Weekly Health Quiz: Tea, Cows and Sleep

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By Dr. Mercola

1 All teas come from the same plant, an evergreen called Camellia sinensis, except for:

  • Black
  • Green
  • Herbal

    Black and green tea (as well as oolong, dark and white teas) come from the same plant, an evergreen called Camellia sinensis. Learn more.

  • Oolong

2 Grain feeding cows encourages the growth of E. coli in the animals’ gut because it:

  • Impairs their ability to get optimal deep sleep
  • Detrimentally changes their gut microbiome

    Grain feeding cows also encourages the growth of E. coli in the animals’ gut, as it leads to a more acidic environment. Learn more.

  • Decreases their heart rate variability
  • Causes insulin and leptin resistance

3 Athletes …read more

Source: mercola


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