Chemists In Stew About Intelligent Design –

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“After the article was published the evolutionists went into “elephant hunting” attack mode (you can read what that is in the article) as the are apt to do, no surprise there.”  Admin

The article seemed to contradict itself. It appeared in the April 2007 issue of Chemistry in Australia, the journal of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), and began:

‘One rarely reads creationist perspectives on science first hand in journals such as Chemistry in Australia.’1

Yet it was entitled ‘A creationist’s view of the intelligent design debate’, and was published in the journal.

It was a well-written piece by John Ashton, a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, a Chartered Chemist, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology, strategic research manager for the Sanitarium Health Food Company, and a creationist. Ashton continued:

‘Secular and atheistic views have dominated western education for years and it is now very difficult to get a theistic based theory taught or discussed … However, I believed there is a sufficient case for the alternative view that in the beginning God’s creative power brought everything into existence to warrant teaching the evidence for this view in science classes.’

Read More Chemists in stew about intelligent design –