The day before my 41st anniversary! Hang on Jo! I’m TRYING to get home! I love you! Also the day my wife and I were arrested 8 yrs ago! It was 7:30 am. I was getting ready for staff devotions and my wife was finally sleeping after being up till 3 am with back pain. About 25 agents swarmed onto the ministry property swat team style. They surrounded my sleeping wife and woke her up, handcuffed her (she’s 5’0″ 110#) and wouldn’t let her get dressed, put on a robe or go to the bathroom! She was taken to the courthouse in her nightgown where we were arraigned and released. It’s a day we will long remember till God wipes away all tears!
Jonn Mooney did a great job taking the email debate I had a few months ago with self proclaimed “atheist” PZ Myers and put it into book form! Wow! The pictures are great! I’m passing my copy here around the jail to help other inmates. It is called “Whose Mouths Must be Stopped” based on Titus 1:11. It may be on but if not email Jonn at Be sure to tell him thanks for all the work he has done for me during my prison time! He also did several of my grandkid stories! I MAY be a LITTLE prejudiced but…those stories are great! I’ll list Jonn (and many others!) in my Romans 16 if I ever get to write one!
New wrinkle in the legal battle. The court recently granted the government’s motion to hold me in contempt of court for filing the lis pendens on the property. They want to take me to a new trial this Sept 8 and add more time. We are working on this now. If you want to help (again) in the legal defense please add the $ to my account in Iowa and I can access it from here. Geena knows how to do that if you need help.
Some of my mail FINALLY caught up with me! I got 60 letters last night! Please be patient as I try to answer! It is SUCH a blessing to get encouraging letters and know the DVDs are still helping people! I see why God put Matt. 25:34-46 in the Bible!
I MAY get moved any time to Pensacola to be held for the new trial. This will most likely shut off all my email contacts so please understand if I seem to “drop off the earth” for a while. You can still get messages to me via mail and via Geena or (I think!).
I still have no idea why I was moved, where I am going or when!
Thanks for your prayers! God will work this out for my good – Rom. 8:28 and His glory!
Kent Hovind
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