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An Ethiopian man witnessed a vision of Jesus that healed him from an incurable disease. After being healed he converted from Islam to Christianity and now shares his testimony and the love of Jesus Christ in Ethiopia. To give donation to CBN: www.cbn.com
A teen boy in Ghana who was a Muslim became a Christian. His father was strongly against it. His father also threatened him to kill. He escaped to his friend house. A few weeks after he hid from his father, he heard that his father had paralytic disease. He went home back and prayed for his father. His father was miraculously healed. And entire family become Christians. www.cbn.com Prayer line: 800-759-0700
Amy was born in Muslim family in Syria. At age of 18, her family moved to Egypt. She went to school in Europe. She renounced her faith when she moved to Egypt. She’d never had peace in her heart until she saw Jesus in her vision at the moment she was planed to do surgery next day. Amy could found peace and love in Jesus Christ. www.cbn.com Toll Free Prayer Line: 800-759-0700
Al Fadi is a former Wahabbi Muslim from Saudi Arabia. He is the researcher, editor, writer, and translator for numerous ministries, including “Answering Islam” and runs an outreach ministry designed for non-Muslim and Christians. To give donation to CBN: www.cbn.com
Naeem Fazal was born and raised in Kuwait. He grew up in a Muslim household, was a teenager in the midst of the Gulf War, and came to the United States in 1992. He had a supernatural experience with Christ that changed the course of his life. Naeem is married to Ashley and is a proud father of his two children. To give donation to CBN: www.cbn.com
From Islam to Christ. Khalil, A radical Egyptian terrorist changed from a murderous “Saul” to a forgiving “Paul” after Jesus Christ visited him in a soul-penetrating dream. This hater of both Christians and Jews set out to discredit the Bible, but instead, he was transformed when Jesus appeared to him and changed his heart. http://dreamsandvisions.com… God told in Joel 2:28 “And it shall come to pass afterward,that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,your old men shall dream dreams,and your young men shall see visions” This is what happening in these last [More]
Khaleed likes music. The Lord told worship leader Eddie James to take him on his tour. He started to witness of miracle healing. Soon after, he encoutered with God and he saw heaven. That was the moments that he changed his life to Lord Jesus. (The original video title is “Khaleed: Changing a Muslim’s Mind”.) This video is from CBN and if you want to give donation to CBN: www.cbn.com To see videos of heaven testimonies: www.heavenvisit.com
12/04/18   Late last month, Ramin Parsa, a Christian pastor who fled Iran as a religious refugee, was arrested for privately sharing his faith testimony in the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn. He fled persecution in Iran and Turkey, only to find persecution in the land of the free and the home of the brave.   “I came to the U.S. as a political and religious — as a Christian — refugee. They oppressed me for my faith in Iran. I was stabbed in Iran,” Parsa told PJ Media in an interview on Tuesday. Then last week, he was [More]
Amanda was trained in the Middle East for suicide bombing missions. Hear how Jesus appeared to her in a vision and healed her in her most desperate moment.
After growing up under the harsh brand of Islam practiced by her father, Hephzibah was hesitant to share her conversion to Christianity with him. CBN website, http://www.cbn.com To learn about more Islam, http://www.answering-islam.org http://www.answeringislam.com
03/29/19   “The Pope seems to be going to great lengths to imply that Christians and Muslims worship the same God nowadays. That’s nice if you are trying to promote some sort of one world religion but there are however major differences between the two religions regarding the nature of God and who Jesus is that make the God each worship completely different. Watch these two videos featuring Mark Gabriel, a former Muslim, who shares his personal testimony on becoming a Christian plus the differences between Bible and Koran.   Former Muslim Mark Gabriel: The Nature of Islam Differences between [More]
By Ken Ham Every day at AiG, we pray, often have a short Bible study, and then give a few announcements. Recently, the entire staff gathered at the Creation Museum to hear a special speaker. Last week, we had one of the most memorable speakers in recent memory who shared his thrilling testimony with us. Samer Mohammed grew up in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon and was indoctrinated with a hatred for Jews and Christians. He calls himself a former “man of hate,” but today is now a “man of love.” His father worked alongside Palestinian terrorist Yasser Arafat, [More]
This is a great testimony from a Muslim who had an actual encounter with Jesus. And Kamran could also saw Jesus was sitting in the throne in heaven through his vision. Jesus is the only way to heaven.
Fatuma lives in the little village of Alelu in rural Ethiopia. She considers her simple life a gift from God, because it was God himself who raised her from the dead. Fatuma grew up Muslim but had converted to Christianity. She says after she died, she felt herself being drawn to heaven. She goes on to describe the glories of heaven along with the people she saw. Dead raisings do happen today. We serve a God that does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Be reassured believer, that Heaven is more real than this life.
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV; websites: www.MuslimHope.com, http & www.HistoryCart.com), interviews Rev. Saleem Masih who lived in Pakistan for 33 years as a member of the minority Christian community. Rev. Masih reveals what it is like to live in a Muslim country (97.6% of the population)providing shocking details of persecution of non-Muslims under Islamic laws and customs. Masih reveals the lack of law enforcement against criminal activities of Muslims against non-Muslims for such things as kidnapping, rape, murder, job discrimination, etc. Non-Muslims are treated as second class citizens (this not only [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Answers (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV, websites: BIBLEQUERY.ORG, HISTORYCART.COM & MUSLIMHOPE.COM) interviews Audrey Kaufman, mother of three, about her encounter with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Audrey, mother of Stacy, Jason & Jerret, lost custody of her children to her ex-husband who later became a Jehovah’s Witness. Audrey gives personal testimony of her battle to regain her children & consequently free them from the Jehovah’s Witness lifestyle. Hear her dramatic story of a heart-felt journey from despair to triumph. The children tell their story of what it was like to grow up in the Jehovah’s [More]
The religion of Islam makes very clear and definitive statements about women and their roles. Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater, and Dr. Steve Morrison, director of research for Christian Answers (Steve has written 4 books on Islam: “Reliability of the Bible & Christianity vs. the Qur’an & Islam,” “Answering Muslim Objections to Christianity,” “Letting Islam Destroy Itself in a Muslim’s Mind,” & “Christian Dialoging with Muslims”, see also website MUSLIMHOPE COM) analyze Muhammad’s concept of women & thus the Muslim view of women in this 3 hour series. While Muslim men are allowed to [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (search MuslimHope.com, BibleQuery.org & HistoryCart.com), interviews Rev. Saleem Masih who lived in Pakistan for 33 years as a member of the minority Christian community. Rev. Masih reveals what it is like to live in a Muslim country (97.6% of the population)providing shocking details of persecution of non-Muslims under Islamic laws and customs. Masih reveals the lack of law enforcement against criminal activities of Muslims against non-Muslims for such things as kidnapping, rape, murder, job discrimination, etc. Non-Muslims are treated as second class citizens (this not only includes Christians but [More]
What happens when a Muslim converts to Christianity? Hear Mark Gabriel’s testimony with Dr. David Reagan on the show Christ in Prophecy.
09/23/20   In Egypt, converting from Islam to Christianity is seen as a betrayal of your family and heritage. In Muslim families, any member who leaves their Muslim beliefs and upbringing subjects themselves to tremendous pressure from their immediate and extended family to renounce Christ and return to Islam. Some are locked up, others are isolated, tortured or even killed.   Recently, our Open Doors team in Egypt met with a new believer who shared his awe-inspiring testimony of how God used his cousin’s conversion to remove the scales from his own eyes.   Read More: God’s Word pierces heart [More]
During the height of one of the most brutal months of Muslim persecution of Christians, the U.S. State Department exposed its double standards against persecuted Christian minorities. Sister Diana, an influential Iraqi Christian leader, who was scheduled to visit the U.S. to advocate for persecuted Christians in the Mideast, was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department even though she had visited the U.S. before, most recently in 2012. She was to be one of a delegation of religious leaders from Iraq — including Sunni, Shia and Yazidi, among others — to visit Washington, D.C., to describe the situation [More]
I recently had the privilege of speaking with a Muslim convert to Christianity. Thousands of Muslims have experienced dreams and visions of God, and “Baris” took the time to share how a vision of Jesus changed his life. When I asked Baris to share his testimony, he spoke about his devout Muslim family who means everything to him. He arrived in the United States as a graduate student more than a decade ago, and now owns several businesses. In Turkey, he was a “missionary” of the Islamic faith, and he continued to live as a good Muslim here in the [More]
“I ask you based on this quote from the article: ““We Jama’atu Ahlissunnah Lidda’awati Wal Jihad are fighting Christians wherever we meet them and those who believe in democracy, those who pursue Western education wherever we meet them. By Allah, we will kill whoever practices Democracy” does this sound like someone you can deal rationally with or more like the rantings of a deranged psychopath, the answer is obvious. But nevertheless he is  carrying out exactly what the Koran tells him to do … kill infidels. He desperately needs a supernatural encounter with Jesus to be released from such gross [More]
“I feel sorry for those trapped in fanatical Islam. There is no singing, dancing, music in the mosque just sermons about hating infidels and the glory of dying for Allah in jihad. They all need to experience the love of Christ like these former Muslims have which would set them free from spiritual darkness.”  Admin Today, Friday, February 14, is Valentine’s Day, the sacred day that intimate companions mark to celebrate their love and affection for one another. If you’re thinking about making a study of how couples celebrate this day, the Muslim world and the milieus of the radical [More]
When Mormon missionaries come to your front door to try to convert you to the religion that Joseph Smith, Jr. created back about 180 years ago what can you expect? No reason to wonder now as Larry Wessels & his friends deal with every argument, tactic, feelings based testimony & anything else the Mormons can throw at them in this continuing series of discussions with Mormon elders & temple workers all in Larry‘s front living room. Mormonism teaches that God used to be a man on another world and that he became a god (this is called exaltation) and came [More]
The religion of Islam makes very clear and definitive statements about women and their roles. Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater, and Dr. Steve Morrison, director of research for Christian Answers (Steve has written 4 books on Islam: “Reliability of the Bible & Christianity vs. the Qur’an & Islam,” “Answering Muslim Objections to Christianity,” “Letting Islam Destroy Itself in a Muslim’s Mind,” & “Christian Dialoging with Muslims”, see also website MUSLIMHOPE COM) analyze Muhammad’s concept of women & thus the Muslim view of women in this 3 hour series. While Muslim men are allowed to [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV; see our other 15 videos refuting evolution at www.youtube.com websites: www.BIBLEQUERY.ORG, http & www.MUSLIMHOPE.COM) is joined in studio by the “In Defense of the Faith” crew as they present yet another radio broadcast. The special guest for this presentation is Jim Stambaugh, staff librarian for the Institute for Creation Research (website www.ICR.ORG), contributor for ICR publications, Christian apologist & is one who has actually debated Hugh Ross. Hugh Ross has a PhD in astronomy and astrophysics, has a ministry called “Reasons To Believe,” & has written [More]