Our Solar System, Evidence of Creation – Spike Psarris

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This presentation goes through each planet in our Solar System (and a few of their moons), and shows how each one discredits evolutionary theories in a different way. Includes about 100 beautiful photos taken from various space probes and the Hubble Space Telescope. ——————————————————————————– This seminar was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference, Aug 10-12, 2006 at Overlake Christian Church, Redmond WA. They may be viewed free online or downloaded to your computer. Individual DVDs may also be purchased on our webstore individually or the entire conference may be purchased as a compilation of 8 disks. The Seattle Creation Conference is a regular event organized by the Northwest Creation Network. For information about the upcoming conferences visit the Seattle Creation Conference website ( www.nwcreation.net ), or contact the NWCN( www.nwcreation.net )to have us organize the next creation conference at your Church. Spike Psarris has a Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, and has done graduate work in Physics. For a number of years, he was an engineer in the US military space program. He went into the US military space program as an atheist and committed evolutionist, and came out of it as a young-earth creationist and Christian. Spike is launching a new website to track creation evidence in astronomy at www.CreationAstronomy.com.

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