Vaccine strain of measles found in measles outbreaks: genetic testing reveals forensic evidence of outbreak source – 12160

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If you’re worried about your child contracting measles, whooping cough or one of the other scary-sounding infectious diseases being hyped up by the mainstream media right now, you might want to steer clear of recently vaccinated children rather than the unvaccinated.

What you’re not being told by the corporate media is that attenuated vaccines like MMR, the proposed solution to the contrived Disneyland measles outbreak, shed live viruses for weeks or even months following vaccination, spreading vaccine-strain infections to others.

Both vaccinated and unvaccinated children alike are at risk from recently vaccinated children, who are walking disease carriers spreading viruses and, in some cases, triggering disease outbreaks. This is never spoken about by the sell-out talking heads on TV, but it’s a scientific fact that simply can’t be ignored in light of the current national conversation on vaccines.

Read More  Vaccine strain of measles found in measles outbreaks: genetic testing reveals forensic evidence of outbreak source – 12160.

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