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Most of you receiving this Update would be only too aware of the importance—socially, culturally, theologically and evangelistically—of making a strong stand on the truth of Genesis as real history—just as believed and taught by the Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles. But I imagine that some of you, while probably happy about the information that CMI produces continually, wonder about why a large percentage of our ministry is to Christians. We can’t stress often enough that we’ve found it to be the most effective way of reaching unbelievers, too. Let me explain. Read More: Why we do what we [More]
Biblical creationists have long held that the Neandertals were just one more group of humans. They were post-Flood, post-Babel descendants of Adam, expressing the genetic variation possible within the human kind, as people do today. So-called ‘progressive creationism’,1 which rejects biological evolution but tries to marry literal Genesis with long-age thinking (geological and cosmological evolution), has long had a problem with the Neandertal people. By definition, being long-agers, proponents of progressive creationism accept the dating methods, and these assign up to hundreds of thousands of years for the bones of Neandertal individuals. Yet even the most tortuous exegesis can’t stretch [More]
We not only try to convince people that biblical creation is true, but we also try to show why it is the best way to approach both the Bible and the physical evidence in the origins debate. G.S. writes: You mean, how to get others to think and believe the way you do as if it was the only real way? Instead why not help others see that ancient biblical documents were first of all written to the people and cultures that are foreign to us? How about helping needy Christians and nonbelievers see that God’s revelation in His ancient [More]
Scientists who have long been puzzled by the origins of Earth’s water are beginning to believe it originated deep inside of the planet—just like the Bible describes. Where did our planet’s water come from? This question remains a hotly-debated issue among geologists and astronomers, who concede that it is still largely a mystery. Evolutionists who believe the Earth was originally a hot molten sphere abounding with toxic gases have struggled to make sense of the abundance of water currently on our planet. ……. New scientific findings seem to support the Bible’s account. A report published recently in the journal “Nature” [More]
Did you know that the DNA code is itself governed by another code known as the epigenetic code? This physical and chemical code determines which genes are switched on. Changes in this code can greatly alter an organism without altering one letter of its DNA. For instance, scientists have managed to change the coat colour in mice by feeding them a diet that switches off certain genes. Epigenetics poses new problems for evolution. For instance, a group of animals with a camouflaged coat colour might be favoured in a particular environment, but if this coat colour is due to epigenetics [More]
How can a lack of erosion undermine evolutionary ideas of long ages of earth history? Well, when geologists study the boundary between two rock layers, they sometimes conclude that there was a significant time gap between when the lower and upper rock layers were laid down. However, many boundaries don’t show any evidence of elapsed time. The Grand Canyon provides startling examples. One is where the Coconino Sandstone overlies the Hermit Shale. The surface between these rock layers is remarkably flat and smooth—a ‘flat gap’. Yet according to conventional geology, there is a 6 million year gap between these rock [More]
Did you know that the earth’s magnetic field has reversed direction—or ‘flipped’—multiple times in the past? The evidence for these reversals is rock solid, because when molten rock cools, certain mineral grains align with the earth’s magnetic field, thus recording the direction of Earth’s magnetic field at the time, in the solidified rock. Previously, most geologists thought that a single reversal would take many thousands of years. However, creationist physicist, Dr Russell Humphreys, reasoned they must have happened quickly to fit within the biblical timescale. So Dr Humphreys made a prediction that quickly-cooling thin lava flows would be found that [More]
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences. The goals of this class are as follows… 1. Develop a consistent Christian world view 2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible 3. Equip Christians with information to defend [More]
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences. The goals of this class are as follows… 1. Develop a consistent Christian world view 2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible 3. Equip Christians with information to defend [More]
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences. The goals of this class are as follows… 1. Develop a consistent Christian world view 2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible 3. Equip Christians with information to defend [More]
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences. The goals of this class are as follows… 1. Develop a consistent Christian world view 2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible 3. Equip Christians with information to defend [More]
This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians with a basic understanding of many of the main evidences. We have included what we feel are the most important creation science evidences. The goals of this class are as follows… 1. Develop a consistent Christian world view 2. Gain confidence in the bible as scientifically and historically defensible 3. Equip Christians with information to defend [More]
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood. This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians with [More]
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood. This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians with [More]
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood. This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material including, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians with [More]
The Creation Science Crash Course (CSCC) is a comprehensive class on creation science apologetic material. This class is given from a literal, historical, and grammatical viewpoint of the Bible. This viewpoint leads to a literal and historical view of the first 11 chapters in Genesis. This class teaches 6 day literal creation and a worldwide flood. This class stemmed from the enormous volume of creation science material such as, books, magazine articles, and videos. At this point, there is so much evidence in support of 6 day literal creation most Christians don’t know where to start. This class provides Christians [More]
Using probability, Stephen Meyer refutes Dawkins Mount Improbable illustration.
A team of French and Canadian scientists have identified preserved embryos within the eggs of a tiny shrimp-like creature believed to have lived over 500 million years ago, raising questions about both the development of the creatures’ brooding abilities and the likelihood of such delicate materials surviving for thousands of millennia. Waptia fieldensis is a tiny, shrimp-like arthropod whose fossilized remains were first found 100 years ago in Cambrian layers of fossils in Canada. Now extinct, Waptia was a frail creature that carried the eggs of its young within its own body. Canadian researchers studying Waptia specimens recently made a [More]
Author J. Warner Wallace takes his years of experience in cold-case homicide investigations and uses them to explain why God is responsible for creating the universe.  cbn.com
“This sounds great! Includes a video discussing this project as well.”  Admin A Texas-based creation science organization has unveiled plans to build a state-of-the-art museum that will teach youth and adults alike the biblical account of the history of creation. The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) is a Christian group headquartered in Dallas that conducts scientific research and educates people on the Bible’s teachings via a variety of outreaches. This year, after more than four decades of ministry and many years of planning and preparation, ICR announced plans to build a 30,000-square foot creation science museum adjacent to their offices [More]
“Visit their website at  creationevidence.org  for more information and for videos, articles and other evidence for creation.”  Admin The Creation Evidence Museum of Texas is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational museum. The Museum is funded solely by contributions from individuals or groups wishing to see the truth of creation made known. We are located in Glen Rose in Somerville County. Our museum was founded in 1984 by Director Carl Baugh for the purpose of researching evidence and displaying exhibits that support the Biblical creation. The Creation Evidence Museum provides scientific evidence for creation to thousands of people each year. Every year, [More]
Modern science arose in harmony with Christian creationist beliefs. But in recent years science has adopted an assumption that is not founded on Christian doctrine. What has happened? The creation vs evolution controversy is seen by some as a conflict between the Bible and modern science. Another area of contention is the matter of miracles vs the laws of science. Why do such conflicts arise? And what can we learn from them about the Bible and about science? We can learn something extremely important about the authority of the Bible from such conflicts. Here’s why. The origin of science is [More]
Researchers in the field of astronomy have recently announced what is described to be a ‘truly monstrous’ structure, consisting of a ring of galaxies around 5 billion light-years across. Reported findings show that the seemingly unprecedented galactic ring, which was revealed by nine Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), is located 7 billion light-years away. GRBs are thought to be the result of massive stars collapsing into black holes, ostensibly at the end of the stars’ lives. Because black holes are typically found inside galaxies, astronomers say the ring of GRBs is evidence of a gigantic galaxy ring. Beacons can be used to [More]
Jesus clearly believed Genesis as history. For example, He referred to marriage at “the beginning of creation” (Mark 10:6), and to the global flood of Noah (Luke 17:26–27). This is a problem for those who profess to be Christian (to follow Christ) yet do not believe Genesis as Jesus did. Read More: Jesus the Creator – creation.com
‘If Noahs Flood really happened, then why don’t we see any evidence for it?’ a skeptic might ask. In today’s era of mass-media disinformation, this type of question is hurled at Bible-believers daily. The answer is quite simply this: evidence for Noah’s Flood is everywhere, but it is not reported as such by mainstream secular sources. A recent Associated Press article posted on the Guardian website provides us yet another perfect example of how evidence can be hidden in plain sight and presented in a completely dishonest way. Read More: Unpermineralized hadrosaur bones Alaska – creation.com
God created human beings in His image and with the unique capacity for relationship with Him out of the rest of the physical creation. God’s plan has always included dwelling with His people in a place characterized by holiness, and we can see that theme all throughout Scripture. Read More: Dwelling with God – creation.com
It is difficult for us, 150 or so years later, to appreciate the life-and-death struggle which convulsed the Christian world in the 19th century—and especially following the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1859. It was not, of course, the scientific theory of evolution only which gave problems: Nietzsche, with his ‘God is dead’ philosophy, the political views of Marx and Engels, the psychoanalytical theories of Freud, the application of ‘survival of the fittest’ ideas to extreme capitalism, and the higher criticism dogma of some theologians leading on to modernism and present-day liberalism—all these had one thing in common: [More]