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Some readers might think the answer to this question is so obvious that maybe we’re offering it as a kind of joke—but it’s no joke. A number of people seem to actually believe the earth is flat, a view that a few NBA stars have voiced in the past.1,2 Do we know the earth is round, and does it matter?

The question matters because if the Bible and science both describe a spherical earth, then those who ... More...

A new discovery of a foot-long marine turtle fossil was announced in central Bavaria, southern Germany.1 The species, dubbed Solnhofia parsoni, was unearthed from the famous Solnhofen Limestone, a rock layer that has also produced exquisitely preserved fossil specimens, including all of the specimens of the bird Archaeopteryx.1

Fossils of the turtle Solnhofia parsoni have been fou... More...

God has designed some creatures with an amazing ability to stop or slow down their metabolism (life processes) when encountering challenging conditions.

This state of suspended metabolism is called cryptobiosis, and it has made the news with a discovery of nematodes (worms) in the Siberian permafrost. “When Anastasia Shatilovich at the Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science RAS in Russia revive... More...

A new study has shown that the genetics involved in skin “color” is far more complicated than we thought! Read More
Evolutionists have ‘allergic’ reaction to Precambrian pollen—South American fossils more than a billion years ‘out of date’
What About Other Alleged Evidences of Human Evolution? Even if the fossil record doesn’t support human evolution, what about the other evidences discussed in textbooks? Vestigial Organs—Erroneous Evidence “Vestigial” organs are parts of the human body that, in many cases, were once thought by many evolutionists to be virtually useless leftovers from previous species in the human evolutionary ancestry that have yet to be eliminated from the body. In 1895, German anatomist Robert Wiedersheim made a list of 86 organs that he considered “wholly” or at least “in part functionless,” which have subsequently been shown to be useful as more study has [More]
Macroevolution1 is the belief that all extant species emerged from previous species, beginning with a simple, single-celled organism. Macroevolution is accepted as true by the bulk of mainstream scientists, even though, without a God, it does not even have the means to get started on its path from single-celled organisms to humans. No sufficient evidence exists to support the blind belief that life could come from non-life, much less life that is equipped with an operating program, genetic information, and the ability to reproduce itself. The evidences which are claimed to support biological evolution, without fail, end up being irrelevant, inadequate, [More]
Cultures all around the world have legends of dragons. Their art features some of these creatures, recognizable as brachiosaurs, stegosaurs, or other dinosaurs. Read More
With new discoveries in space, existing views on cosmology are being challenged, yet the big bang is not going to shift so easily; its adherents are dedicated.
Conventional wisdom assumes the mud in earth’s mudrocks took millions of years to settle. What do new experiments suggest? Read More

Gone are the days when many people (biologists included) saw insects as simple creatures that did little more than reproduce, eat, and grow—with some migrating. But as the decades of research passed, it was obvious that insects were hardly simple and uncomplicated creatures. They’re far from it.1,2

Now entomologists are finding—for the first time—that butterflies in their erratic flight are actu... More...

An Australian outback icon reveals exciting evidence of Noah’s Flood
Scientists have discovered that at least 151 different frog species in South America “fluoresce under the blue hues of twilight.” Read More
Is secular ‘science’ the final authority for a Christian, or the Bible?
I wanted to take this study and use it as a “case study” for showing you how to apply a biblical worldview to science news. Read More
Ötzi the Iceman is believed to be the oldest intact human body ever found. Read More
The father of bacteriology was motivated by his faith in the Creator. Read More
God designed your brain to fill in missing details on the fly . . . with some interesting consequences. Read More
Does it support the biblical Ice Age?
When scientific overconfidence leads to disaster. Read More
Trilobites are extinct sea creatures. Many of them are found in the fossil record. But what’s even more interesting is that many trilobite tracks are also found in the fossil record. Read More
Does the human family tree “need another branch”? That’s the claim being made by the popular science media. Read More