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A supporter writes into CMI with a series of perceptive questions critical of the late Immanuel Velikovsky and asks what does CMI think? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Harry F. Sanders, III Some animals use “tools” to perform tasks, but these phenomena are far simpler than the tool-making abilities God gave to people. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
A newly interpreted Old-Babylonian clay tablet reveals a sophisticated understanding of mathematics and survey consistent with the biblical timeframe …read more Source: creation.com     
Sir David Attenborough is a highly accomplished man, but wrong about things like God’s existence and evolution; what about environmental and climate issues? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling If the world’s oceans have been around for three billion years, they should be filled with vastly more salt than the oceans contain today. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Troy Lacey An overview of the “natural balance theory” in the secular world and a biblical understanding of providential balance in creation, justice, and eternity …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham A recent headline declared, “Many conservatives have a difficult relationship with science—we wanted to find out why.” But do conservatives really have “a difficult relationship with science?” Well, it really depends on what you mean by “science.” At Answers in Genesis, we love science, study science, conduct numerous workshops on science, and employ a number of full-time PhD scientists. In the article, the author uses the term science to refer to the so-called “scientific consensus” regarding things such as climate change alarmism, vaccinations, evolution, and a lack of “human exceptionalism.” But what the author is failing to [More]
By Dr. Jerry Bergman An example of how members of the scientific establishment quashed dissent with authoritarian tactics because it does not align with Darwinian orthodoxy …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham The Bible gives us a framework for explaining dinosaurs in terms of thousands of years of history, including the mystery of when they lived and what happened to them. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Troy Lacey Answers to common objections to the existence of real dinosaurs: supposedly fabricated bones, scientific concerns, and theological issues. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Does a good society have evolutionary origins? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field that protects living things from solar radiation. Without it, life could not exist. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
No other book before or since has so effectively substantiated Christians’ belief in the historicity of the Genesis Flood. Read More
By Dr. Monty White Creationists are often asked, “How is it possible for the earth’s population to reach billions of people if the world is only about 6,000 years old and if there were just two humans in the beginning?” …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Daniel Stern-Cardinale and Joshua Swamidass have made many false claims about creationism and creationists. DSC and Erika “Gutsick Gibbon” were at it again recently, but once again refused to listen to our answers. Read More
By Dr. Jennifer Hall Rivera The differences between empirical and historical science, how predictions can be helpful in the sciences, and how worldview affects our perspective about the past. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Colin R. Reeves The use of Baraminic Distance Correlation is based on a shaky understanding of statistical principles, and that their use ought to be abandoned. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
How God’s design inspired the enduring design of John Smeaton’s Eddystone lighthouse. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Evolutionist Adam Rutherford challenges Darwinian propaganda admitting directionless evolution which entails purposeless of mankind in their worldview. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Tasman Walker talks to Dr Peter Borger about biochemistry and the meaning of life …read more Source: creation.com     
By Matt Dawson Several archaeological finds are indirect evidences which build a cumulative case supporting the biblical account of Jesus’s resurrection. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
ICR physicist Dr. Jake Hebert* recently made a guest appearance on Good Heavens! A Podcast About the Universe with Wayne and Dan. Dr. Hebert presented his perspective on climate science, its relevance to the history of Genesis, and the importance of correctly interpreting geology and environmental science. Listen to the episode here: More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Ken Ham And the discoveries continue! What do I mean? Well, it seems that every few weeks there’s another story in the news about a new discovery highlighting just how “like us” Neanderthals were. They wore jewelry and makeup, made musical instruments and tools, caught and ate fresh shellfish, could hear like us, and this newest discovery adds yet another thing to the list: they used toothpicks and practiced oral hygiene. The picture of who Neanderthals were has totally changed since I went to school and was taught they were primitive brutes! Scientists studying two teeth found in a [More]
By Dr. Dana Sneed Physics, mathematics, and constants like pi are only possible because we live in a rational universe upheld by a constant, unchanging, and consistent God. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Terry Mortenson Today, most people in the world, including most people in the Church, take for granted that the earth and universe are millions and millions of years old. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Patricia Engler “Four-million-year-old fossil offers proof of human evolution!” Here’s how to sort through such claims with biblical, critical thinking. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Western belief in ‘deep time’ first appeared in 17th and 18th century France …read more Source: creation.com