March 30,2014 Spring Update for Kent Hovind
1. Snowing AGAIN as I write! The turkey saw his shadow though so only 6 more months of winter! The calendar says it’s spring but here in Berrrrrrlin, NH it is still COLD most of the time! Global warming? HA! See “What in the World are they Spraying” from to understand THAT lie and how it ties in with the tribulation and coming famine!
God has been good through all this who-o-o-o-ole trial and prison time though and 1000 good things have come from it besides the many souls saved and things I’ve seen and learned! I’ve been locked up since Nov. 2, 06 in 5 different camps and 8 or 9 transfer centers. My son and family continue the creation ministry and keep winning souls. What a blessing THAT is! Check for updates and to help with the Genesis in 3D movie.
2. Hal keeps the web site up to date with the latest in my situation including my almost weekly blogs. See the interviews at for some recent pictures of me as well as to help a new creation ministry in Canada.
3. I have a LOT of legal issues going now in 5 courts. (See I Tim. 1:8; Pro. 18:13) ALL are looking good! God has supplied an AMAZING legal team to help me. Here is a brief description of the cases and issues-more details are on A. When I was moved out of the camp in S. Carolina in 2010 they kept my box of legal files for 20 MONTHS! During that time the 12 month deadline to file my 2255 motion expired. We filed a “Bivens Suit” for damages and to force them to hear my 2255 motion since it is THEIR fault I missed the deadline. They are TRYING to get the suit dismissed, as usual. Typical S.O.P. lawyer stuff. We filed another motion 3-17-14 on that one. Follow it on
B. May 22, 13 I filed a Complaint of Misconduct against the judge in my case. After 6 months of investigation it was dismissed without addressing a single issue in the complaint! It’s on 2peter3 for details. That’s normal too. No problem.
C. In June, 13 the Supreme Court ruled judges cannot enhance sentences beyond what was found by the jury (as they have done for years and they did in mine!). The SC did NOT rule that it was “retro-active” so we are waiting on that to file a motion for my release once they do. Could be any time.
D. Nov. 19 I filed a Tort claim for damages in this case. The government has 6 months to offer a settlement or it goes to court. This one will help advance the creation ministry in several ways!
E. On Dec. 9 and and again on the 19th I filed Complaints of Misconduct against the US Attorney in my case in both courts where she is admitted, FL and CO. Read the one filed in Colorado for a good summary of the issues in my case. She will have to respond soon to the items listed in that complaint. Everyone wrongly incarcerated should do one!
F. Feb. 8 the folks at “Rational Wiki Foundation” wrote an article accusing me of breaking the law. Feb. 20 my celli Alex and I each filed a Tort claim for damages. That has the atheist internet lit up! It prompted a spirited but short lived email debate between myself and self professed (and outspoken) “atheist” PZ Myers in mid March. Those are on 2peter3. I think it would be appropriate to use the proceeds from the wiki suit to promote creation! See PZ on Evolution vs. God DVD.
It looks like just 8 more lawsuits (or so) and maybe they will leave me alone! I have said for years that I believe everyone should obey the law-including the government! I didn’t start any of these fights. They attacked me.
G. Senate Bill 1675 was passed by the Senate committee and is awaiting a vote by the senate and the house. They will probably tweak it to death and remove any good it would do because so many legislators and judges own stock in and profit from the prison system. (THAT should be stopped!) The last thing they want is to pass legislation to shrink the prison system! IF they make it 1/3 off for good time AND make it retro-active AND if they make it effective immediately rather than 10 years from now, and IF they DON’T give BOP discretion, it could free thousands including me. See I Tim. 6:10!
H. While I was in prison the “Tax Court” held a trial and found me guilty without me being there! They sent me a bill for a zillion dollars. We appealed in the 11th circ almost a year ago. They said they “lost” the paperwork for a while and said it was dismissed because I didn’t file it! We sent proof that I did file it- twice -and suggested that maybe the clerk’s office “mishandled” it and submitted a motion to reinstate the appeal. Still waiting on an answer to that one.
I. In 2007 Congress passed a law that allows me to have 6 months “home confinement” AND “6 months 1/2 way house.” I was given the home confinement so I go home Feb. 2015. BOP does NOT want to follow that law because it impacts their budget! I filed a lawsuit to make them also give me the 6 months 1/2 way house. When I win that I’ll go THIS August! (unless one of the others issues makes it sooner). Atheists, evolutionists and fools (Ps. 14:1) get ready! Ya been talkin big and kickin me when I’m down. Schedule a debate time and let’s see how brave and smart you are against “an uneducated men with degrees from diploma mills.” :)) See F. above and Acts 4:13!
4. My 240+ page full color book “What on Earth is About to Happen…for Heaven’s Sake?” explaining my switch from “pre-trib” to “post-trib” rapture is helping many folks understand end times (and making my pre-trib friends upset!). I’d love your comments on that one. It’s loaded with charts and graphs and done in my typical 4th grade level style. It’s on
Peter said that the scoffers would be ignorant of the creation, the flood and the coming judgment. I preached on the first two for years and can now preach on #3! It was ALMOST worth coming to prison just to get my “eschatology” straight!
5. I have written quite a few books and booklets (35) as well as scores of stories and hundreds of blogs and “knee-mails” since coming to prison. The stories for my 5 Hovind Grandkids are a great blessing to write and have helped many who read them grow closer to the Lord. I pray they inspire many others to fulfill the last verse of the Old Testament! 6 more books in that “Magic Globe” series are coming out soon. Let me know if you want to help get them finished for eBook posting.
6. A few people have asked how they can donate money to my needs here or the legal defense fund. Anyone can use Western Union or mail to put funds in my account Kent Hovind #06452-017 FBOP Box 474701 Des Moines, IA 50947. See Marianne if you need help.
7. You can email me (through Marianne) at Please tell others about that web site as well.
8. Bible studies and “church” services with the new converts is going well. We need a few more large print KJB. We also need lots of Christian or just wholesome movies! Send them to “Chaplain FPC Box 69 Berlin, NH 03570” “For Camp”
Thanks for your prayers! I’ll see you at the finish line! Kent Hovind POW #06452-017 FPC Box 9000 Berlin, NH 03570
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