Dr. Kent Hovind – His New Book On Bible Prophecy, The Rapture Of The Church and The Last Days

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http://2peter3.com/BookWhatOnEarth.html In his startling new book, “What On Earth Is About To Happen … For Heavens Sake?”, Dr. Kent Hovind will provide the big picture of the history of the world and what is about to happen. This profusely illustrated, 260 page book (available in paperback or ebook format) will cover:

. What the bible teaches about the creation of the world
. The scientific evidence for a global flood in noah’s day
. Daniels amazing prophecies about end times events
. The seven year tribulation period and the rapture of the church
. The time of God’s wrath and the 1000 year reign of Christ
. The Day of the Lord and the Great White Throne Judgement
. What we should be doing now

This information is extremely vital as the world races
towards its final judgement.

To get your copy immediately, go to the website below or Amazon.com which also has it in paperback form

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