Venues cancel events featuring US anti-vaccination campaigner Sherri Tenpenny

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“So much for free speech. Those opposed to her speaking should have had a spokesperson step forward and offer to debate her on the subject. But no, bullying tactics appear their preferred method of dealing with opposition.”  Admin

At least five Australian conference venues booked to host American anti-vaccination campaigner Sherri Tenpenny have cancelled the events as pressure mounts over her speaking tour.

The controversial osteopath who claims vaccines are linked to autism, asthma and auto-immune disorders, was due to begin a series of anti-vaccination seminars in Melbourne on March 1, before travelling to Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane.

Tickets for a dinner with the high-profile campaigner, who says she is a medical practitioner, are also being sold on booking system eventbrite for up to $200. The dinner was meant to take place at the Amora Hotel Riverwalk in Melbourne on February 28.

But on Thursday, general manager of the hotel Tim Bilston said he had cancelled the event for “commercial reasons”.

“We’re not making any comment on vaccination … we had a contract which means we can opt to cancel at any time or within an appropriate amount of time.”

He said organisers of the event were disappointed but “took it OK”.

It also appears the Bayview Eden hotel in Melbourne, which was booked to host a seminar, has cancelled. Until this morning, eventbrite was advertising it as a venue. The website now says the venue is “yet to be determined”.

Organisers of the anti-vaccination event called Birth Baby and Beyond have posted a note on the eventbrite site, saying the venue cancelled due to “bullying by the sceptic society and others who do not believe in informed consent, free speech and respect for others’ rights”.

Read More  Venues cancel events featuring US anti-vaccination campaigner Sherri Tenpenny.

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