You’ve probably never pictured Neanderthal chemists, and that’s because the evolutionary worldview has indoctrinated everyone to see them as brutes. Read More
Among the animal kinds featured on our life-size Ark at the Ark Encounter are dinosaurs. But how could dinosaurs fit on the ark? Read More
According to evolution, death has always been around. As long as there’s been life, there’s been death. Read More
Archaeological discoveries that support the Bible is a reliable historical record.
Dawkins and I will agree on lots of things involving observational science, but where we’ll disagree is when it comes to historical science. Read More
Some contend that science is at odds with religion. They suggest that the scientific method requires empirical testing, but God’s existence cannot be empirically verified. Science supposedly proves the Big Bang, evolutionary theory, a very old Universe, and dinosaurs that never co-existed with humans, while the Bible mistakenly contends that the Universe was created in six literal, 24-hour days only a few thousand years ago, with humans and dinosaurs being created together on day six. Supposedly, science is based on verifiable evidence, whereas religion is based on “blind faith” and ambiguous “tinglies” attributed to the Holy Spirit. For such reasons,
Explore the captivating worlds of Mercury, Venus, and Mars—where scorching heat, crushing pressure, and frigid desolation reveal the unique splendor of our Earth as the perfect cradle of life.
Contrary to what some scientists claim, there is compelling philosophical and scientific evidence that a Creator of the universe exists. For example, the conditions described by the two laws of thermodynamics demand special creation.1 As the late Dr. Henry Morris noted, “The Second Law says the universe must have had a beginning—otherwise it would already be completely disordered. The First Law (conservation of mass-e... More...
A secular worldview struggles to answer identity questions, as evidenced by the answer Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson recently gave to why humans are special. Read More
Evolution does not fully account for the incredible ingenuity of man throughout history. We’re still learning about things the Romans knew 1,600 years ago. For more creation resources visit
Who are we to thank for the gift of language – God or evolution? For more creation resources visit
The only reliable way to calibrate dating methods is with the Bible’s history. Read More
Since Noah only had to take 2 of every kind of land animal, there were probably less than 7,000 animals to care for. Read More
Noah probably only needed about 1,400 animal kinds. That’s less than 7,000 animals total! There was plenty of room on board the Ark! Read More
How Communism undermined science in the USSR
Reflecting on the famous debate with the “Science Guy” that reached millions. Read More
Meet Chuck, one of our new AiG “team members.” Chuck is our new artificial intelligence autonomous warehouse robot. Read More
Should public schools be allowed to teach the idea of Intelligent Design in the classroom? Read More
Despite assertions that creationists don’t contribute to science, the reality is very different.
Many critics claim that a global flood could not have actually happened. Does the number of species on the planet disprove the biblical Flood? Watch: Does Math Disprove the Flood? – Apologetics Press
The ninth International Conference on Creationism (ICC) was held July 16–19, 2023, at Cedarville University in Ohio. ICR scientists made substantial contributions to this year’s conference as either authors or co-authors of five technical papers, three posters, and one oral abstract. We are pleased to announce that the proceedings are now online and may be freely accessed by interested readers.1
ICR scienti... More...
Climate-change activists argue that virtually all scientists agree that devastating climate change is the result of man’s actions. But is this true? Read More
Did Adam and Eve have navels, and the first trees have growth rings? Did God create light in transit from stars? What did Philip Gosse really teach?
What is man? How you answer that question immediately exposes your worldview and the foundation on which that worldview rests. Read More
Proof that these modern-day hunter-gatherer tribes once lived in sophisticated urban centres
The first line of a recent news article stated, “A new study argues that a real-life ‘Jurassic World’ could currently exist, just on another planet.” Read More
What is the most valuable substance in the world? You might be thinking of gold or silver. Maybe you thought about platinum. Diamonds and precious gems are very valuable as well. But all those materials are not as valuable as water. You might be thinking, how can that be right? Water is one of the least expensive materials on planet Earth and one of the easiest to get. In fact, about 70% of the entire globe is covered in water. The human body is composed of about 65% water. How can water be so valuable if there is so