Gardasil Vaccine Hoax: Vaccine Side Effect Risks Higher than Cervical Cancer Risks

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By Admin – Orissa


Duty to Warn: Gardasil and Cervical Cancer: Are We Witnessing a Hoax in the Making?

(Exploring Big Pharma’s Assertion that Gardasil Will Prevent/Cervical Cancer)

by Gary G. Kohls, M.D.

According to a recent Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) report, cancer of the cervix was the 14th most common malignancy among Minnesota women. It was the 17th most common cause of cancer death.

In Minnesota, according to the statistical information provided by the MDH (published at, the incidence of cancer of the cervix among Minnesotan females of all races is a miniscule 6.8/100,000 population (ie, 6.8 …read more

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