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“This site has many other vaccine reaction stories plus sections on HCQ and Ivermectin. Scroll down any page and you’ll find the archives section on the right column. You can select any month to read the stories for that month.” Admin   A 33-year-old NFL defensive end will miss the entire 2021 season and is likely done playing professional football. Mainstream media, however, are completely censoring the reason why.   Mr. Vinny Curry received one of the experimental mRNA injections sometime this summer. He did a public service announcement promoting and encouraging people to get the “safe, effective” injections. Mr. [More]
Dr. Dan Stock, a board-certified, functional family medicine physician, spoke about COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness.   He says that, with the vaccine, “all the evidence suggests that what’s developing is a condition called antibody-dependent enhancement, where we’re actually making the immune system fight the virus wrong.”   He also discusses natural immunity and booster shots.   Watch: Physician: Vaccine May Be Causing ‘Antibody-Dependent Enhancement’
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  STORY AT-A-GLANCE The Great Reset has been called a conspiracy theory by many, despite specific plans published on the World Economic Forum (WEF) website and partnerships between the WEF and global organizations like the United Nations and World Health Organization An investigative report asserts that the ongoing restructuring of processes that control food and data are upending traditional practices so private corporations have more control and influence than democratically elected government A part of the Great Reset is a reset of the economy, including jobs. Many across the U.S. are facing unemployment if they do not [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  STORY AT-A-GLANCE mRNA-based COVID shots have used codon optimization to improve protein production. A codon consists of three nucleotides, and nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA. Use of codon optimization virtually guarantees unexpected results Replacing rare codons must be done judiciously, as rarer codons can have slower translation rates and a slowed-down rate is actually necessary to prevent protein misfolding Stop codons, when present at the end of an mRNA coding sequence, signals the termination of protein synthesis. According to a recent paper, both Pfizer and Moderna selected suboptimal stop codons The COVID shots induce [More]
Are you curious about the ingredients in the COVID shot?  Ever wondered whether these ingredients had been fully evaluated for their potential to cause harm or increase the risk of DNA mutation, cancer, or reproductive toxicity?   The short answer is no – not all of them, at least.  And you might be surprised to learn that one of the key ingredients in the Pfizer injection is not intended for use in humans or animals, according to its Safety Data Sheet (SDS).   “Not for human or veterinary use” – what is this toxic substance found in the Pfizer COVID shot?   [More]
Maddie is a Registered Nurse and TELLS ALL about the truth behind the “full” hospitals and nursing shortages. Maddie discusses the faulty system in Covid testing, the truth behind the actual Covid-19 death numbers, and the massive nursing shortage coming with vaccine mandates. Watch at Trunews
“Great article. There is a several paragraph summary at the top which is followed by the complete letter which goes into all the details regarding the 10 major points they raise about the governments failed policies.” Admin   A letter this week to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other UK government officials, signed by more than 130 UK medical professionals, accused the government of mishandling its response to the COVID pandemic, resulting in “massive, permanent and unnecessary harm” to the country.   The letter, “Our Grave Concerns About the Handling of the COVID Pandemic by Governments of the Nations of the UK,” [More]
Canadian emergency room physician, Mark Trozzi, quickly saw that COVID-19 was more hype than genuine pandemic—a disease no more dangerous than the flu that strikes mainly older and physically compromised adults. Then he saw the damage being done when treatments were being withheld, turning this treatable disorder into a tragedy with many unnecessary hospitalizations and deaths. He decided to give up his emergency career and instead to confront the COVID-19 onslaught by working with other physicians and groups speaking truth to power in Canada. His quiet passion and breadth of knowledge had me taking notes during the interview. Dr. Trozzi [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Aldous Huxley, an English writer and philosopher, wrote “Brave New World,” a science-fiction novel in which emotions and the sense of individuality are eliminated, starting in childhood, via the use of conditioning It’s a work of fiction, but concepts on which it is based, including the power to condition humans to accept an abnormal state of life, are not In the video, you can hear a 1962 interview with Huxley, in which he speaks about the use of persuasion and conditioning to gain ultimate power and control over society Non-terroristic methods, such as suggestion [More]
When an Oklahoma doctor told the media horror stories about hospitals jammed with patients who self-medicated themselves with ivermectin right into the emergency room, it was a hit.   Rolling Stone ran with choice bits of the story, which appears to have originated with Oklahoma TV station KFOR-TV.   “The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated,” Dr. Jason McElyea said.   But the bombshell report soon went bust. The doctor who offered a graphic depiction of chaos had not been on the job for [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  STORY AT-A-GLANCE Most people with COVID-19 have mild illness and are able to recover at home A significant number of patients with COVID-19 who come to the hospital don’t need to be there Going to a hospital unnecessarily increases your risk of medical errors, health care-associated infections and potentially infectious diseases like COVID-19 Trouble breathing, shortness of breath, pain or pressure in your chest and new confusion are signs that you should go to a hospital Niacin, melatonin, NAC, a nebulizer, hydrogen peroxide and a pulse oximeter are examples of supplies to keep on hand for [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who got the COVID shot early are now at increased risk for severe COVID disease This may be a sign that antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) is occurring, or it may simply indicate that the protection offered is limited to a few months, at best Recent research warns the Delta variant “is posed to acquire complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines.” This could turn into a worst-case scenario that sets up those who have received the Pfizer shots for more severe illness when exposed [More]
Boxing champion Oscar De La Hoya was hospitalized with COVID-19 on Friday despite already receiving the experimental COVID shot.   48-year-old De La Hoya posted a video of himself from a hospital bed announcing he wouldn’t be able to participate in the “comeback” fight against UFC champ Vitor Belfort next Saturday.   “Wanted you to hear directly from me that despite being fully vaccinated, I have contracted Covid and am not going to be able to fight next weekend,” De La Hoya said. “Preparing for this comeback has been everything to me over the last months, & I want to [More]
Here is a link to another site which has accumulated 1000 covid adverse reaction stories. 1000 Covid reaction stories
  “I’m not going to arm wrestle with the administration about where to put you,” Dr. C., a highly skilled gastroenterologist, said gently to my friend who was in bed in a triage room in the ER. “We just want to get you into a bed so we can figure out what’s wrong and get you treated.”   We were at our small town’s hospital. No one was sure why, but my friend had not been able to keep anything more than a handful of raspberries down since a complicated surgery for a chronic health condition three weeks before. Dehydrated [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Whether COVID policies weakened your immune system depends on how you define “weakened.” Adult immune responses may not have diminished during lockdowns, but the strength of the system that prevents illness has likely been affected Infants and children may have had the most significant response, as the number hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) rises. The illness is mild in adults but may be fatal in infants, especially premature infants The 2020/2021 influenza season may go down in history as the year with one of the lowest numbers of infections; Robert Koch Institute reports [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola  STORY AT-A-GLANCE Judy K. Brown’s book, “Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story,” details the conspiracy of silence surrounding the biggest alleged pedophile and sex trafficking mogul of our time, Jeffrey Epstein, and his network of rich and powerful people, which includes Bill Gates Corruption is rampant throughout our public health agencies and medical organizations. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. and the Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the U.K. The Gates Foundation also owns shares in Pfizer and BioNTech, raising questions about corruption in [More]
Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorff argues that new research cofirming that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than vaccines means vaccine passports are both unscientific and discriminatory.   The latest is an Israeli study finding vaccinated individuals were 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those with natural immunity.   Kuldorff concludes that’s a death blow to the vaccine passports required by New York City, France, the Canadian provinces of Quebec and British Columbia, and others, reported the Foundation for Economic Education.   “Prior COVID disease (many working class) provides better immunity than vaccines (many professionals), so vaccine [More]
“I’ve embedded two videos in this post referred to in the article. The blood abnormalities they show are frightening!  One can only conclude that something very evil is going on with these Jabs.” Admin MUST SEE VIDEO: Dr. Bärbel Ghitalla analysed the blood of people who have had Covid-19 injections to try to help her patients suffering from the aftereffects. Dr. Ghitalla also obtained a bottle of Johnson and Johnson’s Covid-19 injection for analysis. Alarmed by what she saw through her microscope, she discussed her findings with a medical colleague, Dr. Axel Bolland, as well as two lawyers, Holger Fischer [More]
In this powerful, must watch video Dr. Ryan Cole talks about how the JAB is weakening the immune system increasing the risk of other diseases occurring which he is seeing in his practice, Ivermectin and much more. After watching this you’ll know why the government wants to get the JAB into everyone as quickly as possible because they know over time everyone will see how dangerous these vaccines really are. Run time 32 min. Admin
Natural immunity appears to confer longer lasting and stronger protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization from the Delta variant compared to Pfizer-BioNTech’s two-dose vaccine-induced immunity, according to a new Israeli preprint study.   The new data could play a key role in determining whether people who have previously had COVID need to receive both doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, Science reported.   In the largest real-world observational study comparing natural immunity gained through previous SARS-CoV-2 infection to vaccine-induced immunity afforded by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, people who recovered from COVID were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms or be hospitalized.   The study, published Aug. 25 [More]
“Excellent article on natural immunity vs. vax immunity showing natural immunity is certainly the best. The main points discussed are:  on waning immunity fallacy, on the reinfection fallacy, on the variant fallacy, on the vaccine better than the natural immunity fallacy, on the vaccine innocuity fallacy.”  Admin   A British friend, recovered from COVID, decided to get vaccinated despite being naturally immune. This is the email he recently sent me:   “Marc I suffered a mild stroke on Wednesday 8 days after taking the Astrazeneca 2nd dose. Since I am a marathon runner I am a very ‘rare case’. I [More]
“At least they’re showing some common sense unlike here in the US.” Admin   Primary and secondary schools in the United Kingdom no longer must follow COVID-19 mitigation measures such as mask mandates.   The U.K.’s Department of Education announced new guidelines last week that said face coverings no longer are advised for students, staff, and visitors either in classrooms or in communal areas.   “Our priority is for you to deliver face-to-face, high-quality education to all pupils,” the department said Aug. 17 on its website. “The evidence is clear that being out of education causes significant harm to educational attainment, life chances, mental [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A noble lie is paternalistic, or those where the deceiver must make an assumption that lying serves the best interest. Fauci claims misinformation and lies he shared may have been to influence behavior Fauci’s first comments were that masks are not effective in the community, after which he recommended people wear one or even two masks; he stated the spread of the virus was unlike anything he’s seen before, but the varying severity of the illness he quotes are much like flu virus In a video from a Senate committee, Jim Jordan, D-Ohio, quickly [More]
The 10 part series has already had 3 parts aired and you can watch them here. How long they will be up I’m not sure so if you want to watch I would do so ASAP, lots of great info. Here’s more info which I had put into an earlier post about this series. The series runs online from 08/30 through 09/08 each night at 8pm EST, it’s free to watch. Each episode will be up for 24 hrs. then will be taken down. People involved are Drs. Peter McCoullough, Sheri Tenpenny, Lee Merritt and others like Robert F. Kennedy [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Jane Orient published a commentary in July 2021, asking why there is no information from autopsies of healthy people who died unexpectedly from the COVID-19 jab Information from death certificates is notoriously inaccurate; autopsies are needed to inform public health policy and help people decide how they want to proceed with the genetic therapy injection program As the death toll numbers reported to VAERS mounts daily, it is well over the rate of more than the number reported for 70 vaccines combined over 30 years and 500 times deadlier than the flu vaccine [More]
A Stanford University Medical School epidemiologist and public health expert reiterated in a recent interview his conviction that Covid lockdowns have been horrendous for public health and affirmed that they have killed more people than they have saved.    “I say the lockdowns were the single biggest mistake in public health history. I still believe that. I don’t see how anyone can look at lockdown and say there was successful policy,” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya said.   Read/Watch: Lockdowns are the ‘single biggest mistake in public health history’: Stanford medical professor – LifeSite