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Calvin Smith dives deep into the intricate structure and function of DNA, challenging the evolutionary perspective of its origin. Highlighting the complexity and precise information embedded within DNA, he argues that it transcends mere matter, suggesting a thoughtful design. Join this insightful exploration that posits DNA as a testament to an intelligent mind, rather than random chance.
The world of electronics constantly demands smaller data storage devices with higher capacities of space. It is ironic that God mastered the design for such a “device” when He created DNA. It is said that every book, photograph, written work, and every bit of information generated by humans could fit in a tablespoon of DNA.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: DNA – Apologetics Press
Feb 28, 2020 The new field of ancient DNA is changing everything we once thought about human history. No longer are we sitting in the dark, imagining all sorts of things about where people came from. Instead, we can now peek into their graves and know who was related to whom and where they lived in the past. Our understanding of the settling of Europe, Africa, and Asia have been turned upside down, but Neanderthals and the enigmatic Denisovans have also been brought into the family fold. Ancient DNA challenges the timescale of evolution (since DNA cannot last many thousands [More]
Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Georgia Purdom for, “Adam & Eve Genetics.” A big debate today is whether Adam and Eve were real people. Sadly, many Christian theologians and scientists believe that genetics has disproven the existence of an original couple specially created by God. However, looking at the many differences between human and chimp DNA and by comparing the mitochondrial DNA of people worldwide, observational science shows just the opposite. As our guest will reveal, the data supports, not denies, the existence of a literal Adam and Eve!
Join Origins host, Ray Heiple as he welcomes, Dr. Georgia Purdom for, “Design in DNA.” Genetics is astonishing evidence of a Designer, who created a marvelously complex, efficient “information system” for encoding life. The complexity of DNA is problematic for molecules-to-man evolution since the necessary changes are so implausible. The only reasonable explanation for all the information in DNA is that a Designer put the information in the original DNA sequences.
Developed by Don Johnson, James Jordan, John Sanford, Len Ortenzi, Joe Miano – Host Chris Hurt Website – http://programmingoflife.com Asking the Hard Questions Programming of Life examines the heavyweight theory of evolution and asks the extremely difficult questions in order to reveal undirected natural process for what it is – a hindrance to science. Exploring the facts We’re setting the record straight and providing the facts so you can make your own educated decisions. The most important part of our education should be that we question even the things we think we know in order to be confident and steadfast [More]
Developed by Don Johnson, James Jordan, John Sanford, Len Ortenzi, Joe Miano – Host Chris Hurt Website – http://programmingoflife.com Asking the Hard Questions Programming of Life examines the heavyweight theory of evolution and asks the extremely difficult questions in order to reveal undirected natural process for what it is – a hindrance to science. Exploring the facts We’re setting the record straight and providing the facts so you can make your own educated decisions. The most important part of our education should be that we question even the things we think we know in order to be confident and steadfast [More]
Design(er) Conference Site: http://goo.gl/JA3Rw6 Presented by Dr. Georgia Purdom, the first female PhD scientist engaged in full-time research and speaking on the Book of Genesis for a creationist organization.
Seminar by Dr. Don Johnson September 5, 2014 The Expedition Christian Church Mountlake Terrace, WA This is a partial recording of Dr. Johnson’s full talk titled “Evolution, Species, and “Kinds”” Downloads notes from this lecture. http://www.scienceintegrity.org/EvSpe… About the Speaker: Don Johnson has earned Ph.D.s in both Computer & Information Sciences from the University of Minnesota and in Chemistry from Michigan State University . He was a senior research scientist for 10 years in pharmaceutical and medical/scientific instrument fields, served as president and technical expert in an independent computer consulting firm for many years, and taught 20 years in universities in [More]
A research team recently characterized a group of genes in humans and other mammals that not only defies evolutionary models but vindicates the Bible’s prediction of the uniqueness of created kinds with distinct genetic features. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
The study of ancient DNA is currently all the rage in the field of genomics. Despite the fact that many problems still plague the field, several new research papers are claiming that scientists can now detect and study Neandertal genome sequence in modern human DNA databases using only electronic tools. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
100 Years of Fruit Fly Tests Show No Evolution http://www.icr.org/article/5532/ July 22, 2010, marked the 100th anniversary of genetic investigations using fruit flies. The first such study appeared in Science in 1910 and described the unexpected appearance of a male fruit fly with white eyes after generations of flies with pigmented eyes.1 This began a century of focused studies on fruit fly mutations, but what has really been learned by all this tinkering? For most of the past century–and especially since the discovery of DNA as a physical molecule carrying heritable information–the prevailing concept of neo-Darwinian evolution has held mutations [More]
The human genome is an incredibly complex computer program that operates in at least four dimensions. This includes the 1-D linear string of DNA, the 2-D interactions between different parts of the 1-D string, the 3-D conformation of the DNA in the nucleus, and the changes to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dimensions over time (making the genome 4-D). The complexity of the genome was not predicted by evolutionary theorists and their resistance to an increased understanding of this complexity has hindered scientific advancement. Not only that, but the level of complexity, even as currently understood, is extremely difficult for [More]
What would happen if the DNA construction site was overwhelmed with too many—or underwhelmed by too few—nucleotides? Scientists recently discovered the disturbing answer. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
As a young college professor, Dr. J. had to walk a tight rope because of his objections to evolution theory, and was eventually fired because he didn’t agree that DNA had “junk”. This idea about “junk DNA” comes from a long history of misdirected thinking, a history of wildly rampant egos and arrogance that goes back to the 1920’s, when evolutionists falsely claimed that so-called vestigial organs (appendix, tonsils, tailbone) were proof of evolution. Having unknown functions, these organs were said to be useless “leftovers” from the days when we were fish and rats and worms, and had all these [More]
As a young college professor, Dr. J. had to walk a tight rope because of his objections to evolution theory, and was eventually fired because he didn’t agree that DNA had “junk”. This idea about “junk DNA” comes from a long history of misdirected thinking, a history of wildly rampant egos and arrogance that goes back to the 1920’s, when evolutionists falsely claimed that so-called vestigial organs (appendix, tonsils, tailbone) were proof of evolution. Having unknown functions, these organs were said to be useless “leftovers” from the days when we were fish and rats and worms, and had all these [More]
“Another layer of the DNA onion is peeled back to reveal .. another layer. You would think evolutionists would finally “get it” after seeing layer upon layer of incredible complexity revealed that it would be impossible for all of this to have come about by chance but apparently not, maybe one day they will wake up and embrace the truth, that a supreme intelligence far beyond ours was responsible for all of this.”  Admin A new category of regulatory circular RNAs has been discovered—these are formed from the intron regions inside a gene that were once thought to be nonfunctional [More]
Two new DNA sequencing studies claim that all males trace back to a Y chromosome “Adam” who lived 120,000-200,000 years ago. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Amazingly, scientists documented the activity of 2,082 distinct pseudogenes in the human genome whose aberrant levels of activity were directly associated with cancer-specific pathologies. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Interview with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer discussing his book Signature In The Cell and how DNA clearly shows design.
Deeper wasn’t your average conference. It centered on the often-forgotten task of evangelism. If, like the apostle John, you and I are close to Jesus, we will hear His heartbeat, and we will know that reaching the lost is the life’s blood of the Body of Christ. That’s what the cross was all about. Few really understand that fact, and consequently many suffer from different degrees of theological obesity. They feed, but they don’t exercise. They prefer to study the Word in the comfort of the cool of the AC, to obedience to the Word, in the heat of a [More]
If the regulatory picture of the genome was not complicated enough, now scientists have discovered yet one more amazing level of bio-complexity that involves a whole new class of molecules in the form of RNA hoops, or circles—the results just published in several new Nature papers.1, 2 In fact, the findings were so startling that one of the lead authors commented the molecules formed "a hidden, parallel universe" where many new types and functions remain to be discovered.3 Read More via Circular RNAs Increase Cell Bio-Complexity.
Mark Eastman delivers a striking presentation on the amazing properties of DNA and explains how chance could have had played no part in the creation of this information packed super molecule.
by Don Batten A simple message on a radio signal from some distant galaxy would be hailed as proof for an intelligent source ‘out there’. Why doesn’t the message sequence on the DNA molecule indicate an intelligent source? I visited China in 1983, at the time when the cult of Mao was just beginning to loosen its grip on that country. However, Communist party cadres still very much controlled everything, and the minders for my visit made out that this was ‘paradise on earth’. “There is no unemployment in China”, they said. Beijing’s English language newspaper was full of positive [More]
Gene expression in eukaryotic cells I conservatively counted 24 recently discovered mechanisms that help regulate gene expression in eukaryotic cells, as reviewed by Moore and Proudfoot.1 Here are just a few of them. Figure 1. Figure 1. Widely regarded as the simplest genome, Mycoplasma gene expression is instead far more complicated than expected. It performs functions that had been considered the sole domain of higher eukaryotes. For example, DNA is transcribed in both the sense and antisense directions, indicating that valuable genetic information is double-stacked. RNA transcripts undergo post-translational modifications, single enzymes have more than one application, and when certain [More]
DNA is all around us. It is found in every plant and animal. You literally eat it at every meal. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Jonathan Sarfati from Creation Ministries International explains why our DNA similarity with apes points to a common designer and not evolution.