“You can find Kent’s book “What on Earth is About to happen… for Heaven’s Sake?” on 2peter3.com or Amazon.” Admin
Well, it looks like another move any day. (could be 3 more weeks though!) I’ve been designated to Yazoo, MS. The camp there has 160 men and the medium next door has 1100. New address will be: Kent Hovind #06452-017 FPC Yazoo PO Box 5000, Yazoo City, MS 39194. It seems that I will fly from here to Oklahoma City on “con air,” stay there for x days or weeks and then take a 10 hr bus ride in shackles from there to Dallas and then to Yazoo. I’ve been all over the country in chains now! Rom 8:28!
I’ve only gotten mail twice in the last 6 weeks so there will be a PILE of it someplace that will EVENTUALLY catch up to me. Maybe! Please be patient and I’ll answer when I can. I will NOT miss this Atlanta holdover! This is my 3rd time here. It’s like a dungeon. I’m locked in my room 23 hrs/day 5 days a week and then 24/7 for the weekends. We get fed through the door. I can lay on my 27″ steel bed with the 2″ “mattress” (that compresses to 1″) and can reach out and touch the toilet with one hand and smash roaches on the block wall my bed is anchored to with the other. Got over 50 so far!-I’m still fast for an old man! They are small ones though and only once did they wake me up crawling on my arm.
This entire 8 year saga has made various parts of God’s Word come alive! I especially appreciate Philippians 1:12-21 now! From the over 14,000+ letters I have gotten in these 8 years (what a blessing THAT has been!) it is obvious that this prison time has motivated many to get more active spreading the Word! I’ve had many who wrote to tell me that they read about me on some gloating atheist web site or blog and wondered “Why do they hate this guy so much? I better check him out.” When they do that-they get saved or fired up to serve the Lord! Hmmm? I’m gonna LIKE talking to Paul in Heaven! And Joseph and Job and a LOT of others!
For those who don’t know- the judge in my case (same one) has asked the US Attorney to charge me with “contempt of court” (over the lis pendens I filed over a year ago) in a new trial she scheduled for this Sept. 8. She wants to add MORE time to my sentence! The legal team thinks it’s just retaliation for the Complaints of Misconduct I filed against her and the US Attorneys. We are working on all that now so I covet your prayers. I filed a Rule 59 (e) motion last night that SHOULD stop all this IF there is ANY justice left in America. It’s all posted on 2peter3.com/legal. Please spread it around to any who claim I broke some law to come here! The skeptics gloat over my prison time and try to get others to NOT watch the DVDs because of it. Their “Mouths Must be Stopped” Titus 1:11. (See my new book by that title on 2peter3 too! Jonn did a GREAT job on it! The pictures are hilarious!)
Since I have not had my property or legal files for over 2 months and may not get to Yazoo anytime soon and even then may not get my property for another month it sure seems unfair to have a trial when I cannot possibly prepare. She ordered me moved to Pensacola to await trial but that would most likely put in the county jail where I STILL would not have my property. (I’d still like to end up in Pensacola to see the family though! Maybe God will work all that out too!)
Due to all this legal battle and prison time I’m also REALLY loving the book of Acts these days! It seems they went from one trial or prison or riot to another! Paul spent an extra 2 years in prison (Act 24:27) as did Joseph (Gen. 40:23-41:1) for no reason at all! Oh well, God is in charge and will get the glory! Rom. 8:28.
I really think one good thing that will come out of all this is that many Christians will see that you CAN live for the Lord and stay faithful even in prison. (See I Cor. 10:6, 11!) Even a quick read of Matthew 10 and 24 etc will show that Jesus told His disciples they would be hauled off to prison and even family would turn them in if they live for Him. Luke 18:8 has me REALLY scratching my head these days! Will there be VERY few or ANY who will make it through to the rapture? II Thes 2:1-3 says there will be a great falling away before the Lord comes back. Will I? Will you? I was shocked (again) to see that nearly all new Bible versions change “Day of Christ” to “Day of the Lord” (see below) in that passage! Get a real Bible- KJB- to study end times! (or ANY other topic!
Since writing my book on end times “What on Earth is About to happen… for Heaven’s Sake?” I have had the time to read the Bible a LOT! I am even more convinced than ever that the “post-trib” rapture position that the church held to for 2000 years and that I FINALLY saw 5 years ago is RIGHT! I was guilty of not rightly dividing the Word (II Tim. 2:15) and not seeing the VAST difference between “tribulation” (which is what the world does to us and Jesus said we WOULD HAVE- Jn. 16:33) and “wrath” (which is what God does to the world and we will NOT HAVE (I Thes. 1:10; 5:9).
I was also guilty of NOT seeing the clear difference between the Day of Christ (mentioned in I Cor. 1:7-8; 5:5; II Cor. 1:10-14; Phil. 1:6, 10: 2:16 and II Thes 2:1-3 – which is obviously the day of the rapture!) and the “Day of the Lord” mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. They are NOT the same! The Day of the Lord has two parts- a short time of wrath (1040 days- about 3 years) then a time of blessing for 1000 years where Jesus rules the earth with a rod of iron and Satan is chained in the pit!
The sequence is SO simple! First- Tribulation time, then the sun and moon go dark, then the rapture (gathering of the saints), then the wrath falls IN the Day of the Lord in the form of 7 trumpet and 7 vial judgments. Read all the verses about the sun and moon going dark and see for yourself. Isaiah 13:9-10; Joel 2:1-1, 31; 3:12-15; Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-28; Acts 2:20; Rev. 6:12. We are raptured out at Rev. 6:12 so we miss MOST of the bad stuff mentioned in Rev but Rev. 6:1-11 looks bad enough! Are you ready?
As a new Christian in 1969 I was taught the “Gap Theory” to try to blend “millions of years” with the Bible. When I FINALLY saw the truth I had to repent and teach “young earth creationism.” (See honey! I CAN admit it when I’m wrong! It just happens SO rarely! II Peter 3 says the scoffers in the last days will be willingly ignorant of 3 things: The creation, the flood and the coming judgment. I preached for many years on the first two and my DVDs (over 3 million of them that we know of) circle the globe in 40+ languages. Now that I know the truth of the third one- I can’t WAIT to get out and make a video series on #3! Meanwhile- this whole prison time may be so I’d have time to study and write that one book- “What on Earth is About to Happen…for Heaven’s Sake!” It’s on 2peter3.com and the last section tells you what to do to prepare for the tribulation! I wish I had had this info when I was a new believer! The Bible and esp. the minor prophets talk of the “Day of the Lord” or “that day” is coming alive to me now!
Wish I’d seen it 45 years ago but, oh well. I’ll put out a video series in my 4th grade style with LOTS of pictures and charts when I get out.
Thanks for your prayers!
See you at the finish line!
Kent Hovind
Box 150160
Atlanta, GA 30315 (for now)
Details in the book.
The “Day of Christ” comes AFTER the tribulation and the “sign” is the sun and moon going dark! (Is.
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