Radiohalos: Evidence of Accelerated Decay, Part 2 – Dr. Andrew Snelling

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Dr. Andrew Snelling, one of the world's most respected Creation Scientists specializing in geological studies, joined Answers in Genesis in 2007 as the organization's new director of research, and also as a speaker for layperson and technical audiences. 
The addition of Dr. Snelling has further confirmed AiG's effort to meet the highest standards in its research in Creation studies
Dr. Snelling, who spent considerable time serving as a consultant in developing the AiG Creation Museum's large flood-geology room, becomes AiG's first full-time Ph.D. in the field of geology. Dr. Snelling earned his PhD degree in geology from the University of Sydney in Australia.
Dr. Snelling has extensive experience working in the mining industry in Australia. One of his main areas of research has been the study of methods used in dating rocks, a key area of research for groups like AiG, which are convinced of a young age for the earth.
Snelling's research, for example, has shown different radioisotope dates on the same rock samples.
In addition, Dr. Snelling's research has indicated that radioactive decay rates must not have been constant in the past, citing the halos in rock crystals, which clearly show radioactive decay was accelerated sometime in the past