Video: CA Senator Takes Orders From Lobbyists On Vax Bill

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“Great video which also discusses the bill and how it might lead to mandatory adult vaccinations as well.”  Admin

A Controversial Vote is taking place in California today on Senate Bill 277. Legislation that will make vaccinations mandatory for any child attending public OR Private School while stripping away any personal and religious exemptions.

Last week, more than 700 parents showed up to voice their opposition to the controversial SB277. When it was clear that the legislation didn’t have the support needed to push through,

one Committee Chair, who supports the bill, threw the bill’s author a bone. At the close of the meeting, she advised Senator Pan to postpone the vote one week. Instead of listening to the deafening calls of California voters, Senator Pan turned to a lobbyist for advice on wether or not to postpone the vote.

Read More CAUGHT ON TAPE: Senator Takes Orders From Lobbyist.

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