Reading between the evolutionary lines

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by Don Batten

A simple message on a radio signal from some distant galaxy would be hailed as proof for an intelligent source ‘out there’. Why doesn’t the message sequence on the DNA molecule indicate an intelligent source?

I visited China in 1983, at the time when the cult of Mao was just beginning to loosen its grip on that country. However, Communist party cadres still very much controlled everything, and the minders for my visit made out that this was ‘paradise on earth’. “There is no unemployment in China”, they said.

Beijing’s English language newspaper was full of positive thinking—everything was wonderful in utopia. The newspaper praised all the enterprising citizens who were contributing to the ‘revolution’. And then my eyes fell on a story about a madam comrade, a model citizen, who had started a program for ‘idle youths’, giving them training in various work skills so they no longer got into mischief. In other words, they had been unemployed!

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via Reading between the lines.

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