“Kent is still in the Santa Rosa county jail. You can write to him at this address:
Kent Hovind, Box 7129 Milton, FL 32572″ Admin
It Never Gets Old- 1-1-15
Today, Jan 1, 2015, I awoke to my 9th New Year’s Day in prison.
THAT never gets old, I can assure you! But that’s not what this blog is about.
Details of my case and upcoming Feb 9th trial are on 2peter3.com; freekent.com and several youtube interveiws for those who care to follow and pray Acts 12:5 style. 
The thing that NEVER gets old happened at 5:15 after supper… but let’s back up for a running start before I tell you about that. 
After breakfast, at 5:30 am, we meet in my room for a quick Bible study before they lock us down at 6 am for shift change. This morning we read Psamls 32 and then I told them about a 40+ year old habit I have for January 1st. We read Luke 2:52 where Jesus increased in 4 areas of life: mental, physical, spiritual and social. I draw concentic circles like tree rings and put a big plus sign over it to divide it into 4 quadrants. A healthy christian grows in all 4 areas of life.
I always take Jan 1st (and a few other key dates in the year) to examine my life in each area. How am I doing mentally? physically? etc. What goals should I set for this new year in each area?
On January 1st of every year I also try extra hard to lead a soul to Jesus for salvation.
If you have seen my video series on creation (see drdino.com) you have heard me tell the story of the first soul I led to Christ at the Heart of Illinios Fair about 46 years ago. I was instantly “addicted” to the joy of winning souls!
In the physical world there are 3 basic stages to life: 1. you get born- because of what someone else did. 2. you grow- that takes a long time! 3. you reproduce- have your own children- there is no joy like that! It’s the same in the spiritual world. You get born again (John 3) Because of what Jesus did. 2. you grow (1 peter 2:2) by reading His Word 3. and you reproduce by telling others how to be saved and join God’s family.
So… after our 4:30 pm Bible study time, one of the new young men in here – Michael Simmons (21) of Las Vegas, Nevada, asked if he could talk with me. God was working on his heart! God’s word, which never returns void- Isiah 55:11- does that to folks!:) After explaining God’s simple plan of salvation, at 5:15 pm Michael bowed his head and prayed to receive Christ. His birth took place at a lunch table in a room of over 40 men yelling and screaming as they watched a bunch of other grown men all fight over the same little pointed ball. DUMB! They were clueless about what was happening outside the doors to 6-1 at the table- but in heaven there was great rejoiceing at 5:15 CST!
As I listened to Michael call out to God for His free gift of salvation I felt that same stirring in my heart that I felt the first time 46 years ago. It NEVER gets old! 
Later I got on my knees like I did 46 years ago and prayed the same prayer: “Lord, it’s me. Kent. Lord, I dont know what you want me to do with my life… but… if it’s OK with You… I’d like to do this for the rest of my life. Please use me to win souls and influence people for You.”
It’s the start of a new year. This is a good time for you to examine all 4 areas of your life. What on Earth are you doing for Heaven’s sake? Is your time all consumed with watching people play with a ball? Or collecting pictures of dead presidents?
If you have never led a soul to Christ – and survey say 95+% of christians NEVER have- why not? You are missing the greatest joy and the REAL reason God leaves you on earth.
If you can’t get a big one, get a little one.
Can’t you find a 10 year old that will listen to God’s plan of salvation and get saved?
Go try it! It NEVER get old!
Kent Hovind
Post Script
9:00pm- The brand new convert Michael brought another new man- John Crosley- to me and said, “Hey Kent, can you tell John about that saved part?” Twenty minutes later John prayed to receive Christ! It NEVER gets old!
Please write to them and send a simple, entry level, Bible study or encouragement.
Ya’ll coulda had one ifn’ you’d a wanted one! 
Thanks! Share it with your friends!
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