Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon –

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Although the U.S. FDA has attempted to create a spice scare, the history of cinnamon use spans thousands of years among disparate cultures, rendering FDA claims as nothing more than a ham-fisted desire to assert severe regulatory control over this natural product.

The fact is: quality cinnamon, such as organic Ceylon, is one of the most diverse and inexpensive ways to boost your overall health. Taken moderately it is far safer than what the FDA continues to approve on a daily basis as over-the-counter drug consumption for adults and children.

Cinnamon is a fantastic source of fiber, flavanols, calcium, iron, manganese, and powerful antioxidants. Its ease of consumption offers a pleasing range of dietary compatibility. Cinnamon can also be used topically and even added as a natural fragrance to boost health and sharpen the mind!

The following 10 amazing health benefits of cinnamon have been documented, and clearly demonstrate why this is one spice that needs to be defended instead of eradicated.

Read More Natural Health News and Wellness Tips: 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Cinnamon.