Science has once again shattered the myth that milk makes strong bones. A new Swedish study links drinking milk to higher rates of bone fractures and even death.[i]
The study tracked the eating habits of over 60,000 women for 20 years and over 45,000 men for 15 years. Researchers found that drinking more milk did NOT lead to lower risks of bone fracture. In fact, women who drank three glasses of milk per day broke more bones. Compared to women who drank less than one glass per day, heavy milk drinkers had a 60% greater risk of breaking a hip and a 16% higher risk of breaking any bone.
But it gets worse. People who drank more milk also had a higher risk of dying from any cause. For every glass of milk they drank every day, women had a 15% higher risk of death and men had a 3% higher risk.
Why does milk lead to more broken bones and higher death rates?
Researchers found that milk drinkers had more biomarkers for oxidative stress and inflammation. They suggested that high levels of two sugars in milk – lactose and galactose – were the cause. In fact, they noted that low doses of D-galactose are often used in animal studies to induce signs of aging. Studies link D-galactose to a shortened life span, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, neurodegeneration, decreased immune response, and gene transcriptional changes. The dose used to obtain those results in animals is equivalent to a human drinking one to two glasses of milk per day.
Milk may be high in calcium but too much calcium can break your bones.
If milk doesn’t build strong bones, what does? Here are 10 foods proven to be a better choice for reducing your fracture risk and keeping your bones strong.
Read More Milk Linked to Fractures: 10 Better Foods For Strong Bones.
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