The frightful level of thought control in American academia

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The frightful level of thought control in American academia

A review of Free to Think: Why Scientific Integrity Matters by Dr Caroline Crocker

Leafcutter Press, Southworth, WA, 2010

Reviewed by John Woodmorappe

Dr Caroline Crocker, according to the opinions of many of her students, was an outstanding biology teacher. She was falsely accused of—horror of horrors—teaching creationism in class. Actually, all she had done was point out some of the weaknesses of evolutionary theory. For this, she was first demoted to teaching lab classes, and then—surprise—her contract was shortened and not renewed. Her dismissal for ‘teaching creationism’ was a kiss of death for her career. She found it very difficult to get another teaching job. She took legal action to fight the blatant discrimination that she had experienced, but her lawyer instead lost his reputation for helping a Darwin-doubter.

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