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Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination in 68 countries worldwide and 2,947 counties in the U.S. Not only did vaccination not decrease the number of new COVID-19 cases, but it was associated with a slight increase in them, such that countries with a higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people Iceland and Portugal, both of which have more than 75% of their populations fully vaccinated, have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than Vietnam and South Africa, which have only about 10% of [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Mainstream media have incorrectly insinuated that ivermectin is purely a veterinary drug that could be dangerous to humans; CNN falsely stated that Joe Rogan took “horse dewormer” Rogan recently interviewed CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, getting him to admit CNN lied The FDA started the “horse dewormer” fallacy based on a Mississippi health department report that said 70% of poison control calls were related to veterinary ivermectin. It was actually 70% of ivermectin-related calls, six in all, four of which were about accidental use of ivermectin in livestock. Overall, these calls made [More]
LifeSiteNews readers won’t want to miss Wednesday’s online conference exposing medical abuse and neglect of COVID-19 patients.   “Caught on Tape” will be an explosive press conference event presenting shocking recordings of hospital executives discussing coordinated plans to restrict fluids and nutrition for hospitalized COVID patients, suppression of all visits for COVID patients while in hospital, denial of vital medicines, and more. Convicted felons in America are given more rights than COVID patients in America’s hospitals.   Join us Wednesday October 27 at NOON Eastern Time for “Stop the Shot! Caught on Tape…” Video Press Conference live-streamed by LifeSiteNews and [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Argentina has extensive medical experience with ivermectin. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was used to treat dengue fever, which is endemic in Argentina Early in the pandemic, Dr. Hector Carvallo, a retired medical professor in Argentina, devised two ivermectin trials to assess the drug’s usefulness against SARS-CoV-2. His treatment protocols are used in five Argentinian provinces. In one province, the death rate was reduced to one-third in less than a month, in the middle of the outbreak When used preventatively, ivermectin is administered in conjunction with carrageenan, which also has antiviral properties When [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Li-Meng Yan, M.D., Ph.D., escaped from China to the United States to expose China’s cover-up of the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic According to Yan, SARS-CoV-2 was made in a Chinese military lab. The Third Military Medical University and the Research Institute for Medicine of Nanjing Command discovered a bat coronavirus called ZC45. She’s convinced that ZC45 was used as a template and/or backbone to create SARS-CoV-2 While the Chinese military may be responsible for the physical creation of the virus, there’s ample evidence showing the U.S. funded at least some of the [More]
10/24/21   “Pastor Chuck Baldwin lets loose on the vax mandates and our need to resist this tyranny. Good read.” Admin   The world (led by the United States) has been under Covid tyranny for over 18 months now. At the very beginning of this masquerade, we were all taken off guard. No one then could have dreamed what the satanic eugenicists Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, et al. had planned for us.   For a few weeks, everyone gave the medical establishment the benefit of the doubt and believed they were truly looking out for our health—although some of us [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In my 2021 Bulletproof biohacking lecture, I addressed simple cost-effective ways to safeguard and improve your health in these troubled times One of my top recommendations is to optimize your vitamin D level. There’s a strong correlation between your vitamin D level and your risk of dying from COVID-19. At a level of 17 ng/mL, the death rate is nearly 100%. At a level of 35 ng/mL, the death rate is near zero Another foundational health principle is physical exercise. Strength training in particular is crucial and only becomes more important with age, [More]
Dian Capps gave in to peer pressure, and got jabbed with the Moderna shot being FALSELY referred to as a “COVID Vaccine”. Her story is absolutely horrific, and she says she was led by God to tell her story, praying that just one person can be saved by her testimony.
Officer Michael McMahon and MANY other cops around the country will NOT bow down to the REAL CRIMINALS, which seem to believe they’re in positions of power due to their installation as “leaders”. These cops believe in the freedom to choose if they take medicine, and they will NOT be forced into a series of shots that have been proven to be dangerous, and in many cases DEADLY!
Kalley Newkirk took the first COVID shot and began having serious issues that she’s never had before and, sadly had TWO miscarriages as a result. Kalley refuses to get the second, third, fourth or how ever many shots will be required, and she joined “The Stew Peters Show” LIVE from Mayo Clinic!
The latest episode of CHD.TV’s “Against the Wind” with host Dr. Paul Thomas featured an interview with Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., senior research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology who discussed the “stealth design” of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.   Thomas also interviewed Neil Z. Miller, medical research journalist, director of Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute and author of “Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies,” on his extensive research on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and COVID vaccines.   Thomas began the show with a big announcement: He is taking care of pediatric patients again. His medical license, suspended by the Oregon Medical Board days prior to publishing [More]
“Two excellent articles on what graphene oxide from the vaccines does inside the body and how to remove it from the body.” Admin Graphene oxide is excited by EMF frequencies and multiplies in the body. The following very important information dump was shared by a friend of the channel. For what it’s worth, almost everything I have personally researched since the start of this covid op aligns with this, and she provides sources so you are free to do your own research. Very important aggregation of information regarding this covid psy-op. Thanks so much to Zabelle!   Read More: Explanation of how [More]
The FDA has now announced a “mix and match” formula for the booster shots that everyone has been told are necessary just months after the original serum was released. Dr. Jane Ruby says this is a DANGEROUS precedent that will create confusion, chaos and death.
10/22/21   Paul Craig Roberts Below is an extremely important analysis by a high level expert that explains and documents the engineering of the gain of function Covid virus driven by Tony Fauci and the engineered “vaccine” which is not a real vaccine but a concoction designed to produce endless variants of the virus, health injuries, deaths, infertility, and the injection of metallic markers for control purposes. This is not a conspiracy theory in the sense used by the media meaning that it is false. What the explanation does is to reveal a conspiracy against humanity. This long article is [More]
Wild conspiracy theories are becoming reality around the world. AJ Roberts is a veteran of the British Army and host of “The AJ Roberts Show”, and Roberts is based in the UK. Roberts joined Stew Peters to reveal an investigation that has been launched to determine if health officials intentionally led “undesirable” patients to their death. In addition, Roberts broke news about a prosecutor in the UK that has accepted murder charges against a school that jabbed a child who later died.
The White House has a plan to “quickly” vaccinate 28 million children! The children the government has targeted for these shots are aged 5-11.   Pending authorization from the Food and Drug Administration, the United States government will begin pushing hard to get around 28 million children injected with the “vaccine” that is being shown to destroy people’s immune systems.   Comparison of Official Government Reports Suggest Fully Vaccinated Are Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome   The shot, which also doesn’t prevent transmission of Covid-19 will be available at pediatricians, local pharmacies, and possibly even at schools, according to the White House, which [More]
What do you think:  can we really “inject” our way out of the pandemic?  Are shots the only way to get “back to normal”?  Or is it early treatment, improved metabolic health, and healthier lifestyle choices, as experts like Dr. McCullough advocate for? We’re proud to share our interview with Dr. McCullough with anyone interested in hearing more from experts on the risks vs. benefits of COVID-19 shots for kids. We are honored to have such a highly experienced and educated physician such as Dr. McCullough sitting in to offer his professional insights, including how to stay healthy during what [More]
“Video is in Spanish with English captions. Other researches upon examination of these vaccines have found what they believe are graphene oxide particles.” Admin   Many non-inoculated people wonder why being around inoculated people makes them feel sick. Many think they have contracted the famous fashionable virus.   However, La Quinta Columna has offered a different explanation for several months now: the graphene oxide present in the body of the inoculated emits multiplied frequencies that end up affecting those who aren’t, making them feel sick.   For more details … Watch: Graphene oxide emits frequencies that make non-inoculated people sick – ORWELL [More]
Dr. Aaron Williams appeared on The Stew Peters Show with an historic revelation about UV light technology that’s available, RIGHT NOW! The virus-killing fixtures have been studied and proven effective, but NOBODY wants to talk about it!
Dr. Samuel Sigoloff has been issuing medical exemptions from the shots being FALSELY referred to as “vaccines” for the soldiers in his care. The military has now BANNED and SUSPENDED Dr. Sigoloff, who joined Stew Peters to tell the eye-popping storyline of events.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Around the world, reports are pouring in of people dying shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. In many cases, they die suddenly within hours of getting the shot. In others, death occurs within the span of a couple of weeks Ironically, when seniors die before vaccination, it’s due to COVID-19 and something must be done to prevent it, but when they die after vaccination, they die of natural causes and no preventive action is necessary Several areas reported that deaths rapidly increased after vaccination programs were implemented, including in Gibraltar, which prior to a [More]
Listen to Dr. Peter McCullough as he addresses all things Covid at the 78th Annual Meeting of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons on October 2, 2021. Watch on Rumble
“The language spoken in the video included in the article is Spanish but there are English captions. They are Spanish researches checking the vaccines microscopically and showing a video and pictures of the many weird things they are finding similar to what others have done. Who knows what health problems these things will cause. After everything I’ve seen on what’s in these vaccines I would never get “The Jab”.” Admin   Recently, Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, the researcher who has been analyzing vaccination vials and working hard on a final and definitive expert report that will be published during this [More]
 “If you haven’t watched the first video by Dr. Madej you can see it here.” Admin EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS AND IMAGES: Dr. Carrie Madej joined “The Stew Peters Show” with images that should shock the entire world, and should immediately be investigated by lawmakers. The shots need to be stopped, IMMEDIATELY! Call your elected representative, email them these images and DO NOT STOP until we get ACTION!
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Lysine is an essential amino acid that has demonstrated positive results in the treatment of COVID-19, decreasing symptoms of infection in 80% of patients by 70% in the first 48 hours Treatment used an average dose of 2,000 mg with an arginine-restricted diet and no coffee or caffeine. Several of the patients had a negative PCR test within 3 days of treatment and small group showed reduction in fever from 4 to 18 hours Lysine has been well-studied and utilized against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2; the best results were seen in [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE October 4, 2021, Southwest Airlines sent an announcement to its employees informing them the airline is “required to comply with the government federal contractor mandate for employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19” The following weekend, October 9 and 10, 2021, Southwest Airlines was forced to cancel some 1,800 flights. While some claim the cancellations were due to a coordinated “sickout” in protest of the vaccine mandate, Southwest Airlines blamed “disruptive weather” and “air traffic issues” for the cancellations An estimated 50 to 60 NBA players remain unvaccinated. In a recent article, the Rolling [More]
The Stew Peters Show welcomed an anonymous nurse who’s sister was dying in the hospital, being refused life-saving treatments. The anonymous nurse and concerned family member took it upon herself to get a prescription for Ivermectin on behalf of her sister, and “smuggled” the treatment into the hospital.