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God’s Word can be trusted with everything it speaks about—from how and why we were made, to how the universe was formed, to how we can know God and receive all He has planned for us. That’s why ICR scientists have spent more than 50 years researching scientific evidence that refutes evolutionary philosophy and confirms the Bible’s account of a recent and special creation. We regularly receive testimonies from around the world about how ICR’s cutting-edge work has impacted thousands of people with God’s creation truth.
Hawaiians call their state fish the humuhumunukunukuapua’a, or humuhumu for short, and snorkelers marvel at its wild paint job as it flits beneath basalt reefs. Scientifically named Rhinecanthus rectangulus, it is one of a variety of triggerfish that are named for a “trigger” used to lock the dorsal spine in an “up” position. Two aspects of the wonderful humuhumu reveal its Creator’s handiwork. Read More
I recently had lunch with the chief academic officer of a local Christian university. As we connected over our meal, I could see his excitement about ICR’s research and our Discovery Center. He was intrigued by the opportunity to bring his staff and faculty for a visit. Our discussion continued into a conversation about “thousands versus millions” of years of Earth history. At this, his expression changed from enraptured to a blank stare. At first, I was confused by his sudden indifference. He wasn’t disagreeing with anything I said. He was familiar enough with all that ICR does, and all [More]
Gunnison National Forest’s 1.67-millionplus acres showcase stunning views of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The Continental Divide forms its eastern border, and other parks nestle against its many sides. Among myriad wonders are particular trees and rock exposures that point thoughtful visitors to two key biblical events. Quaking Aspens Many consider the quaking aspen of North America, Populus tremuloides, their favorite tree for its pillar-like, off-white trunks, leaves that flutter or “quake” in the slightest breeze, and fantastically golden fall foliage. Two clearly seen engineered aspects of aspen biology point to creation. Read More
Science, Scripture, & Salvation is a podcast that we hope will encourage you in your Christian faith by showing how scientific evidence supports the Bible, particularly the Genesis account. When we see that the first and most foundational book of the Bible can be trusted in all matters—including science—it builds confidence in the rest of the inspired Word all the way to Revelation.
“Excellent video.” Admin   Either God exists or He doesn’t. There is no middle ground. Consider four logical lines of powerful evidence that clearly testify on behalf of the existence of a supernatural Creator.   Watch: 4 Reasons to Believe in God – Apologetics Press
Dragons are considered by many to be made-up creatures in fairytales and legends, but our ancestors produced many descriptions and depictions of “dragons,” some of which match real dinosaur fossils found centuries later. If humans lived with these incredible beasts, doesn’t that contradict the evolutionist assumption that dinosaurs died off millions of years before modern humans evolved? Host Trey and paleobiochemist Dr. Brian Thomas discuss the facts that lie behind the legends. Book mentioned in this video: Untold Secrets of Planet Earth: Dire Dragons Purchase your copy at icr.org/store
Calvin Smith dives into the debate of morality, questioning the foundation of atheistic ethical standards. Contrasting these with God-rooted morals, he highlights potential inconsistencies in atheist moral claims. Join us in this thought-provoking exploration of where our true moral compass points.
What About Other Alleged Evidences of Human Evolution? Even if the fossil record doesn’t support human evolution, what about the other evidences discussed in textbooks? Vestigial Organs—Erroneous Evidence “Vestigial” organs are parts of the human body that, in many cases, were once thought by many evolutionists to be virtually useless leftovers from previous species in the human evolutionary ancestry that have yet to be eliminated from the body. In 1895, German anatomist Robert Wiedersheim made a list of 86 organs that he considered “wholly” or at least “in part functionless,” which have subsequently been shown to be useful as more study has [More]
Macroevolution1 is the belief that all extant species emerged from previous species, beginning with a simple, single-celled organism. Macroevolution is accepted as true by the bulk of mainstream scientists, even though, without a God, it does not even have the means to get started on its path from single-celled organisms to humans. No sufficient evidence exists to support the blind belief that life could come from non-life, much less life that is equipped with an operating program, genetic information, and the ability to reproduce itself. The evidences which are claimed to support biological evolution, without fail, end up being irrelevant, inadequate, [More]
Like miniature superheroes that can walk up walls and escape danger in incredible ways, geckos demonstrate the wonders of creation. Join Eric Lyons as he examines the incredible traits of these reptiles, and why scientists are trying to reproduce their amazing design.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Geckos – Apologetics Press
Many claim that biblical faith is a blind, evidence-less belief. The Bible, however, does not support that view. On the contrary, the Bible claims that God has left immense amounts of evidence that will force a person to believe in Him if he will simply study the evidence without bias.   Watch: Is Belief in Creation Science a Blind Faith? – Apologetics Press
Why are researchers so awestruck by the spider’s silk webbing? Why would scientists love to recreate the amazing qualities of spider-produced silk? Are millions of years of mindless evolution the ultimate explanation? Or, is spider webbing God’s wonder material? Join Eric Lyons as he untangles the evolutionary web to show God’s amazing design.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Spider Silk – Apologetics Press
You’ve likely seen them on a summer night—airborne insects with their very own flashlights. Lightning bugs have the ability to combine chemicals to produce bioluminescent light. Such complex, functional design demands a Designer. Join Eric Lyons as he takes a deeper look at these wonders of God’s Creation.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Lightning Bugs – Apologetics Press
  Third in a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
  Second of a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
First of a 3 part series. Creationist Jobe Martin argues that some organisms possess characteristics that are better explained by creation by design rather than by evolution. These organisms include the Bombardier Beetle, the Giraffe, the Woodpecker, the Australian Incubator Bird, The Chicken Egg, the Beaver, the Platypus, the Black & Yellow Garden Spider, the Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizard, and the Human Eye & Ear Drum.
? Enter an inspired world of design where nature is the teacher. A place where human designers sit in the Earth’s classroom to learn the mystery of creation. It’s a world of majesty and beauty. From the macro of planets to the micro of the tiniest cell, it’s an all inspired design that is perfectly efficient, wastes nothing, and holds the key to unlock a new frontier of discovery. Directed by Steve Greisen Featuring Andy Lee, Rossi Morreale, Paul Filidis
When you think about snakes, you probably think about them slithering across the ground or maybe through the water. Have you ever seen a snake slithering through the air? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses a fascinating group of “flying” snakes that show the complexity and wonder of God’s creation.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Flying Snakes – Apologetics Press
An overview of the book “Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise” by Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson. It’s groundbreaking scientific research that rewrites everything you thought you knew about “race,” ethnicity, and even human history. And it’s only possible because the researcher, Harvard-trained Dr. Jeanson, starts with the history and the timeline God has given us in his Word.
One of the greatest deceptions perpetrated by atheists and humanists is that the theory of evolution is somehow “science.” Dr. Houts demonstrates that, in reality, evolution is merely a tenet of the false religion of atheism.   Watch: EIR6: “The Age of the Universe: Evidence and Assumption” – Apologetics Press
How can a camel go days or even months without a drink of water? What have scientists learned about the amazing design of this water-conserving creature? And more importantly, does such design demand a Designer? Join Eric Lyons as he demonstrates the incredible features of the camel, a wonder of God’s creation.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Camels – Apologetics Press
Honeybees are extremely important as pollinators for much of the food humans depend upon. What happens though, when 1 bee finds a good area of flowers to pollinate? How does this bee inform and provide the directions for the rest of the hive? Join Kyle Butt as he examines the amazing communication of these wonders of Creation.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Honeybees – Apologetics Press
Thousands of years ago, humans had bigger brains. That conclusion was reached after researchers showed that ancient human skulls from Europe, the Middle East and Asia had an average brain capacity of 1500 cubic centimetres, compared to today’s 1359 cc.1,2   Read More: Our shrinking brains – creation.com
Jul 24, 2020 “Better Living Through Chemistry!” We will discover that the information for prescribing life activities and the life force itself is not part of the atoms, molecules and chemical principles even though life rides on or runs on the chemistry of the cells. Evolution assumes that life is a product of the physical atoms and molecule, yet the un-directed process of chemical evolution violates known and verified chemical laws, principles and processes. We will show that the “goo-to-you-by-the-zoo” model is unscientific, especially in proverbial “primordial pond” or oceans. Without a sound foundation of the origin of life, the [More]
It seems as though a traditional Christmas complete with carol singing, Christmas Eve service and large family gatherings will not be permitted this year in many parts of the UK as governments continue to struggle with how to combat the virus.   However, what appears to be the ‘traditional’ is perhaps not as old as we might think. Many of the ‘traditional’ elements are from the Victorian times – Christmas trees, carolling and of course Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. This is what we mean by a Dickensian Christmas and it ain’t happening this year. Perhaps we are now in [More]
R?oland, an unbeliever all the way through college, was looking for answers to life’s big questions. So he looked into the philosophy of religion and of science—as well as history, which convinced him mankind was not getting better.   Read More: Roland Beard: a passion for the poor – creation.com