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The United Nations and Western nations including Britain have been accused of abandoning Syria’s Christians in the face of widespread persecution by Islamic State and their Muslim countrymen – even within refugee camps.   Last September Britain’s then Prime Minister David Cameron pledged to take 20,000 Syrians from refugee camps in the region to aid the humanitarian effort in response to the Syrian civil war.   But figures obtained from the Home Office through a freedom of information request lodged by Christian Today has now revealed that 97.5 per cent of the Syrian refugees brought to the UK under the government’s resettlement [More]
“A human civilization’s best chance of survival is to anchor itself in the God of creation,” Christian evangelist and reality star Phil Robertson declared in Torchbearer, an epic documentary launching in select theaters on Oct. 7 as a clarion call for Christians and people of faith in America to engage their culture before it’s too late.   “In the beginning, God…” are the first words out of Robertson’s mouth in the introduction of Torchbearer, saying that this God is the creator of heaven and earth, is as relevant today as in the beginning, and sounds a prophetic call that Christians [More]
“I think what King is really concerned about is that homeschooled kids aren’t being dumbed down and brainwashed like those in public schools are through common core.”  Admin U.S. Secretary of Education John King says he is worried that homeschooled children aren’t “getting the range of options that are good for all kids,” a remark that is drawing strong reactions from homeschooling parents across the nation.   The Heritage Foundation’s Lindsey Burke provided Politico Pro’s (subscription only) report on King’s recent remarks to reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. Burke writes at the Daily Signal:   [More]
Syria’s Bashar al-Assad One of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad’s most important political allies told Russian media it is time to “admit a Third World War is taking place in Syria, one which is led by the U.S. and its allies – even if these allies are simultaneously victims as well.” And while the startling comments seem…
An open letter signed by more than 75 of America’s evangelical and Catholic leaders calls upon politically progressive groups that claim to be members of a traditional “faith” to refuse financial assistance from leftwing billionaire political activist George Soros and his political allies.   The group of leaders – which calls itself the American Association of Evangelicals – writesin its letter:   After years of earnest but less public attempts, it is now with heavy hearts, and a hope for justice and restoration, that we Christian leaders urge ‘progressive evangelicals’ and Catholics to repent of their work that often advances [More]
Christian artists in Arizona are taking their challenge of a Phoenix ordinance to an appeals court after a lower court upheld the city policy forbidding businesses to refuse service at a same-sex wedding and banning business owners from posting any expressions that protected groups might find offensive. Brush & Nib owners Breanna Koski and Joanna Duka…
They want us to believe it’s “peaceful coexistence.” Others call it an unjust declaration of war. The federal U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) just published a scandalous report that scorns authentic Christian faith and recommends severe restrictions of its full expression by American citizens – expression protected by the First Amendment. The report, “Peaceful Coexistence:…
Geologist Dr. Aryeh Shimron claims to have found the “lost tomb of Jesus” in Jerusalem, proclaimed the Drudge Report Sunday. This is known as the Talpiot Tomb, first discovered in 1980. The implications of this claim, if it were true, are enormous – world-changing. Writing for the Sun (U.K.), Hannah Farrett notes, “He apparently has proof…
The United States is facing crucial crossroads as a nation with the impending leadership change this November and with traditional Christian values being challenged. With so much changes confronting the U.S., American Christian leaders have decided to unite and gather together to pray for their nation next week in a solemn ecumenical assembly that will be called “The Gathering.” Thousands of Christians are expected to troop to the Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas on the night of Sept. 21 to pray in one voice and ask God for forgiveness and His wisdom to lead the U.S. towards spiritual transformation. Read [More]
The Obama administration long has been forcing Christians and others of faith to violate their beliefs to accommodate “nondiscrimination” laws that give special privileges to homosexuals and transgendered persons, and now a federal commission has proposed codifying the practice. WND has reported several times on the Obama effort to turn the Constitution’s protections for “freedom of…
The Harvard Professor who confidently proclaimed to the world she possessed evidence that suggested Jesus may have had a wife has now been outed as a second-rate academic who allowed herself to be duped by a con man. Dr. Karen L. King, professor at Harvard Divinity School, earned her 15 minutes of fame by staking her reputation as a historian of early Christianity on the authenticity of an ancient papyrus stating: “Jesus said to them, My wife… she is able to be my disciple.” Read more: Jesus’s Wife Claims Revealed as ‘Whopping Fraud’
PERSECUTION Russia law ensnares Baptist ministerFriday, September 2, 2016 |  Bill Bumpas A U.S. citizen has been charged under Russia’s controversial new anti-missionary law, confirming the fears of religious freedom advocates. Donald Ossewaarde, a Baptist minister, was fined 40,000 Rubles in an August 14 court hearing after he was caught conducting a worship service in his home. Under the guise of trying to prevent terrorism, the law makes it illegal to share religious beliefs without proper authorization from the Russian government. “Certainly our biggest fears have been realized,” says Nate Lance of International Christian Concern. Read More: Russia law ensnares Baptist [More]
For a self-proclaimed atheist, billionaire statist George Soros (shown) sure spends a lot of money on “Christian” causes and groups. But it is not because he is interested in spreading the Gospel, or even in helping the poor. Instead, hacked e-mails from his vast empire of shady tax-exempt foundations show that the radical “philanthropist” wants to change the views of Christians and churches around the world using deceit, manipulation, and money. His goals in showering money on Christian groups and churches include, among other policy agendas, legalizing the slaughter of unborn children in pro-life nations, promoting what he calls “racial [More]
When Pope Francis visited Cuba in September 2015, many thought the milestone event could signal a breakthrough in the campaign to promote religious freedom in the Caribbean island nation. But now the memory of that papal visit seems to have been forgotten as Cuba’s communist regime has launched a renewed crackdown on the Christian faith with reports of churches destroyed, pastors imprisoned, religious leaders’ personal property seized and Christians violently stopped from worshipping. In its latest report, the Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) says the Cuban regime has launched a major crackdown against churches and has seized and demolished at least 1,400 church [More]
More than 1,600 churches have been targeted by authorities in Cuba this year as a crackdown on religious freedom continues. Between January and July 2016, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) recorded 1,606 violations of religious freedom. These included the demolition and confiscation of church buildings, the destruction of church property and arbitrary detention. In March, prominent pastor and religious freedom activist Rev Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso was arrested just hours before President Barack Obama arrived in the country for his official state visit. Religious leaders have also had their personal belongings confiscated, and more than 1,000 churches are still considered ‘illegal’ [More]
By Rusty Wright Do you remember the classic MGM movie, “”Ben-Hur””? Charlton Heston, the chariot race, the galley slaves forced to row at “ramming speed”? The film won eleven Oscars as it displayed passion and pageantry, betrayal and bitterness, grace and redemption. Now, Mark Burnett and Roma Downey – with MGM and Paramount – have remade…
“So don’t be afraid of those people. Everything that is hidden will be shown. Everything that is secret will be made known. I tell you these things in the dark, but I want you to tell them in the light. I speak these things only to you, but you should tell them to everyone” (Matthew 10:26-27,…
“There is good news in here about DC and prayer that I was unaware of, let’s hope that it does portend a much needed spiritual awakening.”  Admin You won’t hear this reported on CNN or Fox News because news programs sell spin and controversy. Good news won’t raise ratings. You won’t hear this from America’s pulpits because America’s churches are in a state of separation. Her pastors have abdicated their biblical civic responsibilities to secular politicians in exchange for 30 pieces of tax-exempt…
“It’s amazing how many of the communist goals mentioned for America have been achieved. Our country certainly needs prayer.”  Admin In an attempt to warn the nation, the Democrat Congressman from Florida, Albert S. Herlong, Jr., read into the U.S Congressional Record, Jan. 10, 1963, the list of Communist goals for America (Vol 109, 88th Congress, 1st Session, Appendix, pp. A34-A35). Communist goals included: “Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on…
The United States Supreme Court The American Bar Association has adopted a new rule it says will crack down on discriminatory conduct in the legal profession, but conservative critics warn the real goal is to silence views contrary to the group’s liberal orthodoxy on gender identity and sexual orientation and drum attorneys who hold those views…
“Please remember to pray for persecuted Christians.”  Admin   Classical historian Tom Holland’s observation that Christians in the Islamic State have gone from persecuted minority to sub-human target group highlights the parallel shift in Europe’s cities.   Offering a review of the latest edition of Dabiq, the sleekly-produced recruitment magazine of the murderous Islamic State, author of well-received, easily accessible histories Holland notes the developing contempt with which Christians are viewed.   Writing in The Times, he compares the previously preferable plight of Christians under Islamic State — stripped of their possessions and expelled from Islamic State-held territory — with the “horrors” inflicted on [More]
An Iowa church just wants to be free to preach the gospel, but the state’s so-called nondiscrimination requirements could block the house of worship from doing just that. Lawyers for the church are asking a federal court to prevent Iowa from censoring what the religious group can say about homosexuality, same-sex “marriage,” transgenderism and other related…
In once-secular Turkey, Christians have become targets of Muslim persecution. Here’s what you need to know. For nearly the last hundred years, Turkey, straddling Europe and Asia, has walked a precipitous path. Turning its back on the brutal Ottoman Empire of its past, the nation of 80 million people had attempted to combine its dominant Muslim culture with a more Western-oriented secularism—allowing a measure of political and religious freedom not common in most other Muslim-majority states.   Well, it seems as if Turkey is now on its way to falling into an intolerant form of Islam—if it hasn’t already. How [More]
On Sunday, Pope Francis told hundreds of thousands of young people gathered for World Youth Day in Poland that they need to “believe in a new humanity” and that they should refuse “to see borders as barriers”. Every two or three years, Catholics from all over the planet converge for one of these giant conferences, and as you will see below the Pope has not been shy about using historic occasions to promote his agenda. Unfortunately, it has become exceedingly clear that his agenda includes moving humanity toward a one world religion and a new world order. Of course Pope [More]
“Typical diatribe of the far left. If you don’t agree with their Godless views then you are a Nazi or hate-monger who should not be allowed in. It’s the ranting of those like this columnist that sound more like Nazis and hate-mongers.”  Admin A US church group currently in the UK has been compared to neo-Nazis and Islamist terrorists by a newspaper columnist. Shona Craven said The King’s Project singers were a “musical Trojan horse” who were part of a church that “ticks every box on the Ugly Religious Fundamentalism checklist”. Craven pointed to the church’s pro-marriage and pro-life views [More]
In a macabre hit piece, the Washington Post has launched a smear campaign against important Christian leaders who espouse Biblical morality on homosexuality, labeling them as “enemies of equality.” Employing hyperbolic, McCarthy-esque rhetoric, Post writer Jonathan Capehart actually states that there is a “vast right-wing conspiracy” out to deny gays in America their “humanity and dignity.” Capehart goes on to say that there is a “conservative cabal actively working the levers of power to block their rights.” Mining material from the LGBT lobby group “Freedom for All Americans” (FFAA), Capehart says there has been a coordinated attack on LGBT persons [More]
A new law in Russia that had prompted Christian groups to call for a day of prayer and fasting before its final adoption has been signed into law and now will restrict even the most innocuous conversations about faith, according to reports. “The new law will require any sharing of the Christian faith – even a…