Shahram Hadian: Chrislam Exposed!

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Published on Nov 5, 2014

In “Chrislam Exposed” Pastor Shahram Hadian exposes the seductive lie of a common God between Christianity and Islam. He shares his journey of becoming a Christian, exposes the false teachings of “Chrislam,” and uncovers Chrislam’s growing and devastating implementation into our churches and missions both in America and oversees.

Shahram speaks around the nation with a heart to awaken America, and especially the church. As a former Muslim, he is deeply grieved over Christian pastors and missional leaders promoting this false gospel in their effort to be culturally sensitive to Muslims. Despite Chrislam’s proponents, Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God.

Shahram was born in Iran and came to America at the age of 7 to escape an oppressive Islamic regime. He is a proud US citizen. He experienced a transformational life change when he committed his life to Jesus Christ 14 years ago. He has served his local community as a pastor, police officer, teacher and coach and was a candidate for WA State Governor in 2012.

“You cannot be a Muslim and a true follower of Jesus Christ. Chrislam not only endangers the hope of salvation for Muslims but threatens to lead many Christians astray from the truth of God’s Word.”

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