Will You Line Up for This Year’s Flu Shot? 25 Safe Natural Alternatives to the Flu Shot |

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“Good article on 25 simple things you can do to prevent getting the flu and some natural remedies you can take if you do. Do flu shots work and are they safe, here are two articles on that, one, two. ” Admin

It’s that time of year again.  The propaganda machine is in high gear, churning out the fear in order to get everyone lined up for their annual flu shots.   Widely trusted websites like the CDC, Flu.gov, and the Mayo Clinic are all trumpeting the necessity of this year’s vaccination and proclaiming it to be the best way to stay healthy.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control) held a press conference yesterday (Sept. 26, 2013) in conjunction with the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) to kick off this year’s vaccine push.

“Our message today is simple,” Dr. Howard Koh, assistant secretary for health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Everyone 6 months of age and older should receive a flu vaccine.

The good news, according to the government health agency, is that more kids and health care workers got vaccinated during last year’s flu season, compared to previous years. That’s key, because children and people with preexisting health conditions are at higher risk for more serious cases of flu.

But, those positive trends are not going to put the brakes on the CDC’s efforts to tout the vaccines, especially among some high-risk groups still lagging in coverage rates.

“Despite substantial progress, we can do even more to make our country healthier through prevention,” said Koh. “We must do everything possible now to be prepared.” (source)

This year the focus is on pregnant women and people who are employed at long term health care facilities.  Don’t be surprised to see another rash of “get your flu shot or lose your job” ultimatums for nursing home workers.  Last year, workplaces, schools and other activities across the US and Canada instituted policies that forced all participants to receive a flu shot. Longterm hospital employees were fired for refusing to have the toxin injected into themselves.  Children were banned from pre-schools and daycares in 6 states.  Nursing students were told to have the shot or lose their placements, thus disqualifying them for their degrees. The media and government launched a full-out propaganda assault to force those who didn’t want it to have the flu shot anyway, at risk of their livelihoods and educations.

Read More  Will You Line Up for This Year’s Lethal Injection? 25 Safe Natural Alternatives to the Flu Shot |.

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