Shining secret that makes silver precious for your health | Daily Mail Online

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“You can easily make your own CS (colloidal silver) with a good CS generator. Millions of people do this around the world. I personally own a “silver puppy” generator that makes excellent CS, you can get information about it here. I have no association with the company financially or any other way, I just like their generator.”  Admin

Before the discovery of antibiotics, surgeons used to stitch wounds with thread woven with silver as they believed it helped to prevent infection.

Meanwhile, bandages were laced with silver in the First World War, as it was thought to help save lives. And they were right.

As shown in more than a thousand medical studies, silver has powerful antiseptic and wound-healing properties. So just what are the health secrets of this precious metal?

‘Research has shown that silver is a powerful antimicrobial agent that is non-irritating and non-toxic,’ says Valerie Edwards Jones, professor of microbiology at Manchester Metropolitan University. ‘Recent studies have shown that silver can kill up to 650 species of pathogenic microbes.

‘The metal consists of thousands of tiny silver ions,’ she says. ‘These prevent bacteria, viruses and fungi from spreading by entering the cell and deactivating proteins. The microbes cannot reproduce and die, so the spread of infection is prevented.’

There has been a resurgence of medical interest in silver, according to Prof Edwards Jones, because it effectively kills antibiotic resistant bacteria such as MRSA.


More and more silver-based products that help heal wounds and combat infection are appearing on the shop shelves. So what can silver do for you?


Silver ions kill underarm bacteria responsible for causing bad odour and are non-irritating. Try Nivea for Men’s Silver Protect (£2.35,


Doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital developed socks containing silver to combat infection and blistering in a foot disease called epidermolysis bullosa. Now the socks are being marketed as they reduce foot odour ( £7.99, Crocs are launching an anti-odour sports shoe containing silver in their soles this spring.


Plasters containing silver can reduce the risk of infection and speed healing. Try Boots Advanced First Aid Faster Healing Hydrocolloid Plasters (£3.99 for 16,


Carex has just launched an antibacterial handwash containing silver. Carex Bacteria Protect (£1.38), from pharmacies and supermarkets nationwide.


Higher Nature’s Active Silver (£7.45 for 15ml) is a solution of colloidal silver which acts as a nonirritating disinfectant when sprayed on to skin or wounds (

In 2007, the NHS spent more than £23million on silver dressings for leg ulcers and the Health Protection Agency has recommended that silver-coated catheters be introduced for the prevention of urinary tract infections.

Indeed, silver is set to be increasingly added to medical equipment and hospital furniture as a way of preventing hospital-based infections.

Read More  Shining secret that makes silver precious for your health | Daily Mail Online.

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