A Thanksgiving Feast of Hope – Guideposts

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“A lesson in kindness and following Gods guidance.” Admin


Ron and I didn’t know where the food would be coming from for the Thanksgiving dinner we had in mind. We were both between jobs and didn’t have the money such a feast would require.


Still, about 10 days before Thanksgiving, a passage from the Bible had come loud and clear into our prayers: “But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind.”


“Sunshine,” Ron said, “let’s invite some of the guys here for Thanksgiving.” The “guys” Ron was referring to were homeless men he knew from when he himself had lived on the street in Minneapolis.


Three years ago, after a long and difficult struggle, Ron had broken free from his hopeless street life. With ongoing, intensive help from counselors and friends at the New Hope Center street ministry, he’d given up alcohol and got a job, and he and I had married. But his heart cried out for those still left foraging through garbage and sleeping in doorways on subzero nights.


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