Doubts About Darwinism – Dr. Don Johnson

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Seminar by Dr. Don Johnson
September 5, 2014
The Expedition Christian Church
Mountlake Terrace, WA

This is a partial recording of Dr. Johnson’s full talk titled “Evolution, Species, and “Kinds””

Downloads notes from this lecture.…

About the Speaker: Don Johnson has earned Ph.D.s in both Computer & Information Sciences from the University of Minnesota and in Chemistry from Michigan State University . He was a senior research scientist for 10 years in pharmaceutical and medical/scientific instrument fields, served as president and technical expert in an independent computer consulting firm for many years, and taught 20 years in universities in Wisconsin , Minnesota , California , and Europe . Since “retiring,” he has done consulting, speaking, and writing (4 books & several peer-reviewed papers). He has made presentations across the US and on most continents.

His Biblical Creation & Science web site is at:

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