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By Ken Ham How do we know who God is? Well, there are a lot of false ideas in our culture about who God is. It’s very popular to believe God is this fuzzy, nebulous idea of love; he expects nothing of you, but he’s there if you’re in trouble. Or what about the idea that God is all judgment—ready to strike down anyone who doesn’t get everything “just right.” And then there’s the popular belief that God is in everything or that we can just base who God is to us on our experiences. Which view is right? Our [More]
The Gospel removes the guilt and shame of our sin, and gives us the right to sit with Christ on His throne. …read more Source: creation.com     
Former Bishop of Edinburgh The Right Reverend Richard Holloway blames Genesis for the world’s environmental problems and tells the Author of Genesis he has been badly misunderstood! …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham How often do you have an opportunity to Young people will never forget meeting and chatting with such qualified and experienced creation scientists. It’s a phenomenal experience for all. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future we hear John Mark Reynolds’ concluding comments at the November 2019 symposium in honor of the late Phillip E. Johnson. Reynolds is a Fellow with the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, president of the Constantine School in Houston, and a long-time friend of Phillip Johnson. Reynolds says he saw in Johnson a mind constant and relentless in the pursuit of truth, a man who refused to distort the truth to fit it into a materialist paradigm, and who passed along that mindset to as many as he could, [More]
By Ann Gauger On this episode of ID the Future, we hear biologist and Center for Science and Culture senior fellow Ann Gauger speaking at a gathering to honor the recently deceased Dr. Phillip Johnson, the Berkeley law professor known affectionately as the “godfather” of the intelligent design movement. Dr. Gauger tells of her journey of discovery, how she returned to a science career three times in her life, how she found her way into the ID movement, and how Johnson emboldened her to give free rein to a healthy scientific skepticism, one that has long had her pushing back [More]
By Ken Ham How do we know who God is? Well, there are a lot of false ideas in our culture about who God is. It’s very popular to believe God is this fuzzy, nebulous idea of love; he expects nothing of you, but he’s there if you’re in trouble. Or what about the idea that God is all judgment—ready to strike down anyone who doesn’t get everything “just right.” And then there’s the popular belief that God is in everything or that we can just base who God is to us on our experiences. Which view is right? Children [More]
By Ken Ham The latest issue of the award-winning In this issue you’ll also learn about: A puzzle of mud and bones Cockroaches (yes, God’s handiwork is seen even in these bugs with a bad reputation!) Trichoplax adhaerens (you’ll have to subscribe to the magazine to find out what that even is!) Why innocent children suffer And much more! Answers magazine is packed with articles and features that will encourage you in your faith, point you towards our amazing Creator, and strengthen your worldview. There’s even a mini-magazine included for kids (this issue features the death and resurrection of Jesus [More]
By Paul Nelson On this episode of ID the Future, philosopher of biology Paul Nelson wraps discussion of his recent visit to the Galapagos Islands, sharing lessons he learned there. He says Darwin was right to see natural history as crucial to understanding biology; but he was wrong in making it the be-all and end-all. Nelson then limns a picture of a day when scientists frankly concede the limits of evolution and the necessity of intelligent design in the history of life, and with the ID/evolution war behind them, can explore without distraction the fertile ground of integrating the aspects [More]
By Paul Nelson On this episode of ID the Future, philosopher of biology Paul Nelson continues his discussion with host Andrew McDiarmid about Nelson’s recent visit to the Galapagos Islands, made famous by Charles Darwin. Nelson explains how Darwin was right — partly. Darwin urged biologists to consider the history of a plant or animal, an idea that was much neglected in the work of his predecessors. As Darwin’s experience on the Galapagos showed, and as Nelson’s experience there echoed, history must be part of our explanation for how species and populations have become the way they are today. At [More]
By Dr. Georgia Purdom Many times we get so caught up in learning about the lies that we forget to study the best weapon to combat them?God’s Word! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
The Ark Encounter has been chosen as the best religious museum in the United States, out of 20 nominees, and the Creation Museum finished second! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, host Rob Crowther talks with Discovery Institute Senior Fellow and philosopher of science Paul Nelson about the upcoming Summer Seminars at the Discovery Institute in Seattle in July. In two overlapping tracks, these seminars provide nine days of intensive study on design in the natural sciences and in humanities and the social sciences, with the opportunity to interact with top scholars and other students. It’s “summer camp for nerds,” says Nelson, and the opportunity for upper-level undergrads, grad students, professors, and professionals to break free of the isolation they often [More]
By Ken Ham How is teaching creation affecting families? Hear from grateful parents about how Answers in Genesis is training up the next generation of believers! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
AiG speaker Avery Foley is passionate about equipping Christians to stand on God’s Word. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Our Answers Easter conference, I strongly encourage you to make plans to attend this conference. Climate change is one of the big issues of our day, and Christians must be equipped to think biblically and share truth from God’s Word with others. Most people are totally ignorant of the truth about climate change. Come and be equipped so you can talk to people intelligently about this topic. Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from Dr. Cal Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance, Ray Comfort and Emael Zwayne of Living Waters, Dr. Alan White, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Gabriela [More]
By Ken Ham With a new year comes a host of new things—including a new set of emojis for your Apple or Android device. The Unicode Consortium is adding over 100 new emojis to the texting dictionary, including 65 brand-new ones and 55 new gender and skin variations. Among the new emojis appears a mustached man in a wedding dress, a woman in a tuxedo, a gender-neutral Santa, and the pink-and-blue transgender flag. These new emoji designs are just another sign of the times we live in today as our culture moves away from the Judeo-Christian ethic founded in God’s [More]
By Dr. Georgia Purdom Ken Ham has been on the front lines addressing how Christians should respond by giving answers based on God’s Word and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Did you miss the big announcement we made just before the new year? Well, if you did, you’ll be excited to know that we announced that all kids age ten and under enjoy free admission at the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum attractions (with the purchase of one adult ticket) for all of 2020! And, unlike most “kids are free” programs, there’s no limit on how many kids can enter free of charge—anyone ten and under enters for free, as long as one accompanying adult purchases a ticket. Unlike most “kids are free” programs, there’s no [More]
By Ken Ham Transgender, gay “marriage,” bisexual, nonbinary . . . these are just a few of the words we see in the news every day. And it’s likely for many of my readers these aren’t just words—some names immediately come to mind when you hear one or more of those words. We live in a world desperately searching for meaning, purpose, and identity. And they’re almost always looking in all the wrong places. How can we help those who are hurting? These are real people, with eternal souls! The sexual, homosexual, and gender revolutionaries have convinced generations that true [More]
By Ken Ham Experiencing science hands-on is vital for developing a love of science and a thorough knowledge of the scientific method. Due to the nature and expense of science labs, homeschoolers may miss out on certain aspects of hands-on science without a specialized program. And that’s why we’re offering high school labs here at the Creation Museum. It’s more than just hands-on science; it’s science taught through the lens of a biblical worldview. These labs begin in September and continue throughout the school year. Students will enjoy twelve sessions and twenty-four hands-on labs, taught by expert-level instructors right here [More]
By Dr. Georgia Purdom Many books for Christian women encourage us to embrace our sin and trust that God’s grace is bigger. This runs counter to what we are commanded in Scripture! …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Spring break is just around the corner! Many families plan a special trip together during this time off from school. If you’re thinking you’d like to go somewhere together, plan on making it a vacation with a purpose by visiting the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum—the two leading Christian themed attractions in the world. Not only will you have an incredible time making family memories but you’ll also be better equipped to defend your faith and share the gospel with others. As you plan your spring break trip, keep in mind that kids ten and under [More]
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Ann Gauger discusses a central argument used by evolutionary biologists to say it’s simple to get new proteins. Listen in to learn more about nylonase, and whether it shows that purely natural processes can produce biological information. In this podcast, Dr. Gauger talks about a frameshift mutation. Here is an example of what a frameshift mutation would look like in language: Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
By Avery Foley Four reasons Scripture gives us not to be afraid of climate change—and how to deal with climate alarmist fear. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham “O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great” (Psalm 104:24–25). No matter where you search on this planet, you will more than likely find life (even if you can’t see it—it’s there!). One easy spot to find life is in the water—the oceans and other bodies of water are literally teeming with it. And all these creatures give glory to their Creator. Discover just a few [More]
By Troy Lacey As we remember Abraham Lincoln, we consider his belief that “all men are created equal” and his fight against slavery. …read more Source: AIG Daily