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01/16/25 “A detailed look by Open Doors at the Christian persecution going on around the world. While we may have it good here many millions elsewhere are suffering so please remember to pray for them.” Admin The Christian aid organization Open Doors published its annual World Watch List – a ranking of the most dangerous places in the world to practice the Christian faith – on Wednesday, which found that 380 million Christians around the world face severe persecution. Christian persecution – which Open Doors defines as “any hostile action toward a person or community motivated by their identification with the person [More]
01/08/25 “Some good advice on how to live in these challenging times.” Admin When Jesus spoke about His eventual return, He referenced two historical periods — the days of Noah and the days of Lot. These comparisons serve as profound prophetic warnings about the state of humanity and the world before His Second Coming. By examining these eras, we gain insight into the societal conditions, moral decay, and spiritual apathy that will characterize the last days. Let us explore what Jesus said and delve into the characteristics of Noah’s and Lot’s times as described in Scripture. Read More
12/16/24 “Was prayer to God for help an important reason why Patton was such a great general? I believe it certainly was.” Admin Perhaps World War II Gen. George S. Patton’s finest hour as an American war leader came during the pivotal Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, when his army relieved the surrounded 101st Airborne Division in Belgium. In the days leading up to this make-or-break moment in the Allied push to defeat Nazi Germany, Patton called on his entire Third Army to pray. Read More
I found my usual empty seat on the school bus and stared out the window at all the other high schoolers milling about, saying goodbye to their friends. Everybody seemed to have somebody. Except me. I didn’t have any friends. No matter how hard I prayed for one. The driver pulled the door closed.   I felt someone plop down in the seat beside me. A boy had his hand out for me to shake. “Hey!” he said. “My name’s Jack. I’m new. Mind if I sit here?” I looked around to see if this happy guy was making a scene, [More]
10/18/24 Do you have a loved one who has wandered away from their faith, leaving you feeling helpless and heartbroken? In this powerful podcast, Karen Wheaton shares a personal testimony regarding her daughter who walked away from the faith and family to go into a prodigal living but saw her restored to the faith through persistent intercession, prayer, and faith. In this message, you will learn powerful prayer strategies to bring back the lost sheep and restore faith in those who have strayed. Join us as we explore the power of prayer in bringing back prodigal daughters and sons, and [More]
10/18/24 “Some very good news for a change.” Admin Thousands of students from the University of Mississippi lifted their voices in worship and praise to Jesus and made public declarations of faith during a massive campus event, a ministry to college students reports. The Unite US tour hit “Ole Miss” during its latest campus stop on its mission to share the Gospel with students across the country. The ministry reports nearly 6,600 students packed out the Sandy and John Black Pavilion Oct 10th to worship, pray, and to hear the Gospel. Read More
08/29/24   In today’s “depraved” America there are “corrupt politicians, dishonest journalists and media outlets, broken social institutions, immoral religious leaders, unconstitutional government programs and policies,” and more, according to a new report on the nation’s beliefs.   “The depth of the depravity is shocking,” explains the American Worldview Inventory No. 4 from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.   “The deterioration of this once-great nation begs the fundamental question: How did we get here? What happened to so quickly introduce new philosophies of life and ways of living that radically depart from the historical Judeo-Christian moorings and consensus [More]
07/30/24   A Kentucky radiation oncologist who has spent the last 25 years studying near-death experiences says his research confirms that there is life after death.   Jeffrey Long, the founder of the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation, told Business Insider that he was studying how to best treat cancer using radiation when he stumbled across an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association describing near-death experiences.   “It stopped me in my tracks,” he explained. “All my medical training told me you were either alive or dead. There was no in-between. But suddenly, I was reading from a cardiologist describing patients who [More]
07/10/24   As followers of Christ — Jesus, the Son of God, our souls are saved by the blood He shed for us on Calvary, but we remain strangers, foreigners in this world.  We must understand, we’re living in a world ruled by Satan, sojourners among the enemies of God, and we’re commanded to “occupy”?until Jesus returns.   In Matthew 25 and Luke 19, just prior to Jesus entering Jerusalem, where He knew He would shortly be crucified, He told His disciples the “Parable of the Talents.”  In this lesson, Jesus told of a nobleman who gave each of his [More]
06/21/24 Recently I downloaded an app that allowed me to listen to a devotional radio program I hadn’t heard since I was a teenager. I was thrilled to once again hear the familiar voice and head to sleep with beautiful thoughts and music filling my mind and heart. The first program I listened to ended with the story of a father and child who had lost their wife and mother, and were grieving together but drawing closer to God in the darkness. It hit home, as my mother died when I was a boy. The story was followed by a musical arrangement [More]
  06/19/24   More than half of Christians in the United Kingdom claim to have experienced hostility and ridicule for their faith, according to a study released Thursday.   The report, titled “The Costs of Keeping the Faith,” was compiled by the nonprofit Voice for Justice UK (VfJUK) and found that of the more than 1,500 respondents from different Christian denominations and age groups, 56% reported negative pushback for sharing their beliefs in some capacity.   Of those under 35, that number jumped to 61%.   Read More: More than half of UK Christians experience ‘hostility’ for faith | World [More]
05/23/24   George Barna, a leading expert in church and worldview trends, has weighed in on some of the biggest issues facing the Church — including the steady decrease in a biblical worldview and dwindling concern for spiritual formation — at a time of “Christian invisibility in our culture.”   In an interview with The Christian Post, the 69-year-old founder of The Barna Group, a market research firm specializing in studying Americans’ religious beliefs and behaviors that he sold in 2009, said that over the last few decades, he’s seen certain negative trends increasingly permeate Western Christianity.   “People have become [More]
05/18/24   Does God still speak to people today?   Let’s be honest, when someone says that God has been talking to them, we get a little suspicious, sometimes even a little concerned.   So, does really God talk to us? Does God Almighty actually have a master plan for our lives? And if so, how do we discover it? And how can we learn to recognize God’s voice?   We all need direction in life. But we tend to have inaccurate views about the will of God. We think finding God’s will for us is really hard and that [More]
05/15/24   Have you ever heard a disembodied voice speak aloud outside your head? Not another person, but a voice?   These are rare and dramatic occurrences, but they happen more frequently than you might think: A nurse suddenly hears an external voice call out, “Run! Check Room 12!” and finds the patient there has ripped out his life support.   A woman wakes up in the middle of the night and hears, “You must leave. Get out!” Wide awake, unable to return to sleep, she wanders out on the lawn to look at the stars, just as an explosion [More]
05/13/24   Valentine’s Day was around the corner.   For my daughter, Becky Hallstrom, that meant a party for the kindergarten class she taught.   “They’re really looking forward to it,” she told me over the phone one evening. “Especially the valentines exchange. The kids are filling their cards out all by themselves.”   “That’s a lot of writing,” I said.   “Yep. One card for every student in the class. Guaranteed.”   Becky’s words might have sounded casual, but she knew they were important for me to hear. She knew the story all too well. The story of another [More]
05/04/24   Only 6% of Christians have a biblical worldview as many Americans embrace syncretism, according to a new survey.   The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University released a new batch of research from the American Worldview Inventory 2024.   The main takeaway from the report is that “the typical American adult is not a worldview purist but is essentially a worldview plagiarist, combining beliefs and behaviors borrowed from an average of nine recognized worldviews into their personal worldview blend.” The research considers this finding as consistent with the fact that “the dominant worldview in America is syncretism, chosen by [More]
05/03/24   Over and over again, archaeological discoveries have confirmed the biblical accounts of portions of history, and now it has again.   A report from the Daily Mail blasts out that there are ruins “that could prove the Bible was TRUE: Stretch of wall in ancient Jerusalem vindicates the holy book’s account, archaeologists claim.”   The controversy involves the new confirmation about one piece of wall in Jerusalem.   Until now, experts thought a stretch of wall in the original heart of the city was built by Hezekiah, King of Judah, whose reign straddled the seventh and eighth centuries BC, the [More]
04/30/24 Retired professional wrestler and television personality Hulk Hogan sits down with CBN Sports to discuss the difference a relationship with Jesus Christ has made in his life. ? Learn more about accepting Jesus, and experience God’s purpose and forgiveness in your life: https://go.cbn.com/ufTBo Additional Recourses: ? Need prayer? https://go.cbn.com/ufTBh ? Are you new to the faith? https://go.cbn.com/ufTBO
In this story from September 1989, popular actress Marla Gibbs shares how she came to understand that when it comes to faith, the first step can be the toughest—and the most rewarding.   In recent years I have had two very good roles on television: Florence, the wisecracking maid on the series The Jeffersons, and Mary, the mother who holds things together on 227. But 17 years ago, in 1972 when I was just getting started in theater work, I thought I’d never make it as an actress. For that matter, I couldn’t even hold my life together or afford a home of my [More]
“This hurricane occurred in 2018.” Admin   Millions of people are preparing for Hurricane Florence, a hurricane heading toward the east coast. Expected to hit the Carolinas on Thursday, Florence has been called “extremely dangerous” by the National Hurricane Center and has already caused 1.5 million people to evacuate in North and South Carolina.   With a storm of this magnitude, there’s always fear and uncertainty. Even those not directly affected are worried about family, friends, and loved ones in the storm’s path.   These have been anxious and frightening days for many.   We know that in times of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, [More]
04/01/24   In this story from January 1996, actress and television personality Kathie Lee Gifford discusses the role that faith plays in her life and career.   Our neighbors in Connecticut must think we’re a bunch of nuts. In the morning when two-year-old Cassidy comes up to me saying, “Hosanna, Mommy, hosanna,” I say, “Okay.” And out we traipse onto our deck where we march around singing, “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Hosanna! Hosanna!” I’m sure people all the way in New Jersey hear us.   But I don’t [More]
03/14/24   There’s never been a better time to use Scripture, prayer and positivity to fight fear and choose faith. To help you find peace in the midst of this panic, we rounded up our best articles on fighting fear: Faith Cancels Out Fear Struggling to choose faith over fear? Check out these four tips from Guideposts founder and the father of positive thinking, Norman Vincent Peale. 10 Ways to Pray Away Fear “No matter how often we hear it, there are still occasions when our hearts quail and quake with fear,” writes Guideposts blogger Bob Hostetler. “There is no better time to turn to [More]
03/11/24 “To read more of Michael’s great blog posts click here” Admin Whether you’ve heard it said that repetition is the mother of learning, retention, or skill, it’s valuable and beneficial to repeat certain truths until they become ingrained. It’s the reason for basic training when someone goes into the army or why, as an aspiring chef, you spend endless hours learning to chop all manner of vegetables. You may not be quick on the draw or fluid loading and unloading on your first day, but three months in, it’s all muscle memory, and you surprise yourself at how quick [More]
03/11/24   As millions of Americans prepare for the beginning of Spring and all that comes with it, many are gearing up for one of the biggest Christian holidays on the calendar. Easter brings about fun family activities like egg rolls, Easter egg hunts, and copious amounts of chocolate candy.   For the more devout households, it is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, with even those Christians who don’t attend church regularly donning their newest Easter outfits to make their way to a local place of worship to celebrate the culmination of the Holy Week. However, [More]
02/20/24 Pastor Mark Batterson is no stranger to dispensing life advice; after all, Win the Day is his 20th published book. The best-selling author of the blockbusters Chase the Lion and The Circle Maker, which have sold millions of copies, believes writing is one of the best ways for him to communicate. “I want to help people tap their God-given potential” he says. “Your potential is God’s gift to you, what you do with it is your gift back to God.” Batterson, the founder and lead pastor of National Community Church, which has several campuses throughout the Washington D.C. region, says that his newest book seems to be resonating with [More]
02/13/24   Never in the history of the United States have so many people been so confused and misled about Jesus. Some claim He never lived. Many believe He never rose from the dead. And more than 60% of Americans now either claim Jesus was not God or are unsure about His nature.   Children in an increasingly disbelieving world want to know (and desperately need to know) why they should believe in Jesus. The billions of non-Christians in the world (including friends, classmates, and neighbors whom we have an opportunity to invite to VBS) have every right to ask, [More]
02/13/24 “Sid gives his powerful testimony!” Admin Did you know that our network—Middle East Television (METV)—has the exclusive rights to broadcast the NFL AND the Super Bowl? Well, I’ve just pre-empted the halftime show with a 20 minute evangelistic outreach! I want YOU to see it too!