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What do you do when the world’s most famous atheist mocks you internationally on television and throughout social media? What consolation can you find when you become known worldwide as atheism’s celebrity idiot? You look to the Scriptures and take consolation in how Joseph was humiliated before the time came when God opened a big door of opportunity for him, and how Moses was abased before God opened a big sea for him. You take comfort in knowing the principle of humiliation before promotion—that God often takes someone low before raising him up for His use. And that’s what happened [More]
04/19/19   Church membership in the U.S. is at an all-time low, according to a new Gallup poll. The survey, released Thursday, shows that 50 percent of Americans last year said they belong to a church, synagogue or mosque, representing an all-time low.   Read More: Gallup poll: US church membership at all-time low — Society’s Child — Sott.net
04/10/19 “On Sundays we have about 200 attendees here,” says Wahid, inviting us into the church he pastors abroad: a spacious hall with a stage full of instruments. It’s vastly different from the church he pastored in Iran where the church was no bigger than a living room, the “worship band” a simple cassette player.   Still, it wasn’t Wahid’s own choice to leave his country. He led a good life, ran a drycleaning business. But because of his decision to follow Jesus, increasing pressure forced him to flee. Now he lives in another country in the region with thousands [More]
Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2019 All the shows from 2019 so far!  
04/06/19   Over the last 30 years, there has been a mass exodus out of organized religion in the United States. Each year the needle has only moved a little bit, but over the long-term what we have witnessed has been nothing short of a seismic shift. Never before in American history have we seen such dramatic movement away from the Christian faith, and this has enormous implications for the future of our nation. According to a survey that was just released, the percentage of Americans that claim to have “no religion” has increased by 266 percent since 1991…   [More]
04/01/19   Joni Eareckson Tada, an internationally known advocate for people with disabilities, has been hospitalized as she continues her fight against breast cancer.   Tada, 69, was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in November 2018 and recently completed a series of radiation treatments, but is facing severe health challenges, according to her organization Joni and Friends.   For 40 years, Joni and Friends has provided the hope of the gospel and practical resources to people impacted by disability around the globe.   Read More: Joni Eareckson Tada Hospitalized Following Cancer Treatment, Asks for Prayers — Charisma [More]
04/01/19   A new report from a peer-reviewed medical journal has put an end to the age-old debate: prayer really does work.   At just one week old, a baby boy was rushed to the hospital. He was vomiting forcefully and struggling to properly digest formula. Before long, doctors diagnosed him with gastroparesis, a rare disease in which the stomach cannot correctly empty itself of its contents.   The young male — whose name has not been disclosed — underwent a series of procedures, all designed to treat his symptoms and maintain the status quo, according to a case report from [More]
J. Warner Wallace interviewed on a variety of topics related to Christianity.
Short excerpts from J. Warner Wallace’s training sessions
Former police detective J. Warner Wallace addresses such topics as these and many more: All religions lead to the same place There are no objective truths The Bible is full of contradictions Jesus is a copy cat savior
Youtube playlist of videos documenting that we are entering into a period of global cooling due to the soon coming grand solar minimum and what this portends for our future.  
Lysa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, is a well-known author and speaker. Her last book, Uninvited, became a #1 New York Times bestseller. However, while her career reached new heights, her personal world was coming apart. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and discovered her husband had been unfaithful.   Her new book It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way offers a raw look into TerKeurst’s struggles with cancer, infidelity and trusting God in the darkest times.   In this excerpt, TerKeurst shares how she found God in the midst of her hardest disappointment.   Read More: Lysa [More]
09/19/10 Christian is joined by Anita Bailey, Ph.D, author of COLD TIMES: Preparing for the Mini Ice Age, to discuss the continuing demise of modern agriculture. Now that canned food shortages have appeared nationwide, and the massive flooding in the Midwest have alerted to the public to the risks of Just-In-Time food system, more people than ever are aware — we have passed a real inflection point, and it is now more urgent than ever to prepare and start growing your own food. COLD TIMES book: https://amzn.to/2JX7Vew or 15% off: http://auctoritaspublishing.org/specials Support IAF: http://subscribestar.com/iceagefarmer Start growing your own food today!
03/18/19   Research over the past couple of years reveals that Christianity in Europe is the strongest where it was banned.   “The Iron Curtain that once divided Europe may be long gone, but the continent today is split by stark differences in public attitudes toward religion, minorities and social issues – such as gay marriage and legal abortion,” Pew Research reported from its two-year study. “Compared with Western Europeans, fewer Central and Eastern Europeans would welcome Muslims or Jews into their families or neighborhoods, extend the right of marriage to gay or lesbian couples or broaden the definition of national [More]
03/18/19   A “Prince of ISIS” has done what many would consider unthinkable, making a commitment to turn away from his horrifying past to unite with a new way of life through Jesus Christ.   The former ISIS leader, whose identity has been disguised for his safety, is being called Mohammad. The miraculous circumstances that led to his transformation were reported by Dr. Michael Youssef’s Leading The Way ministry.   Since the launch of its Christian satellite TV station, THE KINGDOM SAT, Leading The Way is working to touch “some of the most unreachable lives in the Arabic world,” including [More]
03/06/19   “Glory to Jesus!” She shouts, raising her arms high. Water drips from the sleeves of her white dress as she walks through the green water of the swimming pool.   Tens of people gather around the pool, clapping their hands and shouting for joy along with her. She is the first new believer baptized on a sunny Sunday morning in Lebanon; 15 others are in line behind her, waiting to be immersed.   Revival Beginnings in Syria   Syrian Pastor David sees the start of a revival among the Druze and Kurds in Syria. Sixteen baptisms in one [More]
03/06/19   In documents obtained by Bitter Winter magazine, monetary incentives are spelled out based on the specific report and its impact. For example, a document issued by a subdistrict in Nanyang city in China’s Henan province states that anyone who discovers and reports a group will receive a reward of 200 to 1,000 RMB (about $30 to $150).   Reporting someone for making or spreading images earns a reward of $75 to to $300. And if the report has significant impact, the reward is $750 to $1,500. Turning in a believer from the Church of Almighty God (the largest [More]
03/06/19   My name is “Prisoner 42.” The name I was born with in North Korea was the first thing they took away from me when I arrived here in this North Korean prison. Every morning at 8 a.m., they call for “42.” To get to them, I have crawl on my elbows through the cat-flap. When I stand up, I must keep my head down. I’m not allowed to look at the guards. Each day begins the same. I put my hands behind my back and follow the guards to the interrogation room. Each day for an hour, they ask the same questions. “Why were [More]
02/17/19   SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – One North Korean defector in Seoul describes her family back home quietly singing Christian hymns every Sunday while someone stood watch for informers. A second cowered under a blanket or in the toilet when praying in the North. Yet another recalls seeing a fellow prison inmate who’d been severely beaten for refusing to repudiate her religion.   These accounts from interviews with The Associated Press provide a small window into how underground Christians in North Korea struggle to maintain their faith amid persistent crackdowns.   The North’s treatment of Christians could become a [More]
02/17/19   For more than 70 years, Wycliffe Bible Translators has worked to give people the Word of God in their own language. It took 67 years to complete the first 500 Bibles, and the second 500 took only 17 years. Now, updated software for smartphones called Paratext Lite will speed up the process even more.   ParaText Lite grants access to a central database for countries to translate Scriptures and helps missionaries update their outdated software to connect with people quicker.   Read More: New Bible Translation Technology Is Helping to Spread the Gospel Faster Than Ever | CBN [More]
02/16/19   “Times have certainly changed.”  Admin   In 1973, when the Supreme Court created out of the “emanations” of the “penumbra” of the Constitution the right to kill the unborn, the judges weren’t sure when life began.   They should have been.   After all, the editors of Life magazine documented life in the womb in a 1965 cover story featuring a vivid and unforgettable photo display.   “Drama of Life Before Birth” was published eight years before the justices struggled with the concept of life’s beginnings.   The non-profit Liberty Counsel, which regularly defends the life of the unborn in [More]
02/06/19   I was making my morning coffee in the kitchen and wondering how I would get through the day, especially with the rain coming down, when Tony’s picture toppled from the mantle in the family room. Again. Ever since my husband died two years earlier, that gold-framed photo—Tony posing with his prize hunting dogs—kept falling. That wasn’t all that was happening. Sometimes the TV would turn on out of the blue. And I’d get this feeling that Tony was still with me. Was it just the wishful thinking of a lonely widow? I couldn’t be sure.   I picked [More]
02/06/19   Bai Yahui*, a sister from Central China, shared how the police had shut down all the house churches in the region, warning pastors not to hold any more meetings.   Area pastors were placed on “probation,” she said, and were told to come to the police station every time they received a police call telling them to report on their movements and activities. Police call frequently at random times, day or night. Bai shares how she and other leaders are responding to the escalating persecution from the state:   “We are constantly on edge,” she said, “but our [More]
Actively religious people are much more likely than those who are less religious to describe themselves as “very happy” according to a new poll by the Pew Research Center. In the United States, 36 percent of the actively religious describe themselves as “very happy,” while only 25 percent of the inactively religious and 25 percent of the unaffiliated self-identify in this way, Pew revealed. Similarly, in Japan, those who are religiously active are significantly happier than the religiously inactive and the unaffiliated, with 45 percent, 34 percent, and 31 percent respectively being “very happy.”   Read More: Pew: Actively Religious [More]
Videos dealing with physics, mathematics and creation.  
Each year one-third of the entire world population observes Christmas. Two billion people celebrate that a Child was born in a manger 2,000 years ago. They decorate their homes inside and out, put up Christmas lights, and exchange gifts. They send cards expressing the joy of the occasion, and sing popular Christmas carols, such as “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” Yet comparatively few truly understand the meaning of that famous hymn—that Jesus was “born that man no more may die.”
From Living Waters, creators of the award-winning TV program “The Way of the Master” and the hit movies “180” and “Evolution vs. God,” comes the powerful film “Audacity.” Executive produced by TV co-host and best-selling author Ray Comfort (Hell’s Best Kept Secret, Scientific Facts in the Bible), this film delivers an unexpected, eye-opening look at the controversial topic of homosexuality. Peter (Travis Owens) is an aspiring comedian encouraged by his friend Ben (Ben Price, Australia’s Got Talent finalist) to perform at the local comedy club. But stage fright isn’t Peter’s only fear. When confronted with one of today’s most divisive [More]