Hating Valentine’s Day | FrontPage Magazine

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“I feel sorry for those trapped in fanatical Islam. There is no singing, dancing, music in the mosque just sermons about hating infidels and the glory of dying for Allah in jihad. They all need to experience the love of Christ like these former Muslims have which would set them free from spiritual darkness.”  Admin

Today, Friday, February 14, is Valentine’s Day, the sacred day that intimate companions mark to celebrate their love and affection for one another. If you’re thinking about making a study of how couples celebrate this day, the Muslim world and the milieus of the radical Left are not the places you should be spending your time. Indeed, it’s pretty hard to outdo jihadists and “progressives” when it comes to the hatred of Valentine’s Day. And this hatred is precisely the territory on which the contemporary romance between the radical Left and Islamic fanaticism is formed.

The train is never late: every year that Valentine’s comes around, the Muslim world erupts with ferocious rage, with its leaders doing everything in their power to suffocate the festivity that comes with the celebration of private romance. Imams around the world thunder against Valentine’s every year — and the celebration of the day itself is literally outlawed in Islamist states.

Read More  Hating Valentine’s | FrontPage Magazine.