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Seminar by Chris Ashcraft Seattle Creation Conference Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA September 26, 2015 The human body is a wonder of God’s creation that provides many extraordinary examples of intelligent design. Within each of us reside cells, organs, and systems that are interconnected and interdependent in ways that defy evolutionary explanation. Even today, many functions are not fully understood and yet evolutionists hold fast to their belief that this remarkable machine developed without a creator. This presentation will highlight many amazing features of the human body, which offer testimony that we were “knit together” and “wonderfully made” to the [More]
Transhumanists believe that humanity will evolve to the next level within our lifetime by utilizing modern technology. Explore the Darwinian roots of this growing worldwide movement and see how it exposes man’s sinful desire to ‘become God’. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million of years. Related Articles: Transhumanism—mankind’s next step forward? (http://creation.com/transhumanism) Stalin’s ape-man Superwarriors (http://creation.com/superwarrior) Ivanov’s ape-human hybrid project—Why? (http://creation.com/hybrid) Related Products: Frankenstein [More]
Many people are under the mistaken impression that people from different racial backgrounds have big differences in their DNA instructions. But this is not the case. The entire human race has an incredibly low level of genetic variety. Some biologists have remarked that if you sequenced the DNA instruction of two humans on opposite sides of the globe they’d have less change in their DNA than two chimps on the same mountain in Africa. These discoveries have profound implications. Since the human race has relatively low genetic variety that means it must have originated recently. The racial groups have not [More]
Research in recent years by leading (evolutionist) geneticists has revealed catastrophically high mutation rates in humans. This would be a good thing if mutations really cause upward evolution. Instead the human race is plunging toward extinction. Based on data from genetics humans could not have been evolving for millions of years, we would already be extinct. Related content • Mutations are highly destructive (http://creation.com/gu-sanford1) • Can human extinction be stopped (http://creation.com/gu-sanford3) • Mutations Q&A page (http://creation.com/mutations-questions-and-answers) • Good news about escaping death (http://creation.com/good-news)
Is the human genome full of parasites? This might seem like a ridiculous question but some researchers suggest that it is. The human genome project revealed a large number of transposable elements. These DNA segments copy themselves and move around the genome. Some scientists claim they serve no function and have dismissed them as parasitic DNA. Some evolutionary scientists claim that similarities with chimps in these supposedly useless bits prove evolution. But new research shows they have functions. One study revealed that transposable elements activate during embryo development in mice, to control gene expression. Another study revealed they activate in [More]
Calling someone a mutant is an insult because mutations, which are copying mistakes in DNA, are almost always bad. In fact, we know many mutations by the diseases they cause and, to make matters worse, more mutations are added to the genome every year. In his recent book Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome former Cornell University professor Dr John Sanford points out the seriousness of this problem. He shows that mutations are rapidly decaying the information within the human genome. However, this is surprising because, according to evolutionary theory, mutations coupled with natural selection is the means [More]
Half a century ago, Nobel Prize winning biologist Sir Peter Medawar made a startling comment. He declared that the survival of a child in a mother’s womb contradicted immunological laws. Since the immune system normally detects foreign tissue and attacks it you’d expect the immune system to attack the genetically distinct child within her. Well, we now know that it actually does but the baby survives by putting up a very specific defense. Researchers at the medical college of Georgia discovered that mammalian embryos produce a special enzyme that suppresses the mother’s killer T-cell action. The human embryo starts to [More]
Mutations are leading the entire human race to extinction, at a rate that is incompatible with the notion that humans have been evolving for millions of years. Can something be done to stop or slow the rapid march to death? This episode again features Dr John Sanford and some main points from his brilliant summary of data from leading evolutionary human population geneticists. Related content • Dr John Sanford’s pivotal book Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Human Genome (http://creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=10-3-506) • Mutations are highly destructive — previous Genesis Unleashed show (http://creation.com/gu-sanford1) • Mutation rates in humans are extremely high [More]
This episode provides a fascinating look at human culture, racism, slavery through the eyes of one of the fathers of the modern creation movement. Author, speaker and founder of Creation magazine Dr Carl Wieland is our guest. Related episode: Tracing the nations back to Babel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q32hkel6OEI The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Origin of the Human Races (http://creation.com/the-origin-of-the-human-races) Adam and Eve [More]
http://www.icr.org/randy_guliuzza/ | The human eye is so highly specialized that Charles Darwin mused whether his theory was not preposterous in light of the…
http://edingburghcreationgroup.org | Dr George Marshall examines the design features of the human heart.
From week #10 of Stuart Heights University 2012, Bryan Osborne presents “The Key to Reclaiming Our Culture: Creation versus Evolution“. In this 53-minute pre…
Our guest Sean McDowell from Worldview Ministries answers the question “Is God a Human Invention?” For more info about our guest, visit seanmcdowell.org.
Think of a larger symphony producing the works of Mozart or Beethoven. It all begins with the individual playing his part. This is much like how our body operates with its 11 systems working in concert. Sadly, schools and the media erroneously teach that the human body is the result of “millions of years” of Darwinian evolution. No credit is given to the One who created these amazing systems designed to work as one. Consider our eye construction, the dynamic skeleton, the ability to hear the faintest sound, the brain’s amazing circuitry. The human body — a testament to our [More]
Research in recent years by leading (evolutionist) geneticists has revealed catastrophically high mutation rates in humans. This would be a good thing if mutations really cause upward evolution. Instead the human race is plunging toward extinction. Based on data from genetics humans could not have been evolving for millions of years, we would already be extinct. Related content • Mutations are highly destructive (creation.com • Mutations Q&A page (creation.com • Good news about escaping death (creation.com
www.icr.org Neanderthal Play List www.youtube.com GoodScienceForYou has replied to a comment on How DNA Destroys Evolution by Mike Riddle: www.youtube.com The evidence completely conforms, all of it. The rise in genetically caused diseases are clear and the DNA supports that and ONLY that. You are in denial and have you ego attached to this crap. It owns you and so you will perpetuate this lie and keep on aiding in the extinction of humans out or your ignorance. GoodScienceForYou has replied to a comment on How DNA Destroys Evolution by Mike Riddle: “You have neither and your conclusions are not [More]