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“If man with all his ingenuity can only create a much inferior fake Jellyfish then what is the probability that blind random chance could create the much superior real one, I think we know the answer to that.”  Admin Many jellyfish are transparent, and they have seemingly simple movements and few visible interacting parts. They should, therefore, be easy to synthesize with man-made parts, but that’s not what bioengineers discovered when they recently built a jellyfish mimic from rat heart cells attached to a silicone frame. Read More Here
In this technical lecture Dr. Carter demonstrates that genetic studies can be shown to indicate a real Adam and Eve.
The human genome is an incredibly complex computer program that operates in at least four dimensions. This includes the 1-D linear string of DNA, the 2-D interactions between different parts of the 1-D string, the 3-D conformation of the DNA in the nucleus, and the changes to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions over time (making the genome 4-D). The complexity of the genome was not predicted by evolutionary theorists and their resistance to an increased understanding of this complexity has hindered scientific advancement. Not only that, but the level of complexity, even as currently understood, is extremely difficult for [More]
Dr John Sanford. In this lecture he discusses the four pillars of atheism: the big bang theory, spontaneous generation of life, spontaneous descent of life (evolution), spontaneous man (man from monkeys). He gives scientific evidence why they are wrong. Excellent video! Biography   http://creation.com/john-sanford Dr John Sanford, A Cornell University Professor for more than 25 years, John has been semi-retired since 1998. His Ph.D. was in plant breeding and plant genetics. While a professor at Cornell, John has trained graduate students and conducted genetic research at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, NY. During this time, John [More]
What would happen if the DNA construction site was overwhelmed with too many—or underwhelmed by too few—nucleotides? Scientists recently discovered the disturbing answer. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Some might think that the butterfly, with its jerky fluttering flight, is a ‘primitive’ and inefficient flyer. Actually, their complicated wing movements generate more lift than simple flapping would do. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Often, people are confused into thinking that a “species” is a “kind.” But this isn’t necessarily so. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Presented at http://EdinburghCreationGroup.org | Whale anatomy is said to present one of the clearest examples of evolution through transitional stages. In this talk Dr Marc Surtees examines the fossil evidence for these transitions. He challenges the view that there is a neat set of transitions from land animals to whales.
Researchers recently studied a highly sophisticated cellular machine that guards the genome against harmful mutations and that evolution cannot explain. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
As a young college professor, Dr. J. had to walk a tight rope because of his objections to evolution theory, and was eventually fired because he didn’t agree that DNA had “junk”. This idea about “junk DNA” comes from a long history of misdirected thinking, a history of wildly rampant egos and arrogance that goes back to the 1920’s, when evolutionists falsely claimed that so-called vestigial organs (appendix, tonsils, tailbone) were proof of evolution. Having unknown functions, these organs were said to be useless “leftovers” from the days when we were fish and rats and worms, and had all these [More]
As a young college professor, Dr. J. had to walk a tight rope because of his objections to evolution theory, and was eventually fired because he didn’t agree that DNA had “junk”. This idea about “junk DNA” comes from a long history of misdirected thinking, a history of wildly rampant egos and arrogance that goes back to the 1920’s, when evolutionists falsely claimed that so-called vestigial organs (appendix, tonsils, tailbone) were proof of evolution. Having unknown functions, these organs were said to be useless “leftovers” from the days when we were fish and rats and worms, and had all these [More]
Seminar by Chris W. Ashcraft, MS., M.Ed. Design Science Association meeting, Portland OR. February 2012. Description: Secular paleoanthropologists assert adamantly that humans are the descendants of ape-like ancestors. Darwin’s seminal theory led naturalists inexorably to this conclusion, but the Bible clearly states that we were created distinct from the animals and in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27 ). This presentation examines the evidence used to support human evolution, including Neanderthals and Australopithecines. Are these ancient hominids really missing links capable of substantiating human evolution or has the truth been distorted to support the materialistic evolutionary worldview? About the Speaker: [More]
Seminar by Jerry Bergman Ph.D. Seattle Creation Conference, June 2013. Woodin Valley Baptist Church, Bothell WA. Description: Covers the fact that evolution is true but going the wrong way. The problem with evolution has never been the survival of the fittest, but the arrival of the fittest, and this is still the most serious problem today with Darwinism. The fact is, we are descending genetically as the scriptures teach, not ascending upward biologically, as evolution incorrectly teaches. A major theory of the source of phenotype variations for natural selection to select from is macro-mutations. The empirical evidence, however, is clear—neither [More]
“Just one more of many marvels of design in nature.”  Admin The humble fly hovering over a garbage can is routinely capable of some high-speed aeronautic manoeuvres that have long boggled the minds of aircraft designers and engineers. If a male fly chasing a potential mate sees her change course ever so slightly, he will respond with an appropriate change of his own in just 30 milliseconds! It has long been known that the amazing stability of flies as they zip around has a lot to do with the two tiny club-shaped ‘balancing organs’ they have, called halteres (see Figure [More]
What does the term ‘missing link’ mean? Is it helpful, or misleading? Do evolutionists need to find multiple fossils of both sexes to establish an evolutionary link? What about ‘minimum breeding sizes’? CMI’s Dr Carl Wieland clears up these and other questions in today’s feedback. Peter L. from Canada writes: Firstly, I want to say that I love Creation Magazine. But I am curious about this whole “missing link” thing. Shouldn’t they be talking about the missing links? After all, don’t they need one male and one female? And not only just two but, if I recall my old biology, [More]
Two new DNA sequencing studies claim that all males trace back to a Y chromosome “Adam” who lived 120,000-200,000 years ago. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Countless people have been convinced by the wonders of the developing embryo—falsely portrayed—that evolution must be true. Why is this falsified idea still accepted by many teachers and scientists? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily   
Amazingly, scientists documented the activity of 2,082 distinct pseudogenes in the human genome whose aberrant levels of activity were directly associated with cancer-specific pathologies. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Interview with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer discussing his book Signature In The Cell and how DNA clearly shows design.
Bible-Believers often self-inflict with a sense that “science” has a monopoly on truth and has “proven” the Bible not only ignorant on science fact, but actually in error when speaking on it. Not so. It is said, “The Bible is not a science book.” That may be so. It is a book of mostly history and theology. But where it does speak of science, it has proven not only to be broadly reliable, but in fact hundreds or thousands of years ahead of man’s own limited knowledge of his universe. This lively audio-augmented powerpoint lecture vividly brings home the point [More]
Is There Evidence for Evolution? Dr. Hovind debates Dr. Matthew Rainbow who is a biology professor and a strong believer in evolution. Dr. Hovind has had 87 debates with evolutionists and welcomes any new opponents! Have your professors give us a call! Antigua Barbuda Australia Bahamas Barbados Beliza Botswana Britain Brunei Cameroon Canada Dominica England Ethiopia Fiji Gambia Germany Ghana Great Britain Grenada Guyana India Ireland Israel Jamaica Kenya Kiribati Lesotho Liberia Malawi Malta Marshall Islands Mauritius Micronesia Namibia Nauru New Zealand Nigeria Pakistan Palau Papua New Guinea Philippines Pilipinas Rwanda Saint Kitts Saint Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Grenadines [More]