By Ernie Baker Addictions, trauma, depression . . . people who come to Christ often face tough problems. Whose job is it to reach out to them? The Bible must be our guide. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Have we lost our first and most important freedom? One Generation Away exposes how radical secularists are working to destroy your freedom of conscience. Our As I’ve pointed out numerous times on my blog, religious liberty is under attack here in America. People are increasingly being forced to keep their religion at home. What we’re seeing is the idea that you have freedom to believe what you want, but you do not have the freedom to express and act on these views publicly (well, at least not if you’re a Christian). The latest attack on religious freedom
By Dr. Alan Gillen This book will describe designed structures and purposeful functions in microorganisms, explain the origin of disease, and showcase Bible-believing scientists. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Welcome to Australia! This delightful continent is home to many of the world’s most poisonous snakes and spiders, not to mention deadly sea creatures like the box jellyfish, salt water crocodiles, and everybody’s favorite – the great white shark. Today, however, we’re going to talk about another creature you don’t want to meet on your next trip down under. It’s called the jumper ant because it can jump as high as two inches into the air. But most people call it the bulldog ant, and with good reason. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
“After the article was published the evolutionists went into “elephant hunting” attack mode (you can read what that is in the article) as the are apt to do, no surprise there.” Admin The article seemed to contradict itself. It appeared in the April 2007 issue of Chemistry in Australia, the journal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), and began: ‘One rarely reads creationist perspectives on science first hand in journals such as Chemistry in Australia.’1 Yet it was entitled ‘A creationist’s view of the intelligent design debate’, and was published in the journal. It was a well-written piece by
“Unfortunately this environment of intolerance is even more prevalent today.” Admin The year was 1996. I had just moved to Arizona with my family, and though as a musician I had some income, it was not enough. So I worked as a substitute elementary school teacher. At the beginning of the day the students would recite the American Pledge of Allegiance. In many schools, students would then recite this well-known excerpt from America’s Declaration of Independence: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, listen to part 3 of Dr. William Dembski’s interview on the Gilmore & Glahn radio show. Their conversation covers a wide range of topics, including the current state of the intelligent design movement and where the science is headed over the next decade, as well as the slowly growing number of prominent scientists and scholars who don’t accept intelligent design, but also are challenging Darwinian evolution as a failed theory. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, William Dembski is on the Gilmore & Glahn show, where he talks with John Gilmore about the theory of, and science behind, his latest book, Being as Communion. Dembski also discusses what he views as the greatest weakness of Darwinian evolution: the information problem. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear the second segment of William Dembski’s recent appearance on the Gilmore and Glahn radio show. Dembski and Gilmore discuss whether or not intelligent design is science, and what the theory’s current status is among scientists. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
Have relatives or friends that are unsaved or skeptics? Doing street evangelizing to to win the lost? Then give them one of the handouts below. There is overwhelming proof the Bible is true on this site, both natural and supernatural evidence. You can also leave these handouts in public places for people to find, leave one with a tip in a restaurant, put them in envelopes you are going to mail like letters or bills, paste one in email correspondence or any other way you can think of … And be sure to share the URL of this page with
A work of this kind is long overdue. It has been almost 40 years since there has been such a thorough, in-depth treatment on the book of Genesis from a biblical (‘young-earth’) creationist perspective. These Genesis 1–11 chapters are some of the most well-known in all of Scripture, and they are often the most attacked due to current prevailing ‘scientific’ views about our history. Such views cause many well-meaning modern theologians to reinterpret these foundational passages in ways that commit violence on the text, and are contrary to the way that Jesus and the New Testament writers clearly understood them—as
By Creation Moments Most evolutionists today hold to the belief that modern-day birds evolved from dinosaurs. In fact, they now feel that large, carnivorous theropods like T. Rex rapidly shrank over a period of 50 million years until they evolved into our fine feathered friends. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Have you ever wanted to hunt for dinosaur bones or uncover fossil creatures? Have you ever wanted to visit the fascinating state of Montana? If so, I would like to give you the opportunity to join my friend and talented AiG speaker, dinosaur sculptor, and musician Buddy Davis for the trip of a lifetime! From July 27–31, 2015, trip participants will travel to eastern Montana to join Buddy Davis in a paleontological adventure. They will spend time in God’s beautiful creation digging for fossils—including dinosaurs! During previous trips, participants have uncovered dinosaur bones and teeth—including T. rex,
By Ken Ham Articles about supposed evidence for evolution are published on an almost daily basis. Here is one from yesterday titled “World’s Oldest Stone Tools Predate Humans.” It appeared in many news sources such as this one. Here are just a few observations: The fallible dating methods based on assumptions are not discussed—just presented as supposed fact: The oldest handmade stone tools discovered yet predate any known humans and may have been wielded by an as-yet-unknown species . . . Man’s evolutionary ideas continue to change: The discovery also rewrites the book on the kind of environmental and evolutionary
By Creation Moments Behold the giant oarfish – a creature of which legends are made. With its snake-like body that can grow up to fifty-six feet in length, the longest bony fish in existence has inspired countless legends about sea serpents. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By John C. P. Smith Indeed, the very reason Jesus came into the world was as a result of the great love of Israel’s God, and on a mission to fully express His mercy. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Avery Foley That’s why Richard Dawkins despises young-earth creationists—he recognizes the incredible threat they are to his atheistic religion. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments One of the most interesting artifacts at the British Museum is the Lycurgus Cup, a beautiful goblet made by the Romans sixteen hundred years ago. The cup depicts the story of King Lycurgus, entangled in grapevines for his treachery against Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek mythology. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Nearly every time I post an update on the exciting Ark Encounter project, there seem to be those habitual complainers who claim the money should be spent on the poor instead and not be “wasted” this way. Before I address that, it is interesting to note that there are many projects underway in this nation that cost as much or enormous amounts more than the Ark Encounter. For instance, this project in Louisiana is costing about the same as the Ark project: Students at Louisiana State University will soon be able to soak up the sun in
By Ken Ham We all know what a Venus Fly Trap is, and we’re captivated as we watch it snap shut and “swallow” insects. But do you know why this incredible plant needs these insects? And were you aware that there are many varieties of these “carnivorous” plants? Some of them catch insects, or even small frogs or mammals. Others act like flypaper and catch insects on a sticky fluid. There are even some that build up a vacuum chamber that sucks in small creatures when the trap is triggered. Image by Tristan Gillingwater [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], reproduced from
By Creation Moments How many times have you seen headlines proclaiming that “Sixty billion planets in the Milky Way could support life” or “One hundred billion planets in our galaxy may harbor complex life”? It seems that the numbers change with each new announcement. Where did those numbers come from in the first place? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By REALdeal Source: Watch the First 21 Days of a Bee’s Life in Under a Minute For more content like this visit Photographer Anand Varma first became interested in bees when National Geographic asked him to do a photo shoot for a story. From that point on Anand started keeping bees in his backyard. Long story short, Anand was awakened to the reality of Varroa destructor, the bee-decimating parasitic mite. He became determined to help solve this [&hellip Source: Watch the First 21 Days of a Bee’s Life in Under a Minute Learn more at <a class="colorbox" rel="nofollow" …read
By Ken Ham …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
By Avery Foley Bill Nye recently said, “We’re all the same . . . from a scientific standpoint there’s no such thing as race”—a biblical, not an evolutionary, view of humanity. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, learn about some of scientists’ latest attempts to copy sophisticated designs found in the natural world. This emerging science of imitating nature, known as biomimetics, has attracted extensive research and led to new technologies. As uniform experience has shown, such good design comes not from blind processes, but from a good mind. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
His Salon magazine article recognizes how the Bible paved the way for radical change but he still gets his facts wrong. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham The famous Smithsonian in Washington, DC, is sending a new traveling exhibit across the United States. This exhibit, taken from the David H. Koch Hall of Human Origins in the National Museum of Natural History, located in Washington, DC, is called “Exploring Human Origins: What Does It Mean to Be Human?” Apparently the director hopes that this exhibit will “spark a respectful and positive conversation across the country about what it means to be human and inspire people to contemplate their place in the natural world.” The Smithsonian reports the exhibit “will highlight key milestones in the