Britain’s Prince Charles or Saudi Arabia’s Prince Charles.”  Admin YADH — Britain’s Prince Charles, dressed in a traditional Saudi robe and a checkered red and white keffiyeh, joined members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family in performing the “Ardah” sword dance near Riyadh. Charles, who arrived Monday on his second visit to the kingdom in a year, swayed his sword to the rhythm of drumbeats at the annual cultural and heritage Al-Janadriya festival, late on Tuesday near Riyadh. He was accompanied in the dance by several princes, including deputy prime minister Moqren bin Abdul Aziz and [More]
Published on Feb 19, 2014 Walmart Rolling Out Facial Recognition System To Identify Customers. *SUBSCRIBE* for more great videos! Mark Dice is a media analyst, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media and elite secret societies play in shaping our lives.
“Progressives, just another name for marxists/communists, want to stifle any opposition to their totalitarian agenda and the IRS makes a perfect weapon for doing just that.  With Mr. O up to his eyeballs in lying and criminal activity none of this is surprising. Our future as a free society is in ever increasing danger.”  Admin I woke this morning to a very disturbing editorial from the New York Sun. It began with this quote from a February 19th editorial from liberal progressive newspaper of record, the New York Times: “Secret money has become the scourge of the political system and [More]
“Instead of providing more jobs, Mr. O and his merry band of socialists have instead put millions more on government programs like food stamps. There is no jobs recovery as the article notes. It appears that the goal is to have as many people dependent on the government as possible, much easier to control them that way, of course the problem is this produces massive deficits and the eventual bankruptcy of the country.”  Admin January’s labor report confirmed yet another month with over 100 million Americans not working. In fact, more than 100 million Americans have not been working in [More]
“From the pictures this looks a nice mock up of a typical American city even with  subway cars.”  Admin The U.S. Army has built a 300 acre ‘fake city’ complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway in order to train for unspecified future combat scenarios. The recently opened site is located in Virginia and was built at a cost of $96 million dollars, taking just two years to complete. While the city was ostensibly built to prepare U.S. troops for the occupation of cities abroad, some will undoubtedly fear that the real intention could be closer [More]
“Powerful commentary by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on the burgeoning police state both here in the US and the UK. Better get prepared mentally, physically and spiritually for whats coming folks, it’s not going to be pretty.”  Admin American taxpayers have built an entire city in Virginia so that the Pentagon, can practice occupying American cities and putting down protests by US citizens. This fake city is the training ground for the doctrine outlined in a leaked US Army document that describes how soldiers are to be trained to put down domestic disturbances and process prisoners through detainment camps where [More]